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Come to think of it as well, any power is useful if it shows things up in the writeup, not maybe so much in its power's sense, but it could reveal stuff about targets etc?


  Nintendohnut said:
So I'm assuming you're the greeny pokemon chillaxing in his hut and not stretching himself too far? Or is that completely not the case?


Assuming he isn't lying. *shifty eyes*

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  Rummy said:
Fair point, but can't roleblocking be useful for town eventually? Admittedly it does seem much handier in the hands of the mafia so I don't know. I'm not too worried myself about it anyway, I guess. It's not just a power we lose, either. I'm not saying he's definitely town, just that I don't feel we have enough to justify the lynching, yet.


The whole point of the lynch is that his power didn't seem like a roleblock though. Do you think it looks like a roleblock?


Vote: No Lynch


I do see why Zell is under suspicion but I don't think we can justify a lynch based on the little evidence we have. We've not even heard from Dyson yet either.


I'm back!


A few comments on the discussions:


Diageo is always distrusting of everyone and everything in a mafia game. It was nice that he pointed it out (I hadn't thought of it), but as he said, he didn't vote, so it was mostly just speculation. I personally don't think it's anything to go on, but it's always good to take note.


Does anyone know if Dyson has actually been online over the weekend? I don't recall seeing him much on the forums lately, so maybe he's simply inactive? (Which is a sin in itself, but that's another matter ...) He may be able to shed some light on Zell, but he may just as well not.


As for Zell himzellf (lol) ... I'm not convinced that he's evil yet, but I am definitely somewhat suspicious.


I'm off out, looks like we'll be waiting for night to roll round anyway, I guarantee to tell you guys something tomorrow, though what it will be worth, probably not much lol.

  Diageo said:
Neither Dyson or Zell are saying anything, I think if this is indicative of their future participation in this game then we can take the risk.


Vote: Zell


Excuse me? This is an extremely suspicious post. I have been saying stuff, I've come out and defended myself. I've been at uni all day working so this is the first opportunity I've had today of posting.


It looks like you're trying to create excuses to vote for me.


  heroicjanitor said:
Well here is the evidence so far:

1. His move sounded pretty violent and the yellow pokemon avoided it. That doesn't sound like a roleblock. Dyson will have to tell us if he has some sort of roleblock-avoiding ability, but until then it sounds like a move with a percentage chance of hitting, which is likely to be more than a simple roleblock.

2. He never commented on the fact that he was fleeing, which is mildly suspicious. Then when it was pointed out he said he was fleeing because he missed the yellow pokemon. Then when it was pointed out he was fleeing before the attack he put it down to flavour. Just seems like he was hiding something.

3. Usually you'd get more people questioning than defending if he was town.


I would lynch for this but yeah it isn't proven, just likely(imo).


None of what you just said was evidence. That was just your reasons for suspecting me.


1. My blast was described as "hugely powerful" but that in no way implies a malicious intent. You keep using the word "violent", which has a lot of negative connotations, but this is nowhere in the write-up. This is just your interpretation. I've already said that it makes sense for me to be powerful because I'm a legendary pokemon. As for why I missed, I've already said that I don't know why I missed. Ask Dyson.


2. I have commented on the fleeing part. I have no idea why Rez wrote that I was fleeing since I have no reason to be fleeing anything. Why the hell would I be fleeing before I tried to roleblock Dyson? That doesn't make any sense. The wording in the write-up is ambiguous, but I guess I would flee after my roleblock failed. It would be awkward if I just hung around. My point is that fleeing does not imply that I'm bad.


3. This is a moot point.

  Zell said:

1. My blast was described as "hugely powerful" but that in no way implies a malicious intent.


2. Why the hell would I be fleeing before I tried to roleblock Dyson?


1. It kinda does imo. You don't send a hugely powerful blast someone's way to be friendly.


2. Maybe he targeted you? Your blast could have been a retaliation, combined with the fleeing.


If Dyson would just say something we'd have this mystery sewn up...


The day is essentially over and we have learnt little. If everyone knows that Zell will be targeted tonight, the mafia will probably, if they have a way to do so, make him appear good if he's evil, or make him appear evil if he is good.

Posted (edited)

Vote : No Lynch - 3; Brian Mcoy, EddieColeslaw, The Peeps.


Vote : Zell - 4; Cube, heroicjanitor, Jonnas, Diageo.


The Pokemon could not come to a conclusive decision and they retired to their huts. Several Pokemon lit candles for Magikarp...they placed them in the centre of the town, at the recently formed Rattata Shrine. It gleamed gently as the summer night closed in.




Current Players (20);

Brian Mcoy, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Dyson, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Heroicjanitor, Jayseven, Jonnas, MadDog, Marcamillian, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales, The Peeps, Zell.


