Sméagol Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Comprehensive rules - The gameflow: the combination of a dayphase and a nightphase will be called a turn. Dayphases will last for 48 hours, and are ended by the dayphase deadline, nightphases will last for 24 hours, and are ended by the nightphase deadline. The deadlines for both phases will always be at 00:00 CET (23:00 UK), although I will be somewhat lenient. If players wish to end the dayphase early, the only way is to gain a majority on a lynch, or gain majorities on both the President as well as the lynch. - Voting during the dayphase: there are 2 things you can vote for, the usual lynching, but on election days you can also elect a President. Therefore, on election days, you need to specify what you want to vote for (unspecified votes will be considered lynch votes). You specify your intention by either writing "[vote lynch: [player]]" or "[vote president: [player]]" in bold, where [player] obviously is the player of your choice. Both votes need an absolute majority. If you don't want to lynch anyone, you can [v]vote: no lynch[/b]. Similarly, if you don't want to choose a new President, you can vote: no President. You may change your vote before a majority has been reached. With set deadlines at 00:00 CET, gaining a majority for either vote, will not cause the dayphase to end. However, votes made or changed after either gained a majority, will not be taken into account. Also, you may still post normally after majority has been reached, untill the dayphase deadline. If majority for a lynch, and for President on election days, has / have been reached within the first 24 hours of the dayphase, the dayphase will be shortened to 24 hours. - The executioner: besides an absolute majority in voting, a lynching requires an executioner. To volunteer for executioner, write "[volunteer for executioner]" in bold. Without volunteers, a lynch will not go through. If multiple players volunteer, you have to decide amongst yourselves who will be the executioner. When no decision is made, I will pick someone randomly among the volunteers. Note that, the identity of the player will not be revealed in the lynch write-up. - The president: the player who is the current president, will have some additional useful abilities at his or her disposal. Players who are chosen to be president, will remain president for 2 turns, including the turn he or she was chosen. After this term, players can vote for a new (or the current) president. In the event no majority is reached, the current president will remain president. Players will have a new opportunity next turn to elect a new president. At the start of the game, there will be an active president, who I will not reveal. Note that, the identity of the player will not be revealed in the inauguration write-up. - Using abilities during the turn: at the start of a turn, each player will receive an Ability Point. Ability points don't accumulate, you lose any you have at the end of the turn. These Ability Points can be used on activated abilities. Your role description will generally specify activated abilities in the following format: "activated ([x]): [ability's name]: [any other requirements; any specifications you need to make as well as the effects your ability will have]" Here [x] is the activation cost in Ability Points. In general circumstances this is 1, generally resulting in the usual 1 ability a night. However, some abilities may modify the circumstances, and there may be activated abilities with different activation costs, or additional requirements. Some abilities can only be used once a turn, this will be specified. In order to notify me of which ability / abilities you'd like to use and how, send me a private message with the following: In the title: "BG Mafia: ability: turn [x]", where [x] is the current turn. In the message: "[ability's name]: [any specification, like targets]" If you have multiple abilities you'd like to use (or abilities you'd like to use multiple times), please state each one on a seperate line. There may be some abilities which can be activated before the dayphase deadline, this will be specified. - Passive abilities: apart from activated abilities, some players may have passive abilities. These are static abilities which are always functioning, usually waiting for a trigger to do anything specific. Your role description will generally specify passive abilities in the following format: "passive: [ability's name]: [any triggers and effects]" - Timing: unless stated otherwise, you may send me the private message with your ability usage at any time during the turn, including the dayphase. Exceptions are day abilities. And unless stated otherwise, your ability will resolve (have effect) in the nightphase of the current turn, just like your used to from other mafia games. However, there are exceptions. This will be specified in your ability description. There are the mentioned day abilties. There are a few abilities who will take effect "real-time", generally meaning immediately, specifically meaning "as soon as I get online and receive your private message". Other abilities will take effect at the start of the next turn, or even at the start of the next phase. Some abilities will behave differently depending on