Dante Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Dan Dare said: Yeah jesus Letty, you're making us look shit at this game. Or making other others look like lazy gets
welsh_gamer Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Letty said: All 7 Harry Potter books - Shadow V7 - 50 points The 6th book, Half Blood Prince is missing
Dante Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Lets see Letty has done: Reveal hidden contents Letty : 540297 220 Bluey A scene from your favourite movie - reenacted by jelly babies. 300pts A time machine - 300 points Coolness Bears Holding two N64 games in your mouth. 75 Points Three games beginning with the letter G. 50 Points Poking your head through a window. 25 points Watching TV wearing all blue. 125points Sitting on a cushion pillow with a cup on your head - 175 points SUIT UP! 150 points Dancing with the devil - 175 points Hi5!! - 150 points Shopping with a trolley - 25 points Exactly midnight - 50 points Cube The view from atop a hill - 200 points Someone doing a handstand - 100 points Something hot - 50 points An N64 Expansion Pak, Rumble Pak and Memory Pak 150 points Dan Dare A Mammal in mid air. for 100 points 3 people involved in a pretend gunfight - 125 points An avacado, butternut squash and aubergine!! - 100pts A Bowl of brown M&Ms - 250 Points Construction Worker - 75 Points Dyson 3 Tesco reduced stickers - 100 p A picture of a Dyson post - 40p Advent Calendar - 50 points Gizmo Golden shoe - 100p Haden VHS player. 50 points A robot - 150 points An animal asleep - 100 pts A spider's web - 50 points A full moon - 300 points JaySeven Foot drawn pic, including proof! - 100p Mr_Odwin Bumblebee - 150 point An adult (18+) going down a slide in a children's playground - 50 points My Buttons are Magic! Dr pepper can - 10pts Tesco Shortbread - 40 points Three pairs of pink shoes - 100 points Nami The sock queen - 132 points Your favourite Snack - 9 points Sonic - 33 points Some wiggly worms - 47 p Nightwolf A picture of a person wearing false eyelashes as a beard or some form of facial hair - 100pts 13:37pm on a clock face/ timer etc. 50pts Rainbow hoody!! - 25 points ShadowV7 Charizard Pokemon Card - 160 points A person in mid-air with a red top - 60 points Person eating food with chopsticks - 100 points Concert Ticket - 80 points 6 cans making a triangle 90 Clown bed 180 p Shorty 5 Wii Games, 5 Xbox360 Games and 5 PS3 Games all in the same shot - 100G You holding a picture of yourself holding a picture of yourself - 75G Rock Band drum kit - 50G Strider You playing air-guitar while wearing sun glasses. (50 points) 3 different controllers from 3 different consoles (50 points) A box of Rice Crispies - 50 points A cat - 50 points A 3 level card tower made of DVD sized cases (100 points) You must be sliding down the slide. (150 points) A Mr Potato head (100 points) A mannequin (100 points) Supergrunch A spectrum - 130 points Yeast - 10 points A decanter! - 50 points A walking Cane - 70 points Tom Banana custard - 75 points 3 different coloured washing up liquids, excluding green and blue - 50 points Twozzok Recursion - 100pts Welsh Gamer An older person (let's say 40+), playing Guitar Hero. (300pts) Any Indiana Jones poster. (50pts) Very dedicated girl.
nightwolf Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Yes we know she's done alot Dante, I feel we don't need reminding and jayseven can keep track .
Shorty Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Letty can we see a close up of that ticket? and you don't look very happy if it was a winner.... Also, no halfblood prince failorz. btw, watch this space. or a space nearby below this one.
Dante Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 nightwolf said: Yes we know she's done alot Dante, I feel we don't need reminding and jayseven can keep track . I was bored and I wanted something to do. Shorty said: Letty can we see a close up of that ticket? and you don't look very happy if it was a winner.... Letty said: Winning scratchcard - Strider - 250 points Looks like the ticket has 10,00 and two 5,000 circle. :p
Shorty Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Reveal hidden contents Strider - Air Guitar 50 Dan Dare - Avacardo, Butternut Squash, Aubergine 100 Nami - Basketball Net 159 Odwin - Bumblebee 150 (sorry for bad pic, I'm scared of bees!) Bluey - Completely black dog 175 Gizmo - Cat with Headphones 100 & Strider - A cat 50 ShadowV7 - eating with chopsticks 100 Tom - banana custard 75 Nightwolf - A dancing pig 200 Supergrunch - A decanter 50 Coolness Bears - Dancing with devil (t-shirt on) 175 Strider - DVD pyramid 100 Dyson - Post by Dyson 40 Odwin - real live fish 100 jayseven - picture drawn with feet 100 Gizmo - ...Gizmo 200 Gizmo - A Gold shoe 100 ShadowV7 - All 7 Harry Potter books (plus two!) 50 Cube - View from a hill 200 Cube - something hot 50 Nami - Lost soldier (of the republican guard!) 123 Coolness Bears - Midnight 50 Dan Dare - bowl of brown m&m's 250 Twozzok - The Mob 150 & Coolness Bears - SUIT UP! 150 Haden - Full Moon 300 Odwin - Mormon church 200 Cube - Expansion pack/rumble pack/memory pack 150 MBAM - 3 Pairs pink shoes 100 ShadowV7 - Charizard Pokemon card 160 Welsh Gamer - Platform 3 at train station 150 Strider - Black Fiat Punto 100 Supergrunch - Quill pen 150 Nami - Red Sky 60 Dyson - 3 Reduced Stickers 100 Strider - Rice Krispies 50 Gizmo - A Rocket Launcher 150 Moogleviper - she sells sea shells... 100 Coolness Bears - shopping with a trolley 25 MBAM - Tesco Shortbread 40 Haden - An animal asleep 100 Mr Odwin - adult (18+) going down a slide 50 & Strider - a slide/must be sliding down 150 (am i doin it rite) Haden - Spider's web 50 Gizmo - A sun dial 100 Bluey - scene re-enacted by Jelly Babies 300 (Superman saves Lois Lane and catches a Helicopter, "Superman: The Movie" by Richard Donner) ShadowV7 - (my first) Concert Ticket 80 Bluey - Time Machine 300 Haden - VHS player 50 Tom - 3 washing up liquid colours/not green or blue 50 Nami - A Waterfall 113 Nami - some wiggley worms 47
Shorty Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Since you can only post 50 images per post (lol) Reveal hidden contents (10?? tight or what ) current score 7401 proof was requested that the pig can dance: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4489681819902050196&hl=en
Dante Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Your cat with headphone on photo made me look twice.
