WCW/nWo Revenge

All N64 Games #139: WCW/nWo Revenge

There isn’t a lot to say about this wrestling game, it’s WCW/nWo World Tour again, this time sped up a little bit. After WWF War Zone, the graphics of Revenge now look extremely dated, and the create-a-wrestler options are severely limited, consisting of picking an existing wrestler, renaming them and changing their outfit.

If you like the wrestlers of this game (and there are a lot), then it does a good job, but not much has been done to change the game since World Tour.



With a bit more thought and time, T HQ could have turned this sequel into a Warzone-beater, but, to be honest, they’ve been a bit lazy. And they should be punished for their idleness. So go and buy WWF Warzone instead, do you hear?

Mark Green, N64 Magazine #22. Review Score: 75%

Remake or remaster?

This game doesn’t need any special treatment.

Official ways to get the game.

There is no official way to get WCW/nWo Revenge 

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