the moment they are activated. This will all be specified in the ability descriptions, but if it's not clear, don't hesitate to ask. - Role descriptions: I may or may not be withholding information concerning your role and abilities. Sometimes obvious, sometimes not.. Always intentional. Also, I've provided every role description with a link to their character profile on a battlestar wiki. This is purely for reference only, for those unfamiliar with Battlestar Galactica, and may or may not actually be helpful for the game. - Ability conflicts: there will be a specific order of priority among activated abilities. In case 2 or more abilities of the same type conflict with eachother, the order of priority will be determined by the time when I received the related private messages. - Activity: at all times, you are required to send me a private message before the nightphase deadline of each turn, stating your intentions for that turn. If you do not wish to use any abilities or are unable to do so, simply state: "BG Mafia: no action: night x", where x is the current turn. If you fail to do so, you will be flagged as inactive in the players list. I will take no other action, however, other players may base their decisions on this list. When you send me a private message after being flagged, I will remove the flag. If you find this bothersome, remember that this set-up doesn't require you to actually post. - Notifications: you may get various notifications from me as a result of the effects of abilities from others or from your own, or when you get role updates. Please check if you have received any private messages from me before you check the gamethread. Game related notifications will have BG Mafia: notification: [subject] in the title. - Other private messages: if you want to ask me a question, about the rules, or the workings of your abilities, etc., you can private message me, prefferably with "BG Mafia: question" in the title. If you think you spot a mistake (could happen), please add "BG Mafia: mistake" in the title. If I did make a mistake, I will let you all know, and do my best to correct it. Keep in mind, I'm often deliberately withholding information, and some "mistakes" may be intentional. In which case, my response won't be very helpful. At any point during the game, you may private message me with "BG Mafia: status" in the title, if you wish to check your current status, or the number of Ability Points or various counters you may have. - The write-ups: except for the turn 0 write-up, I suspect they will be pretty minimal. Write-ups will be posted some time after the dayphase and nightphase deadlines. I may take my time, since I will be triple checking everything, and I like to format my posts to the extreme, so don't be alarmed if they don't show up immediately after 00:00 CET, but rest assured I'm working on them. This is also why I will be somewhat lenient regarding sending private messages before the deadline, if the write-up isn't online yet, you still have a chance. - Game mechanics: The gamemechanics are influenced by Magic formalities. Targeting is not the same as choosing for example. They both do mainly the same, but have different implications. Also, counters are used, to keep track of certain elements of the game. It will be specified whenever you gain or lose counters. - The usual: no editing, no posting during the nightphase, and no posting while dead. Although I will be lenient concerning off-topic posts and the usual "fuck you, I'm deceased" posts. No directly quoting text from any private message I send you, such as the role descriptions. - The unusual: no thanking posts when dead or silenced. - Rule infractions: for any major rure infraction, the player will get a warning point (or even more if it's a severe rule infraction). After 3 warning points, the player will be inflicted with the modblocked status, basically a roleblock, for each time he or she gets a warning point. After 4 warning points, the player will have forfeited any rewards he or she may get upon completing the game, however, the player is still allowed to play (there will be no modkills). Warning points will be denoted with a red X after a player's name in the players list. - Standard win conditions: unless stated otherwise, your win condition is one of the following: For good players: You win when all threats to the colonial fleet have been eliminated. For evil players: You win when all Colonials and Colonial sympathisers have been eradicated. - Awarding points: I will award points for specific aspects to decide the rankings. You get 0,5 points for fulfilling a standard win condition (can be done post-humously if your faction wins), and 1 point for fulfulling a non-standard win condition. Simply surviving will get you 0,5 points. - Disclaimer: rules are subject to change Rules summary: - Deadlines are at 00:00 CET. Dayphases last 48 hours, nightphases 24. - To shorten the dayphase to 24 hours, a majority must be reached for the lynch vote as well as the President vote if applicable. - [vote president: player ] to vote for president on election days. - [vote lynch: player ] to vote for lynch. - [volunteer for executioner] to volunteer for executioner, this is required for the lynch. - A private message from all players before the