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  MoogleViper said:
Is there something wrong with the company? Why are people leaving so much?


I think the problem is more that this is an apprenticeship for a job that really doesn't need one. I think the first guy didn't realise that it would be so hands-on (usually the apprenticeship companies don't tell people much about the job/apprenticeship beforehand) and the second guy got a proper job offer.


Got a bit of good news this morning. Manager took 5 mins to chat with me about how I’m getting on as she got a 2 month reminder about my contract being up. She said there’s likely to be an perm position another contractor position within the same/similar team coming up and they’re talking about resources this week. She would like me to stay on in either of the positions. I said I would be very interested in both.


Interesting to see what happens over the next week.


Well, how much things can change in the space of a week,


I'm going to begin with a vent but *Spoiler alert* the end of this tale is a happy one.



I've been with my current employer 7 years. I began selling insurance on the phone, working for commission, but have seem my self rise rather rapidly If I do say so myself to a rather comfortable position within the company. I've been part of the DBA team for 2 years, and this year found myself the lead DBA which is quite an astonishing climb. I'm recognized throughout the company by directors, managers, team leaders etc, with none of them ever having a bad word to say about me, I've put a lot in for this place.


We've had a new project manager on board for close to a year, and within their time here they've certainly messed our team around with insufficient specifications for projects and dodging bullets by agreeing things verbally but then backing down and denying these confirmations when asked about things that have gone wrong,


well 2 weeks ago was the final straw, the project manager gave me a spec with 4 virtual machines that had *IDEAL* specifications (ram, processors etc) There was no indication on this if they were built, who would build them etc.


I don't specialize in building VM's but more so maintaining them, getting replication running on them, configuring their network etc. So I emailed this PM those exact questions "I'm assuming these will be built for me prior to my side of the work needing to be done?" Fairly harmless.


This PM has since emailed my managers manager, questioning if i'm capable of the work and asked another DBA work the project and doubt's my ability to do said project.




Our company board voted one of it's directors off the board 2 years ago, this director has set up a rival company with the ambition to bring my current employer down. He's set up business relations with companies that my current employer uses to stop us getting business, and it's working, we are at a cross roads currently with the highest staff turnover we've had in the 7 years I've worked here, and we're not replacing, something isn't smelling right here.


I bumped into one of the managers of said rival company last Monday morning (he worked for my current place of employment so we know each other) He said to me "So why aren't you here yet then?" I replied "I'd be very interested should anything arise i'd be suitable for"


He replied "leave it with me, just email me your CV"


Wednesday I get a call asking to meet up with them for a coffee, I met up with them Friday the 11th July at 10am. By 5:30 I've received a contract of employment with a substantial payrise and negotiated 25 days annual leave which is 3 more than they give new starters.


All in all... I'm very very happy. My notice went in yesterday morning, I'l be finishing on 31st July, with a few days off work and starting my new place on 12th August.


It took me a while to decide to leave, I mean 7 years and I'm pretty secure, but there is an uncertainty to how we are at the moment with the lack of recruitment, the questionable takeover we've just had and unfortunately certain staff members raising ridiculous things. The new company I'm joining currently has around 60% of staff from my current employer working for them, the majority jumped ship when they were offered, so I think I'm personally doing the right thing.


Anyways essay right there, in short, I've been loyal, I got insulted, I got out, I got more money :)


Happy Days!


Brilliant stuff @Murr - after seven years, to have someone question you like that is rude and unprofessional. It's always companies like these that never seem to understand why they are losing so many staff members and find themselves financially stuck. Like my old place.


:) GG!


Got an interview on the 31st. I'm calling it my last chance to get a programming gig. If I fail, I need to radically reassess my life and career plans. Been out of uni five years, stuck in retail is not where I want to be.

  Ramar said:
Got an interview on the 31st. I'm calling it my last chance to get a programming gig. If I fail, I need to radically reassess my life and career plans. Been out of uni five years, stuck in retail is not where I want to be.


If you are still getting interviews then I wouldn't give up.

Posted (edited)

Just got called about a job at a reeeaaally big agency. I'm a little short (I think too short) on experience but we'll see. I'm not expecting anything, and at the moment freelancing is going pretty swimmingly. So, we'll see.


It would be amazing if I got it but if I didn't it would be fine because I'm about 40 pages from finishing my book and that's really my focus right now. But you know, work, money and career need to be taken into consideration.


EDIT: Just read the job spec. There's almost no WAY I'm getting this. This is the kind of job I could go for in like two years. They're looking for 5 - 7 years of experience. The lady at the recruitment agency said they'll consider people with less but that's a serious shortfall on my part. Boo.


Still, nice to at least get on their radar.

Edited by Daft

If the recruitment agency thinks its worth putting your CV forward you may as well go with the flow and see what happens. If she knows you don't have that much experience but still wants you it's possible that they're struggling to fill the position.


