nkarafo Posted August 9, 2006 Posted August 9, 2006 I finally completed it too. Despite the fact that the ending was a kinda disappointing, this is a great game. Top-quality music and thank God no voices, only plain text, good graphics (not the best but good enough) and very good gameplay. Actually this is the standard for any turn-based strategy game. Recommended to everyone!
Fused King Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) Yeah, so apparently, this thread exists:laughing: Anyway, I just wanted to say that, as I've been spending time with The Sacred Stones, this game is incredibly addictive and I'm having trouble putting it down once I get started. I can only imagine how awesome the other games will be. Also, is it normal to quit the game after you've lost one of your loyal teammates after you fucked up with your strategy? I just can't get myself to continue when that awesome chick or that suave dude dies, so I just start over. Another question: when a character advances with a certain weapon type, is that advance bound to that type, or is it bound by that weapon? It has to be the type, no? Because there's no way to save a weapon from deteriorating. Anyway, consider me hyped for Awakening!!! (I must say, after having been dissapointed by Zelda, this, Okami and Rayman Origins are good for one hell of an awesome gaming time:D) Edited May 15, 2012 by Fused King
Ike Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 Fused King said: Also, is it normal to quit the game after you've lost one of your loyal teammates after you fucked up with your strategy? I just can't get myself to continue when that awesome chick or that suave dude dies, so I just start over. Totally normal Fused King said: Another question: when a character advances with a certain weapon type, is that advance bound to that type, or is it bound by that weapon? It has to be the type, no? Because there's no way to save a weapon from deteriorating. Bound to the type, you can see your current levels in the characters stat screen somewhere. The rank on the actual weapon just means what rank you need to be able to use it.
Jonnas Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) Holy...This thread exists!? Fused King said: Also, is it normal to quit the game after you've lost one of your loyal teammates after you fucked up with your strategy? I just can't get myself to continue when that awesome chick or that suave dude dies, so I just start over. This is not just normal, it's practically mandatory The only time I let someone stay dead, it was my first-ever playthrough, on a very difficult map (which I had restarted multiple times), and it was a character I wasn't using much, anyway. But never again. Fused King said: Another question: when a character advances with a certain weapon type, is that advance bound to that type, or is it bound by that weapon? It has to be the type, no? Because there's no way to save a weapon from deteriorating. It is bound by type. Check one your character's 3rd screen (the one with supports on the lower side, and weapons on the upper side) and you can see how your character's doing. There's a small bar below each weapon, you can see roughly how far it takes to get to the next level. Basically, what weapon ranks allow you to do is to wield better weapons. For example, Joshua's Killing Edge? C-Rank. I'm betting Franz can't use it yet, because he's not C-Rank in Swords yet. (You can see the rank of any weapon by checking its stats. "Prf" means that weapon is exclusive to a certain character) I am glad you are enjoying the game, Fused King Fire Emblem is possibly my favourite series. What chapter are you on? Edited May 16, 2012 by Jonnas
Fused King Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Jonnas said: I am glad you are enjoying the game, Fused King Fire Emblem is possibly my favourite series. What chapter are you on? I'm at Chapter 11 now. We're taking the route through the mountains because the Merchant nation is too hostile and divided. All those names of places and people are quite tricky to remember
Jonnas Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Ah, you took the Eirika route, then. The merchant nation was...Carcino, right?
Fused King Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Jonnas said: Ah, you took the Eirika route, then. The merchant nation was...Carcino, right? Yeah, Carcino (almost like Casino, that's how I should've remembered it). I started the game with Eirika, so I thought I might as well follow her path. She grew on me, along with the characters you meet in the beginning. You just keep encountering more and more characters who then join your group, which made me form a sort of core group of 'originals' so to speak: Eirika, leader Seth and Franz, cavalier Gilliam (heavy-armoured spear guy) and Garcia (Tough axe man) as my main force on foot. Ross (son of Garcia, upgraded to a Pirate), Lutte (fire mage) and Neimi (archer) right behind them Moulder (the priest) oversees all their injuries I believe all of them have some support going on, but some take more time than others....at least I think so. Garcia and Ross bonded quite quickly, but maybe that's because they're father and son, but it took me ages just to get Gilliam and Garcia to armwrestle I do keep those last 6 close together because of this whole 'support' business. It's good fun:D
Ike Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Fused King said: Seth Try not to use Seth too much, he's a promoted unit so he doesn't get much EXP from enemies which other units would benefit from more. He's useful if you get in a bit of trouble though. It's less of a problem in this game due to the extra maps but it might save you some trouble later.