nightphase deadline is required, or you will be flagged as inactive. - To use an ability: "BG Mafia: ability: night x" in the title, and "ability's name: any specification, like targets" in the message. If you don't use an ability: "BG Mafia: no action: night x". - Other private messages: "BG Mafia: question", "BG Mafia: mistake" or "BG Mafia: status" - No edits, no post when not allowed, no quoting me and no thanks when not allowed. You will receive a warning point for eacht rule infraction. Comment: The rules are slightly expanded since the last time, I've added a few things. Please read the comprehensive rules first, then you can use the summary for reference. Comment: Also, I think will make this my mod color . Write-ups will still be in black though. Reveal hidden contents There are 9 active players. Absolute majority is 5. [01] Aqui1a [02] Present [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell Black denotes active players. Grey denotes dead players. Red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] [turn [1] - dayphase] [turn [1] - nightphase] [turn [2] - dayphase] [turn [2] - nightphase] [turn [3] - dayphase] [turn [3] - nightphase] [turn [4] - dayphase] [turn [4] - nightphase] [turn [5] - dayphase] [Turn [5] - nightphase [Turn [6] - dayphase] Reveal hidden contents N/A Comment: I'll post the write-up in the next post. Anti-automerge please? Edited January 4, 2011 by Sméagol
Sméagol Posted December 14, 2010 Author Posted December 14, 2010 (edited) End of turn [0] - nightphase It started out as a usual day onboard the Galactica, but that's not how it would end.. <alarm is sounding> "Action stations, action stations, a Cylon shuttle has boarded the Galactica. This is not a drill." 2 soldiers are taking position in one of the possible hallways the Cylons could go through. Then they appear.. 2 Cylon Centurions. "What do you want?", the left soldier asks the Centurions. "What the frak man, you don't go asking these toasters questions! They don't even talk anyway!", the right soldier shouts to his colleague. "You're absolutely right!", says the other, so he gets an etch-a-sketch, and hands it over to the Centurions. "So, what do you want?", he asks again. One of the Centurions uses the etch-a-sketch, he clearly isn't used to it, he has a hard time gripping the knobs with his claws. But he manages to scribble something on it, and gives it back to the left soldier. Barely legible, but you can read "We come here to kill!!". "They come to kill, shouldn't we shoot the frakkers?", asks the right soldier angrily. "Well, the person right behind me says to allow them the first kill. Can't you see him?" "See who?" "Apparently not. His name is Sméagol, he says he's a messenger of God." "You mean the Gods?" "No, he specifically says "God". Oh well." The left soldier hands the etch-a-sketch back to the Centurions. "Are you going to kill us?" The Centurion who used the etch-a-sketch previously scribbles another anwser, he's getting better at it. He shows the soldiers his anwser. The etch-a-sketch reads: "No, we prefer to kill innocent and defenseless little children." He, or should I say "it", then throws the etch-a-skletch away, folds back its claws to reveal a triple barreled gun, and shoots a little boy who just so happened to be standing there behind the guards. A dog can be seen fleeing the scene. The left soldier comments: "At least it's not us.". "No, indeed. That kid was annoying anyway. But perhaps we can shoot them now?" "Well, sure, why not." So they proceed to shoot the Centurions, untill all that is left is scrap metal. The boy however, is reduced to pulp, no doctor could save him. Perhaps this God has some kind of plan for us? Boxey is deceased. He was annoying good. He was an NPC. Start of turn [1] - dayphase Reveal hidden contents [01] Aqui1a [02] Cube [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell Normal black denotes active players. Italic grey denotes dead players. Normal red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] Today is election day. Next dayphase deadline is 17-12-2010 00:00 CET (16-12-2010 23:00 UK). Gameplay tip: Remember, there's is actually something you can achieve today! Comment: Sorry, roles probably will take a while (formatting hell )! Grabbing my teas first! At least you'll have something to read . Edited December 20, 2010 by Sméagol
Aqui1a Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Alright! I nominate & vote for myself as president. [vote president: [player]] Seriously... -.- [vote president: Aqui1a]
The Peeps Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 [end dayphase] vote president: Cube For no real reason
Sméagol Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Sorry guys, didn't take into account the forum is crap at night, making the sending of the role PM's even slower.
Jonnas Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Woot! I see you thanked a post yourself, Sméagol [end dayphase] [Vote president: Jonnas] Duh
Tales Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Vote President: Tales Vote lynch: Jonnas (eliminating the competition)
jayseven Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 I'm. So. Excited. Vote: No lynch I'd love to PreZ one of us up but not knowing what extra info it contains, there's no point risking it!