Yeah, I'm meeting with the recruiter tomorrow to talk a little more about it. Like you said, it's worth a shot. It's one of the agencies in my head that I would drop everything for, it would allow me to do so much more beyond writing too. Even though I love writing, I want the option to do different things. Strategy and art direction, and cohesive campaigns across everything from digital to TV to social...


...This is like my dream career job.


My recent work positives have taken a knock, from my perspective.


First; taken on the training of the newb. During his interview stage I wasn't impressed but he was shot up here by management... Well after 2 weeks he's walked out. I've spent so much time prepping, writing up documents, setting up his workstation, training, guiding, teaching etc... far enough to say that I've spent a full week out of the last two dedicated to helping him in any way. And he's basically lied all the time. Office manager pulled him aside and he said "I can't be bothered" and "I have no interest in [this job]". And it pisses me off. During the interview stage I raised concerns but they were brushed aside... and they've come true. He's walked out and it makes me look bad.


My colleagues say that they know it was nothing to do with my training, but the thing is I know that the next person promoted is being trained by someone else. They don't know this. So when the next person comes in and I'm not training them -- they'll see it as a sign; "jayseven's training is no good so we're getting someone else to do it". And the annoying thing is the next person is someone I thought would be totally awesome at the job...


I've been promised the training role of the next person... and the work rotas have been changed so it's looking like the 'promotion' will occur at the start of august... however I've had no word about payrise, and I'm really starting to get paranoid that they're just unofficiallly promoting -- they may just shift more work onto me and my mate, without paying us any more. I've been sure to let my mate know that if this is the case i'll take teh job but I'll look elsewhere... I'm basically just preparing myself to face the facts that the project manager went off the hymn sheet by saying what he said to me 6 weeks ago. My gameplan has had to shift again... I may not be where I thought I was, and that's a bummer. If by september there's no recognition then I've got to start looking elsewhere. I'll chat with my bosses and explain the reasons why I feel I need more money -- but if they feel there is no job for me then I have to move. I am worth way more than I'm paid, I just made all the wrong choices this far.


A very shit day, basically.


I do love my place of work, not.


Had to go on the phones for an hour today, i've been helping the new starters learn the ropes of the calls and the systems this week (and will be for the next few weeks, nice). Had to go on the phones as i mentioned because management couldn't decide if anyone needed help. Had a few shitty calls, but managed to finish the last one with 2 minutes before home. Just as i'm closing things down, a manager pops along and says (and says with a smirk on their face). "2 minutes, why are you closing up. There are 5 calls waiting, take another call". I explain i have to go at 8pm otherwise i'll miss my train which will miss the connection i need to get home. They say they don't care, take a call. The only saving grace was my own manager whom repeated what i said to them, which resulted in them stropping off.


If I'm up at 2:53 am on a school night, you know I have to be CV writing.


I know I've only been in my current role as a manager since March, but I've come across a role on the jobs board that I'm going to go for. The only reason I knew to look out for it was because my current manager mentioned there may be some opportunities in the team coming up - it's a team of 5 including the manager but 2 have recently left. She doesn't really want me to leave but she thinks it would really suit me quite well.


So when I saw it on tuesday, I emailed the hiring manager to ask if we could get together to have a chat about it. I hadn't heard anything back from him but I knew I had a meeting with the guy today as part of one of our fortnightly meetings... but he didnt attend. So I asked his manager, who also happens to be my manager's manager if he was in and he said yes, but he's really busy. He did mention though that the guy had spoken to him about me emailing him asking about the role.


When I was telling my manager about it today, she'd been off the previous two days, she told me she already knew I had emailed the guy asking about it because their manager had told her today. And by all accounts, he's quite into the idea.


Despite not really having much experience from their side of things, he's not a fan of getting people in from outside the company as they tend to be poor or leave quite soon. So the fact that I already work under his area, and he thinks highly of me anyway (he's the guy who appointed me the manager without ever having met me after all), is positioning me quite well.


It's certainly not a done deal or anything like that, but when he's already talking to my manager about how they would handle the massive gulf my leaving would have on the department, he's clearly taking me as a serious candidate and that's already much more than I expected.


If I got this, it would be my third promotion within 12 months. I'd be a little sad to leave certain people behind, and very sad for some, but my time up to know has been spent developing a very broad knowledge base which whilst useful, it's not going to propel me up the ladder very fast. I know it's proven well so far but that's as much down to my own effort and commitment. To go further, I'll need to specialise and this will start to give me a bit more focus and help chart clear career paths.


On Friday at 3:30, my manager took me aside and said "this is your last day, you're officially on garden leave as of now. You've got an hour to pack your things and say your goodbyes"


And with that I'm now on garden leave for 3 weeks, cancelled my holidays I scheduled at the end of my notice period, so I'm off paid for 3 weeks and in my final payslip for Brightside will earn more due to collecting annual leave entitlement money too. Not a bad result really. Strange they waited a week after handing my notice in. Would of liked 4 weeks off paid.