Mandalore Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Just finished my 3DS ambassador version of The Sacred Stones last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it, really looking forward to Awakening now.
Fused King Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 I'm fully aware of that Ike, thank you. A big part of the awesomeness of this game is leveling up your characters and watch them grow. Daddy's little fighters
Jonnas Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 And you're enamoured with the supports already, too! Good going, these supports are one of the main reasons I keep replaying these games. Just remember that each character has a maximum of 5 supports, so if you want to reach A-support with someone, don't go overboard. And you're right, Ross/Garcia is one of the fastest supports in the game (11 turns for C-Support and 20 turns for the others). Meanwhile, Gilliam/Garcia takes...40 turns per rank, according to my sources.
Fused King Posted May 17, 2012 Posted May 17, 2012 Jonnas said: And you're right, Ross/Garcia is one of the fastest supports in the game (11 turns for C-Support and 20 turns for the others). Meanwhile, Gilliam/Garcia takes...40 turns per rank, according to my sources. Damn, no wonder it took so long. But I am determined to keep my main group supporting eachother. Also, I thought there were only 3 ranks in the whole 'supporting' business: C -> B -> A.
Jonnas Posted May 17, 2012 Posted May 17, 2012 Yes, what I meant with "5 supports per person" is that this combination is not possible: Ross A Garcia B Lute B Amelia Because he supported three times with Garcia, twice with Lute and twice with Amelia. 3+2+2=7, which is bigger than 5. This is to balance the supports you choose to have, and it also preventss a character from getting two A-Supports in a single run. It also means that something like a Garcia that looks like this: Garcia B Ross B Gilliam C Seth 2+2+1=5 Means that he can't get an A Support anymore. Unless someone dies
Fused King Posted May 19, 2012 Posted May 19, 2012 Finally maxed out Garcia and Ross's support, and got Moulder and Gilliam talking for the first time. My rendition: Moulder:'Do you hear that Gilliam, I totally hear something'. Gilliam:'I've fought more battles than you, but I don't hear something, you're getting old' Moulder:'But I really hear something, can't you hear it, Gilliam!' Gilliam: 'You're a bit tense, old man. You've been touchin' to many young boys as a priest of Frelia.' Moulder: 'But I really hear something...' Gilliam: *Goes and talk to Garcia* Seriously though, 't was a strange conversation:laughing: Also, I have a question regarding the 'evolution' of characters. You see, Ross 'evolved' when he got to level 10 without any attribute, yet all the others up 'till now need something: A ring, A crest, ....etc. How does this work exactly, and what happens when you 'evolve' a character who's at level 13? Will het go to level 3 in his new form?
Jonnas Posted May 19, 2012 Posted May 19, 2012 Ross is a "trainee", like Amelia and Ewan. It's sort of a "Tier 0" that only exists in Sacred Stones, so they simply promote to "Tier 1" at level 10. (For clarification, Franz, Lute, Neimi, etc. are "Tier 1", while Seth, Saleh, Innes, etc. are "Tier 2") When you promote someone with a crest/seal/whatever, they are upgraded to their promoted form, Level 1, no matter at what level you promoted them. The maximum level is Level 20, so some players prefer to let them grow to Level 20 before promoting, but you can promote them at any time. Let's take Franz for example. Letting him grow to 20/20, involves him gaining 38 level ups, for huge stats. Promoting him early at Level 12 means he only has 30 level ups to grow. I think you should promote your units whenever you feel like they're lagging behind, and could use that extra boost.
Fused King Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 O.K. I get all that, but what I also want to know is how limited are these crests, rings etc.... Most of the time you find them or get them from a main enemy, right?
Jonnas Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 That is almost correct. While their number is meant to be limited, there are Secret Shops in the game that sell them at 10000 Gold each. Additionally, there is a "Master Seal" that can promote any unit (except Pirates and Thieves) Sacred Stones usually has more than enough, but there's only one Orion's Bolt (Archers) and one Ocean's Seal (Pirates and Thieves) that you can get for free. If you missed one of these, you need to buy it.