Aqui1a Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 I suggest we vote somebody as president on this first day phase. Not much harm can come from it, and if some harm does come from it, we'll have a good idea of where that harm came from.
The Peeps Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 We already have a secret president actually so Remove president vote I'm happy to leave it with a random secret person until we have someone definitely good who we can elect / until we know what benefits we are giving someone.
Sméagol Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 (edited) Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Aqui1a] [1]: Aqui1a [Cube] [1]: The Peeps [Jonnas] [1]: Jonnas [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [1]: jayseven [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [End dayphase] [2]: The Peeps / Jonnas Jonnas said: Woot! I see you thanked a post yourself, Sméagol [..] Hmm? As opposed to, letting others do the thanking? :p Anyway, I finally got through all the role PM's. I hope I didn't make any mistake by forgetting to remove info you shouldn't know . If you think you see any mistakes, or when you have questions about your role, please ask me. I'm drinking my final tea for tonight, I'll head to bed in a sec (and get up in a few hours probably ). I have plans for today, so except for when I get up, I probably won't be online 'till midnight. Edited December 15, 2010 by Sméagol
Aqui1a Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 So you're willing to have a person whose identity we don't know and we're unlikely to find out, as the president? At least if we vote someone in, we will know who they are, and they will be restrained to some extent... If we leave this unknown person as president, they can get away with murder... literally. So we should definitely vote for someone as president today.
The Peeps Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Who do you suggest? We don't know enough at this stage. I don't think the presidency would be assigned to the mafia on the first turn.
Aqui1a Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 As you seem to have voted for him for no reason, which is possibly our best option for having a random candidate, I suggest Cube be voted for. (Surely there's some logic in there? lol) [Changevote President: Cube]
The Peeps Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 We already have an unknown president though who tbh is more likely town than mafia. I voted Cube just because he's been a good townie in previous games but he could easily be mafia in this one.
Sméagol Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 (edited) Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Jonnas] [1]: Jonnas [Cube] [1]: Aqui1a [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [1]: jayseven [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [End dayphase] [3]: The Peeps / Jonnas / jayseven Edited December 15, 2010 by Sméagol
ReZourceman Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Jeez this game is gonna be/is pretty epic. [End dayphase] [President : Cube]
Cube Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Thanks for the votes: I'll let you know of any advantages tomorrow. [End Dayphase]
Jonnas Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Guys, I just followed aqui1a's joke, but just like love in the Disney Mafia, I don't think we should risk electing a random player. Remove President Vote Though, for clarification, are there any presidents in the series? Are they usually good or evil? And what do they usually do?
ReZourceman Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 We don't have to elect someone at random. I am willing to reveal that I am....good. So vote for me. :p
Aqui1a Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 It was a joke initially, but I think we'd be better off voting someone as president... It's a lot less riskier than leaving someone - who won't be identified, even in the write up - in that position. If it comes off good, we have an advantage over the mafia, and if not, we can hold someone accountable. Oh, and I've watch 8 episodes of BSG, and the president's made some pretty insignificant decisions, which have hardly changed anything in the story. And she seems good, but she could by a Cylon- who knows? be a Cylon* even!
Ellmeister Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Sweet thanks for the great role Smeagol! So looking forward to this now that poopy pokemon mafia is over. Do we vote executioner on the day? I'd like to vote for myself as the executioner of a no lynch! Vote: No lynch
Sméagol Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Goddamn, instead of sleeping, I've been thinking of my game.. Tweak this, add that.. Hmm. Seems I'm not done tweaking even when the game has started ! On the upside, I'll sleep great tonight. Quick update, I won't be here for long, but I'll be back after a little movie marathon around midnight. Voting count: There are 17 active players. Absolute majority is 9. President: [Cube] [2]: Aqui1a / ReZourceman [Tales] [1]: Tales Lynch: [no lynch] [2]: jayseven / Ellmeister [Jonnas] [1]: Tales [volunteer for executioner]: Ellmeister [End dayphase] [5]: The Peeps / Jonnas / jayseven / ReZourceman / Cube
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