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  Dyson said:
Sad to hear about Tphi's departure, but out of curiosity, where is he off to work? :D




  ReZourceman said:
Has auto-merging double posts function been removed? Cos' Ellmeister just did a double in the Pokemafia thread.


It was lowered quite a while ago to less hours.


After Dan was moaning...


Its now dawning on me he moans a lot. Maybe he should be axed.


I've already answered that right above your post.


And of course "the rumours" are true, I only speaketh the truth!

The book's opening line "Who is John Galt?" becomes an expression of helplessness and despair at the current state of the novel's fictionalized world. Before finding the real John Galt, Dagny Taggart hears a number of legends of Galt. After eventually joining his cause, she learns that all of the stories have an element of truth to them.


I don't know how this applies. :(


Because it misses out two thirds (i.e. about 700) pages of the book.


Go read Atlas Shrugged. Then you'll understand.


Captain Falcon is John Galt?


You can't expect us to read a whole book.


Also I just watched the entire Bourne trilogy yesterday, isn't that enough?


I'm doing this for your own good!


Captain Falcon left because he requested to. He gave no reason or rhyme and I did not ask for it.

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