Captain Falcon Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 Jonnas said: I think you should promote your units whenever you feel like they're lagging behind, and could use that extra boost. The benefit of the world map in SS means that you can always tower abuse to strengthen up weaker characters if their levels are falling behind - obviously can help unfortunate level ups though. Anyway, after finishing off Blazing Sword, I've started on Sacred Stones now and am up to Chapter 13 I think on Ephraim's route. I'm playing my original cart as the ambassor GBA games are either too blurry or too small, depending on what you choose, and the colours are all washed out. The GBA cart in a DSL is the best way to go.
Fused King Posted May 31, 2012 Posted May 31, 2012 Another question: Is it possible to upgrade Erika? And what exactly is she? It says she's a Lord, is that a category of its own?
Captain Falcon Posted May 31, 2012 Posted May 31, 2012 Fused King said: Another question: Is it possible to upgrade Erika? And what exactly is she? It says she's a Lord, is that a category of its own? Erika cannot promote until a story driven event in Chapter 16. Then you can promote her at will unlike other story driven Lords who often promote on their own. Upon promotion, she will become a Master Lord.
Fused King Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 Damn, I've been stuck on Chapter 15: Scorched Sand for quite some time now. I go for Caellach first, but he just dodges so much and usually kills one of my units. Any tips?
Jonnas Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 (edited) Ah, Heroes are some of the most fearsome foes in Fire Emblem, especially when they're the boss. Luckily, this one only uses Axes. -Always check the window before you confirm a battle. If your character can survive two rounds without too much trouble, cool, but if he only survives one, rescue/dance them away from there after they attack once (or you can heal them and then whisk the healer away from his Tomahawk). Alternatively, just have then "wait" instead of starting the battle themselves. -Remember that his item (the one that protects against Critical Hits) can be stolen. Rennac should be able to do it, if you haven't been training Colm. If you still have good swords available (Killing Edge, Shamshir, Silver Sword, etc.), your sword users can defeat him. -Regarding Valter, he is best attacked long-range (He has Pierce and a Killer Lance, which makes him randomly OHKO you frequently). I think Rennac can also steal from him, which should make him fall prey to your Snipers. EDIT: One more tip, don't leave Ephraim's group alone in that corner for too long. Trust me on this one. Edited June 9, 2012 by Jonnas
Fused King Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Damn, this game is cruel! I nearly managed to defeat Caellach this time using one of your tips: Attack, then use Moulder to heal and rescue him. Alas, I would've had him if it wasn't for his dodge after dodge after dodge of my attacks and him suddenly going all critical on Duessel. I really don't have good sword wielders and I usually want to stick to the team I first picked for the mission, otherwise it sort of feels like cheating:heh: Jonnas said: EDIT: One more tip, don't leave Ephraim's group alone in that corner for too long. Trust me on this one. Don't worry, I've seen it happen every single time, but those forces are no problem, it's that damn CAELLACH!!!!!!!!
Jonnas Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Fused King said: I really don't have good sword wielders and I usually want to stick to the team I first picked for the mission, otherwise it sort of feels like cheating:heh: I think Seth is good with swords, no? He starts C-Ranked, and if you've been using him, he should be able to use the better swords by now. Also, I understand where you're coming from, but desert maps are designed specifically to make you change your gameplan (every single Fire Emblem has a desert map). Sometimes, we simply need to change our plans, even if we'd rather use our trustworthy team. Surely, Franz or Gilliam are lagging behind in this map? Dozla, Saleh or Innes could help.
Fused King Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 Jonnas said: I think Seth is good with swords, no? He starts C-Ranked, and if you've been using him, he should be able to use the better swords by now. Also, I understand where you're coming from, but desert maps are designed specifically to make you change your gameplan (every single Fire Emblem has a desert map). Sometimes, we simply need to change our plans, even if we'd rather use our trustworthy team. Surely, Franz or Gilliam are lagging behind in this map? Dozla, Saleh or Innes could help. I stopped using Seth in favour of Franz and his Brother. Hmmmm, after Caellach going critical on Garcia (Hero) this time, I considered switching up my team, but I think I now have th perfect strategy. Bear with me. . .
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