As mentioned before as I'm joining the rival company that we're in a law suit with, that's why I'm on garden leave to stop me sabotaging or stealing anything to take over to the new place with me (not that I would)


So yes, a nice summer break for me :)

  Murr said:
On Friday at 3:30, my manager took me aside and said "this is your last day, you're officially on garden leave as of now. You've got an hour to pack your things and say your goodbyes"


And with that I'm now on garden leave for 3 weeks, cancelled my holidays I scheduled at the end of my notice period, so I'm off paid for 3 weeks and in my final payslip for Brightside will earn more due to collecting annual leave entitlement money too. Not a bad result really. Strange they waited a week after handing my notice in. Would of liked 4 weeks off paid.


As mentioned before as I'm joining the rival company that we're in a law suit with, that's why I'm on garden leave to stop me sabotaging or stealing anything to take over to the new place with me (not that I would)


So yes, a nice summer break for me :)


What a result.


Are you tempted to start your other job early or are you just going to enjoy your paid time off?

  Charlie said:
What a result.


Are you tempted to start your other job early or are you just going to enjoy your paid time off?


It's garden leave. The whole point is that there's a buffer between his old job and his new (so he doesn't take secrets across). He's still under contract at his old job, so it's against the law to start the new job early.

  MoogleViper said:
It's garden leave. The whole point is that there's a buffer between his old job and his new (so he doesn't take secrets across). He's still under contract at his old job, so it's against the law to start the new job early.


Not necessarily against the law. You won't be arrested for working whilst on gardening leave.


You could be sued however. So would strongly recommend that he erm "sits in the garden".

  Blade said:
Not necessarily against the law. You won't be arrested for working whilst on gardening leave.


Well I'd assume his contract states that he can't work for a competitor whilst still working for them. And as he's technically still working for them then he'd be breaking his contract.

  MoogleViper said:
Well I'd assume his contract states that he can't work for a competitor whilst still working for them. And as he's technically still working for them then he'd be breaking his contract.


Yeah, exactly that. A breach of contract.


Where to begin..... I never really enjoyed my job, i started here 3 days after going out of business when self employed and never really gel'd with the office manager. Infact she hated me from day one. But being self employed gave me a different outlook on work, and no matter what, no matter how shitty people were or bad the job was getting to me i promised to always give teh job my all. I would be the first person here and the last to leave, i would never say no to anything, i was literally the model employee. When i started i was on 16k, this was the 31/10/2012, upto 16.5K in April 2013.


We had a field sales rep leave in the June and i put my name forward to take his position on. The MD seemed happy enough with that and told me that we would move in that direction. By this time, the office manager had started to warm to me and things were running pretty smoothly except that the MD hadnt mentioned me being a rep again. I got contacted by a competitor and had an interview, they offered me 18k a year to go do the same job for them that i was already doing but the prospects were much much better there. So in December 2013 i handed my notice in.


The MD couldnt believe it and immediately offered me 22k a year to stay and promised me a company car and the reps job starting in January 2014. I agreed and stayed on, in January he bought a Ford Focus and gave me a company phone and fuel card and sent me out on the road 2 days a week. This pissed off the office manager no end and she was threatening to leave etc if i didnt come back in the office. At the same time the other rep for our company left to go work for the same competitor that i didnt join! He apparently offered the office manager a job with them and she was ready to leave, my life was becoming a living hell, work was horrible, id get back to the office after 2 days out and have all my work to catch up with.


We had over 600 people apply for the office job i was leaving but according to her none were suitable. Things came to a head in April and i was seriously considering just walking out. The boss gave me an unexpected pay rise of 2k a year bringing me upto 24k per year. I went away to Pompeii for a few days with the family and i came to the descision to tell the boss that things just were not working out.


So mid April, i sit with the boss and he tells me he thinks things are going great and its working really well. I told him that it wasnt, that 2 days a week were not enough and that they hadnt replaced me in the office yet. I told him that he may aswell put me back in the office because it was just a nightmare as things stood (turnover for my area had increased by 60% at this point). He agreed and instead of making teh office manager employ someone else to replace me he told me that he would be happy for me to go back into the office, that it would be easier to replace a rep than to replace me >.>


So that sort of back fired on me, and now here we are in July. We employed an expirienced rep to replace the other guy that left, and we have employed his son to cover the area that i was doing. Im basically doing everything for the new guy anyway to the point that i may aswell have stayed out on the road. The MD has now retired and the office manager has taken over as "General manager" so i know my chances of getting back out on the road have gone. Iv given back the company car and phone but they let me keep my wage rises so im basically being paid 24k for a job i was being paid 16k to do. The money is good but i have no chance of progression at all.


TLDR - Being paid 50% more than i was a year ago to do the same job with no chance at promotion. Should i stay or should i go?!


If you are unhappy then move along. No point doing something that you have to do for 5 days a week if you hate it.


Don't quit without finding another job unless you have savings. Just start looking. Only you know what's best for yourself.

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