Night Two deadline is 20:45PM GMT on 15th March (23 hours)


Please send your PMs! :)

Edited by ReZourceman

(Glew isn't a word. I think you mean glowed, or possibly gleamed.)


  ReZourceman said:
The Pokemon could not come to a conclusive decision and they retired to their huts. Several Pokemon lit candles for Magikarp...they placed them in the centre of the town, at the recently formed Rattata Shrine. It glew gently as the summer night closed in.



Posted (edited)

The night fell over the town, and although the previous few days had bought darkness and fear to the town the atmosphere the sky was releasing was surprisingly mellow.


A large and keen eyed Pokemon witnessed a decisevly motivated Pokemon for the night.


A regal magenta, cream and black Pokemon studied hard. After wobbling in an arousing manner for over four hours it fell to the floor and slept, comfortably.


A pale green, green and pink Pokemon was feeling happy as it carried out its task. Nearby a small orange Pokemon was watching carefully and intently. Feeling satisfied they each left. Later that night a Pokemon waddled out of the popular hut....


The weather was mild but again heavy rain fell. Two flickering green lights shone very softly in the distance all night long.


A small brown and cream Pokemon was hurriedly darting across the place. Entering the forest (one of its favourite shortcuts for its planned destination) it took to the tree tops. Frrraaaaaacccchhhhh, a burst of flames hit it to the ground and it rolled through some bushes, out of view.


A white Pokemon splashed a fellow Pokemon who was just returning home.


Beep. Beep beep. Beep beep beep. *processing* Blip. BLOP beep. Blip BLIP blip. Ping. Some beady eyes opened. Noticing strange symbols around it, it shook its head. There was no time for curious happenings when there is pranks to be played! It whisped in search of a lightning fast Pokemon.


Meanwhile, a small hut towards the back of the town became the centre of attention. The door opened and out burst the small yellow Pokemon. Darting across the town he ran straight past a grape and purple Pokemon. The bystander smirked, and the yellow Pokemon tripped over. He hurriedly got up and sprinted towards its target.


It finally reached its destination and nearly ran flat out into the indigo, grey and lilac Pokemon, but it halted its tiny feet and skid into the Pokemon, slowing down just enough to lightly tap the Pokemon. It opened its eyes from a slumber and glanced down. It raised one eyebrow....the small yellow Pokemon then paced back from where it had just came, the mission had been fruitless.


Returning home it hopped into its hut. A dull cyan and light brown Pokemon stood in the middle of the room. Smashing down the attacking Pokemon launched a devastating and fatal attack on the tiny and now tiring Pokemon. The dust cleared and a large and durable egg lay on the floor, a cowering and fatigued Pokemon cowering behind it. The attacker fled for fear of witnesses. The small yellow Pokemon retreated to bed feeling decidedly poor.


The sun rose.




Current Players (20);

Brian Mcoy, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Dyson, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Heroicjanitor, Jayseven, Jonnas, MadDog, Marcamillian, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales, The Peeps, Zell.


Day Three deadline is 15:45PM GMT on 17th March

Edited by ReZourceman

I think the mafia tried to kill Dyson, but Dyson may be able to avoid attacks (as also seen on the first night).


I also think I spot a Primeape in the write-up.




p.s. I love actually being able to identify the Pokémon in this game without needing to Google.

  heroicjanitor said:
But Dyson didn't avoid that, he was protected by someone.


Ah, I missed that bit.


Anyway, it seems strange to go for an inactive player. Unless they think he knows something important.

  heroicjanitor said:
But Dyson didn't avoid that, he was protected by someone. I also think the mafia may have attacked him tonight, since there was no death.


Where in the write-up do you see that? The egg in the last paragraph?


We didn't see who killed chair, but it seems quite obvious that last night's killer was the dull cyan and light brown Pokémon. It seems like the egg protected Dyson somehow, but I'm not really sure about that.


Is it safe to believe that the green and light green Pokémon is the same in both write-ups, only with pink added last night? Ivysaur, perhaps?

  EddieColeslaw said:
Where in the write-up do you see that? The egg in the last paragraph?

Yep. We know there is an eggy player from yesterday. Though "inheritance revival egg" doesn't sound like a protection move. Could be a separate power.


  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
We didn't see who killed chair, but it seems quite obvious that last night's killer was the dull cyan and light brown Pokémon.


I really doubt that is the mafia killer in the write-up btw. If the mafia have an invisible killer they will use him. Common sense.


But I think the mafia killer attacked Dyson too, since no one else died and it was highlighted that Dyson was "now tired". As Cube hinted at(but didn't want to say) the reason for attacking Dyson could be to stop him from saying anything about someone... Zell? :p I don't want to fall into a mafia trap though, that could be what they want me to think.

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