Diageo Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 President : Herojan I was told MadDog, the serious man was a cylon.
Sméagol Posted December 26, 2010 Author Posted December 26, 2010 (edited) Final voting count: There are 14 active players. Absolute majority is 8. President: [heroicjanitor] [8]: Jonnas / Tales / jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming / The Peeps / mr-paul / Zell / heroicjanitor / gmac / Diageo Lynch: [Present] [8]: Jonnas / Tales / jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming / Paj Meen Ah / Nintendohnut / heroicjanitor / The Peeps / Diageo / mr-paul / Majority for President vote has been reached. Majority for lynch vote has been reached. [volunteer for executioner]: Tales / Present End of turn [4] - dayphase After 4 days, the people of fleet finally managed to settle on a new official President. The last voters hastily put their ballots in the box. After all the votes have been counted, a winner is declared. Then everyone runs off. "Wait! What about.. A ceremony?" the newly elected President asks confused. "Here" someone shouts, while throwing an object towards his head. "Ow!" he scratches his head. The object lies on the floor. "A crown?!" heroicjanitor has been elected President. He will remain in office untill at least 02-01-2011 00:00 CET (01-01-2010 23:00 UK) (turn 5 & 6). He picks up his crown, and just follows the crowd. It seems there are more important matters at hand. Inside the airlock a passionate woman is kept. "I'm beginning to see things differently. Please listen to my story! I've done you no harm so far.." the woman pleads. "You're evil, it's written on your face. Throw her out!" "I can be useful!" she finally says while the inner doors are closing. Then the outer doors open. A minute later, the airlock is empty. Caprica Six is deceased. She was evil , or was she??, and a rebel. She was played by Present On the intensive care, the dedicated woman was lying. She regained consciousness that day, but her vital signs are extremely weak. "At least, I got to tell my story. I served my purpose". The vital signs on the monitor flatline. The medical staff tries to save her, but ultimately, they fail. Laura Roslin is deceased. She was unfortunately the first victim good, and the initial President. She was played by Jonnas. Start of turn [4] - nightphase Reveal hidden contents [01] Aqui1a [02] Present [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell There are 12 active players. Absolute majority is 7. Black denotes active players. Grey denotes dead players. Red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] [turn [1] - dayphase] [turn [1] - nightphase] [turn [2] - dayphase] [turn [2] - nightphase] [turn [3] - dayphase] [turn [3] - nightphase] [turn [4] - dayphase] Next dayphase deadline is 27-12-2010 00:00 CET (26-12-2010 23:00 UK) Comment: Sorry, a bit late! I'll probably be late tonight as well (so a few more hours for the deadline). Comment: Happy 2de Kerstdag / Boxing Day / general Holiday(s)! Edited December 26, 2010 by Sméagol
Sméagol Posted December 27, 2010 Author Posted December 27, 2010 Comment: I'll extend the deadline by 24 hours (untill tomorrow) as proposed yesterday, seeing as I haven't received many PM's from you, understandable of course on this occasion. Deadline is 28-12-2010 00:00 (although probably a bit later even). I'll send a reminder about 1 or 2 hours prior to de deadline, to everyone who hasn't send a PM by that time.
Sméagol Posted December 28, 2010 Author Posted December 28, 2010 Eventhough I have most of the PM's I've decided to extend the deadline for this nightphase with 1 final day, so the last few have untill tomorrow to PM me my actions (they've received reminders). I'll probably extend the deadline on new year's eve as well.