Coolness Bears Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 YES YES YES! You suited up! *HIGH FIVE* Great picture. :awesome: I have taken 3 so far I fail so much... I don't have that many things round the house or anyone to take some of the photo's of me. I almost burnt my hand holding a match upside down while trying to take a photo! :p
jayseven Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 aight! well i've added up scores so far. i counted 7441 for shorty, somehow gaining 40 pts on what he guessed. anyone else cna feel free to try and recount and correct me -- for any of my calculations. t'ain't easy. Yeha letty - can't make out the winnings, and shame on you for trying to trick us with the harry potterage. Shorty's pig isn't dancing, but he's told me he's got a vid so he'll be uploading it and posting it asap. oh and yeah, other people's scores might be wrong as I either forgot to add scores or forgot to delete my working-out, so letty, gizmo, shorty and strider might have wrong scores. Prove me wrong!
Shorty Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 jayseven said: Shorty's pig isn't dancing, but he's told me he's got a vid so he'll be uploading it and posting it asap. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4489681819902050196&hl=en
Dan_Dare Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I'll score properly tomorrow or whenever I get into my groove with my next batch of photos. I have quite a few planned
ReZourceman Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Where'd all Shortys pics go in above post? All I See Is Yeast (Which would make a great film)
Jav_NE Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 I love checking out this game. I could never participate as i'm far too lazy and dont have the time, but man it makes me laugh! Shame on you Letty! You couldn't possibly fool a Harry Potter fan with that picture. Hang your head in shame!
Strider Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 More Pictures! Reveal hidden contents Bluey 3. a time machine (NB: can be home made) 300pts Touchscreen! Coolness ---------- 4. SUIT UP! 150 Loooook a bear! Coolness ---------- 9. a picture at midnight exactly midnight. 50 Coolness ----------------------- 6. Watching TV wearing all blue. 125 Cube - someone doing a handstand (100) Ok, so i had to use the wall for support Dyson ------ A Diemetrix style picture of yourself doing anything. You must be in the picture at least 4 times! - 420 points + twozzok ----------------- Playing in a band - 150pts ( a two man band) Dyson --------- A picture of you with a post by Dyson - 40 points
Nami Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Blueys - completely white cat - 175 Supergrunch - Yeast 10 Tom - 3 washing up liquid colours/not green or blue 50 Haden - VHS player 50 Gizmo - A sun dial 100 Dyson - 3 Reduced Stickers 100 Moogleviper - she sells sea shells... 100 Mr Odwin - adult (18+) going down a slide 50 & Strider - a slide/must be sliding down 150 - forced happiness 0 Shorty - Region 0 dvd 50 MBAM - 3 Pairs pink shoes 100 Haden - Spider's web 50 - MBAM - Tesco Shortbread 40 1025 Gizmo - A Rocket Launcher 150 Strider - Rice Krispies 50 Coolness Bears - suit up 150 Supergrunch - Quill pen 150 - I got another pic if this ain't clear enough 1625 ShadowV7 - Charizard Pokemon card 160 Cube - Expansion pack/rumble pack/memory pack 150 Welsh Gamer - Platform 3 at train station 150 Haden - Full Moon 300 Twozzok - The Mob 150 This post = 2435 Running total = 3622 This is so much fun!
jayseven Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 I counted 3622 :| - yeah, double checked. I might've left out a 100pt picture? Want to double-check for me, anyone?
Nami Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 sorted! - yeah I'd counted a random 100 from somewhere?! - wishful thinking
Letty Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 In fairness, I thought those were all of them! Retaliation in progress. How exciting!
jayseven Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 hehe :P Well i've got 27ish pictures without trying so far. May try a little on sunday when I'm in london (flag poles, I reckon), then rope some mates in next week.
nightwolf Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 I've got a tiny bit more to upload, then I'll grab lots of things tomorrow, how exciting. Dyson's a picture of you with a post of Dyson's - 40 points Jayseven's a pile of broken bones - 100 points Gizmo's a gizmo or a gremlin - 200 points So that adds 1185 + 340 = 1525 I'm getting there eventually >_>, lots better than lastttt time.
Letty Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Dyson's Diemetrix style pic!! - 420 points A pile of broken bones - J7 - 100 points TV screen with a clown on it - Welsh Gamer - 150 points Playing in a band - Twozzok - 150 points Supergrunch's Quill pen - 150 points Bus reciept - ShadowV7 - 20 points Lost soldier - Nami - 123 points! Human doing a cartwheel - Gizmo - 150 points
Dante Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Letty said: Dyson's Diemetrix style pic!! - 420 points Awesome photo.
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