All N64 Games #224: WildWaters: Extreme Kayak

Looking Glass Studios were working on multiple N64 games when they shut down, this being one of them. The prototype itself was made for E3 1999 and was very early in development, only shown behind closed doors. It consists of one level (two are listed in the menu, but only one works), but you can select between three characters.

The main thing the WildWaters demo shows off is the water effects, which were great for the time. The game would have been one of the few to require the Expansion Pak due to this. That said, it clearly isn’t finished, with water going up walls at times and the texture stretching oddly in places. The trackside scenery also only lasts for the first portion of the track, with the rest being a short amount of side and seeing the black void if the game.

The final game would have had five modes: Arcade, Time Trial, Championship, Finals and Versus Battle. It would also feature six characters and three kinds of kayak. The thing, other than the water, there isn’t much else about the game. The controls work fine, but the gameplay itself is very boring.



Should it be finished?

This was an example of what could be done on the N64 at the time, with the game itself not very interesting.

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