Sméagol Posted December 29, 2010 Author Posted December 29, 2010 (edited) End of turn [4] - nightphase The loyal man walks the corridors of the Galactica. On his way he encounters the shady man. He stops him for a second. "Hey, wait a minute," the loyal man begins. "I need to talk to you. I trust you, I think. I'll be.. Busy tonight. I need someone to take care of things for me tomorrow. You up for it?" The shady man hesitates for a moment, but you can hardly tell from behind his sunglasses. "Sure, I'll see what I can do" he responds. They part. While the shady man is on his way to find a grumpy man, the loyal man stops by.. The brig. "I don't feel safe. I think I'll just.. Spend the night here" "But sir! You have duties to perform!" the guarding soldier objects. "I've done everything I wanted for today, and tomorrow is a new day. Now if you don't mind" He enters the brig. The guarding soldier is confused, but he can't refuse the man anything. He locks him up. A watchful woman enters the nervous man's office, they have an appointment. "So, I believe you have a test for me?" she asks. "Yes, I only need a bloodsample. I'll be done quickly" he responds. He takes her bloodsample, then she leaves. A grumpy man can be seen walking the hallways of the Galactica that night.. A rare sight. He's wants to visit someone, but he's unaware of his current situation. Nevertheless, he won't make it to him anyway, because he's stopped by an anxious woman. "Come with me, you'll be safe" "But I'm making a housecall" the grumpy man responds. "Never mind that, just come with me! They're after us!" She grabs the confused man by the arm and drags him to her raptor. But when she's about to take off, she experiences a major headache.. Much worse than last time. Shje has a shocked look on her face, as if she realises something terrible. She looks at the grumpy man, who looks back at her even more confused than he already was. "Are you ok?" he asks. "I.. I.. Have a headache" "Maybe you shouldn't be flying then. I can take a look at it" "No, it's ok. We should go" She goes through with what she set out to do in the first place, and departs with the grumpy man in her raptor. An inquisitive woman takes her crew in search of a loyal man, however, she's not able to find him initially. She does some asking around, then finds out he's in the brig. So that's where's she's headed. "I only want to ask him a few questions" "I can't allow that, sorry" the guarding soldier replies. "What's he in for?" "Can't tell ma'am" "So.. Do they pay you good? Because I can offer.." The soldier stops her. "Sorry ma'am" Realising nothing will make him cooperate, the inquisitive woman and her crew leave disappointed. The shady man has arrives at the grumpy man's office, only to find an empty place. "That's disappointing" "You're looking for someone?" the doubtful woman asks. She's looking for trouble. "Ah, it's you. Well yeah, I was.." before he could finish his sentence, he's punched in the face. "What the frak!" he exclamates. "Yeah? And that's not all. You know your girlfriend? She's so ugly, she gets mistaken for your boyfriend!" "My wife is dead! You motherfrakker! You've done it now!" They have a brutal fight. Blood is spilled. But finally, they both give up, when they lie exhausted on the floor. "So you do this for fun huh?" the shady man asks. "Pretty much. Well, not exactly. Anyway.." She gets up, then leaves. The shady man's cat, in his travel crate all this time, looks unfazed by the event that has just taken place. He looks as confortable as ever. The doubtful woman is out of sight. The shady man gets up too, but notices some pins lying on the floor. "Must be from her uniform" He takes them, and leaves the scene. The doubtful woman is walking towards her bunk, when suddenly she's stopped by the idealistic man. It's as if he was waiting for her. "I really like what you're doing" "Punching people in the face?" the doubtful woman asks confused. "Yeah, please continue. Make the most out of it tomorrow." The idealistic man leaves as quickly as he had appeared, like he usually does. Exhausted from her fight, and confused from her talk, the doubtful woman resumes her way, when suddenly a gunshot can be heard from the corridor where she just fought the shady man. She turns around, to assess the situation. When she arrives there, she sees the shady man lying on the floor. From the corner of her eye she can she a woman running away. The doubtful woman chases after her, but when the other woman turns a corner, she loses track of her. She gets back to the shady man's lifeless body. She gets some soldiers to secure the place. "I guess you don't have a home now huh?" She grabs the travel crate.. The cat looks distressed. Romo Lampkin is deceased. He was clever good, and he was a lawyer. He was played by Nintendohnut. Somewhere else, a dog sneaks in the couragous woman's quarters. She's simply sleeping. He doesn't know why he even tries anymore. There are no cookies to be had here too. He barks loudly, waking the couragous woman up in a shock. The dog leaves. Start of turn [5] - dayphase Reveal hidden contents There are 11 active players. Absolute majority is 6. [01] Aqui1a [02] Present [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell Black denotes active players. Grey denotes dead players. Red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] [turn [1] - dayphase] [turn [1] - nightphase] [turn [2] - dayphase] [turn [2] - nightphase] [turn [3] - dayphase] [turn [3] - nightphase] [turn [4] - dayphase] [turn [4] - nightphase] Next dayphase deadline is 31-12-2010 00:00 CET (30-12-2010 23:00 UK). Edited December 29, 2010 by Sméagol
Tales Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 Quiet around here. Unfortunatly I don't have anything that's useful right now(unless things happen) so I'm just bumping. Looks like heroicjanitor got paranoid :P
Diageo Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 I have a feeling my powers are useless. Fun.
