THQ Nordic has acquired the rights to Second Sight and Timesplitters

Posted 15 Aug 2018 at 13:28 by Sam C Gittins
THQ Nordic has just announced that it has acquired the rights to both the original Timesplitters trilogy and Second Sight via its fully owned subsidiary Koch Media GmbH.
If you haven't been playing games for that long, then you'd perhaps be forgiven for wondering what these games are, but if you were very much into gaming by the early turn of the last century then you'll surely be very familiar indeed with Timesplitters at the very least.
Here's some press release info on Timesplitters for those unfamiliar...
"TimeSplitters was largely considered as one of the most influential console games of the early 2000’s. The three game series earned a large and passionate fan base thanks to its unique humor, art style and pop culture references while encouraging customization and modification to give each person their own individual experience. TimeSplitters was originally created by the development studio Free Radical Design that later become Deep Silver Dambuster, part of the THQ Nordic group."
And some info from THQ Nordic about Second Sight which some might well not be as familiar with...
"Join John Vattic, a man endowed with psychic abilities, as he attempts to escape a US medical facility. As you discover more and more of John’s psychic powers, you’ll slowly uncover the events that landed him in the hands of the researchers. You’ll gain access to a variety of psionic abilities (such as Psi-Blast, Telekinesis, Projection, and Charm) and powerful weapons (including handguns, tranquilizers, and machine guns). Complete your objectives using a combination of shooting action and stealth tactics."
There isn't any other real information to go off yet but it is at least assumed that THQ Nordic will hopefully at the very least be planning on re-releasing the original games for a new generation.
Obviously no platforms have been confirmed by originally these titles did come to the Nintendo GameCube in addition to the Xbox and Playstation 2 back in the day, so surely a Switch release alongside the other modern platforms is at least on the cards.
What do you make of this acquisition? Do you have fond memories of either the Timesplitters series or Second Sight? Would you be interested in playing these games on the go?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.