The Peeps Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 The person I targeted didn't target anyone and no one targeted them. Unless they actually get accused of something today, I'm not going to have anything to contribute.
heroicjanitor Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 The inquisitive woman tried to investigate me eh? As you can see Nintendohnut was my vice-president, and I was to put him in charge while I was gone. Since he was good you can take it that I am good and it is unnecessary to investigate me further. From Nintendohnut's previous targeting I can see that the inquisitive woman is good, and the doubtful woman is at least neutral. Since Nintendohnut was an investigator/thief, who used his cat to tell if people were good, I think the doubtful woman now has that ability. I also think she is neutral. She roleblocked Nintendohnut tonight even though he accused Danny yesterday, but the cat seemed at ease when he investigated her the other day. It appears she has also been commanded to kill someone tonight, or at least punch them more aggressively. Would be nice to know who she is :p The idealistic man is troubling me because he seems to have predicted Nintendohnut's death, since he told him to be careful yesterday. If I had been paying more attention around that time I'd have known to have him protected, sorry But the idealistic man was also happy when he spoke to Dannyboy, and is telling ms doubtful to kill/maim. I can't tell if he is mafia or not... My current theory is he can steal/give ability points.
Mr-Paul Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 All these adjectives can be quite confusing, but I think I have an inkling who the doubtful woman may be... but no idea over the alignment or actual character. Is today an election day or have we still got you heroicjanitor?
jayseven Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 Just to add, I've not appeared since dayphase 1 write-up, as far as I can tell, hence my lack of info (as I can only draw from that, anyway).
gmac Posted December 31, 2010 Posted December 31, 2010 well I'm the grumpy man and it looks like I've been roleblocked for 2 turns by the anxious woman (last night and the next)
Sméagol Posted December 31, 2010 Author Posted December 31, 2010 Comment: Maybe hosting a game during the Christmas period wasn't such a good idea . A grand total of 10 posts is a bit disappointing. Final voting count: There are 11 active players. Absolute majority is 6. Lynch: [gmac] [1]: heroicjanitor Majority for lynch vote has not been reached. End of turn [5] - dayphase Everyone had a hangover from the party last night. They were celebrating.. Something. They can't remember what though. As such they weren't inclined to get things done today. Nobody is deceased. Start of turn [5] - nightphase Reveal hidden contents There are 11 active players. Absolute majority is 6. [01] Aqui1a [02] Present [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell Black denotes active players. Grey denotes dead players. Red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] [turn [1] - dayphase] [turn [1] - nightphase] [turn [2] - dayphase] [turn [2] - nightphase] [turn [3] - dayphase] [turn [3] - nightphase] [turn [4] - dayphase] [turn [4] - nightphase] [turn [5] - dayphase] Next nightphase deadline is 02-01-2011 00:00 CET (01-01-2010 23:00 UK). Comment: Note you have 48 hours, to facilitate celebrating New Year's eve and all .
Sméagol Posted January 2, 2011 Author Posted January 2, 2011 (edited) End of turn [5] - nightphase The doubtful woman is walking the corridors of the Galactica. She seems to have trouble maintaining her balance.. She passes by several people, before she sees a nervous man and watchful woman. They look like perfect victims.. If only she could focus. "Hey you! You.. Guy.. Heh, you.. You.." The nervous man looks annoyed, the watchful woman looks surprised at the commotion. But before she could finish her sentence.. She falls to the floor. A loyal man walks by, and sees the pathetic Colonial lying on the floor. "You are a disgrace to this fleet!" he says to her with a vile look on his face, like only he can. He arrests the woman for disorderly behaviour, and drags her to the brig. But she's to passed out to notice. The nervous man, still annoyed a bit, heads back to his office. A defected woman was already there, waiting for him. "Ah yes, the test, I'll go get my equipment" he says to her immediately upon seeing her. "Is it really necessary? I mean, surely, you know what the result's going to be?" she asks. "It's just for the record, so there's no doubt about it when I receive my results" "Ok, go ahead" He takes a bloodsample. "I will have the results in the morning" The defected woman leaves the office, going back to her work. The idealistic man is headed towards the hangar. Once there, he walks towards a Raptor. An anxious woman is beneath it, doing some repairs of some sorts. "Can I help you?" the woman asks. "No not at all. I just wanted to say to you that I love your flying. Everytime I look out of the window, and see your Raptor flying off, I can do nothing but admire your skills. "Ah, thanks. It does take great skill to fly one of these things." "That's what I thought" The idealistic man and the anxious woman continue talking a bit about her being a pilot, but then she ends the conversation. "I'm sorry, I loved our little chat, but I still have some stuff to do" "Ah ok, no problem" The idealistic man leaves. Back at the brig, an inquisitive woman is looking for the doubtful woman, but the news of her being arrested she didn't receive well.. "For frak's sake! Why are my guests being arrested all the time! I have a show to run you know!" she shouts angrily at the guarding soldier. "Sor.." "Yeah sorry ma'am, I know. You're useless" she interrupts. She storms off with her crew. The loyal man is heading to the brig, for the second time this night. On his way, an angry woman passes by.. He doesn't give it much thought. "Sir, you again?" the guarding soldier asks? "You know what to do" The guarding soldiers sighs, and opens the door. The loyal man enters the same brig where he dragged the doubtful woman into earlier. The woman has woken up in the meantime, and although she has a major hangover, she's at least finally aware of her situation. "So what am I doing here?" she asks him. "You were drunk." "Ah. So what are you doing here? Have you been drinking too?" "I have. But unlike you, I can hold my liquor.." "That's a lie!" "Anyway, I came to bring you your cat. And also.. I feel safe here." "It's not my cat, it's.." The cat seems at ease. Untill a loud barking can be heard from outside the brig. "What the frak is that soldier??" the loyal man shouts. "Nothing sir.. Just a dog. He ran off again" After a while, the 2, and the cat, fall a sleep. Inside his office, the nervous man is testing the bloodsample the defected woman provided earlier. His computer is about to display the results, when a shot is heard. The nervous man drops from his chair. On his way down, he breaks the vial with the bloodsample. The blood of 2 people lie spilled on the floor. Gaius Baltar is deceased. He was unfortunately a bit clueless neutral, and a scientist. He was played by Diageo. Various people witnessed a woman fleeing the scene.. Start of turn [6] - dayphase Reveal hidden contents There are 10 active players. Absolute majority is 6. [01] Aqui1a [02] Present [03] Dannyboy-the-Dane [04] Diageo [05] Ellmeister [06] gmac [07] heroicjanitor [08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming [09] Jonnas [10] MadDog [11] mr-paul [12] Nintendohnut [13] Paj Meen Ah [14] ReZourceman [15] Tales [16] The Peeps [17] Zell Black denotes active players. Grey denotes dead players. Red denotes inactive players. A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point. Reveal hidden contents [turn [0] - nightphase] [turn [1] - dayphase] [turn [1] - nightphase] [turn [2] - dayphase] [turn [2] - nightphase] [turn [3] - dayphase] [turn [3] - nightphase] [turn [4] - dayphase] [turn [4] - nightphase] [turn [5] - dayphase] [Turn [5] - nightphase Next dayphase deadline is 04-01-2011 00:00 CET (03-01-2011 23:00 UK). Comment: Sorry, a bit late, got distracted by some games . Edited January 3, 2011 by Sméagol
Ellmeister Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 So I am apparently the watchful woman, did not know that, also I was arrested?
The Peeps Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 I'm the watchful woman. I know this for certain.
heroicjanitor Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 The Peeps is the watchful woman, Ellmeister is the doubtful woman. I knew this before the night. I arrested you Ellmeister because I thought you might kill after the idealistic man spoke to you. I arrested myself because I can still do that after arresting you. How did you get so drunk :/ Aqui1a Ellmeister gmac heroicjanitor jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming mr-paul Paj Meen Ah Tales The Peeps Zell I assumed a watchful woman would be some sort of investigator or tracker, how come you don't seem to be finding anything? There are 4 mafia left and 6 others who may or may not be townie. Vote: Paj Meen Ah for inactivity, I count 9 people in the write-up so inactive Aqui1a is townie or neutral.
Tales Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Why is the defected woman(Jayseven) never appearing in the write up, except when others are approaching him? Has he said what he is doing?
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