All N64 Games #226: Neon Genesis Evangelion

I know nothing about the anime of Neon Genesis Evangelion, but from this game I can figure out the basic premise: giant creatures are attacking cities, and humans have created giant robots in response. Pilots get psychically linked to the machines, which is a huge strain. It carries many similarities to the later Pacific Rim. For the most part, the N64 game is a very simplified fighting game.

With the controls being basic, and seemingly no combos, it feels more like an interactive show. Enemy attacks are extremely long, with multiple locations. Get damaged enough and you’ll get angry and pull out a weapon to better attack you opponent. This is something that can be exciting in a show, but in a game, it’s just annoying to no be able to access items for no good reason. While they do capture the feeling of controlling something massive, it’s also unbelievably slow.

After a few battles, there was some kind of quick time event I couldn’t complete, so my game ended there. There’s also a “simulation mode” which is a first person target range. This is probably simple enough for fans of the show who aren’t into games to enjoy, but there isn’t a lot to it.



It’s actually quite neat, in a restrictive, if graphically flashy, kind of way, but ultimately Neon Genesis Evangelion is more of an intriguing curio than a true game, and is thus recommended purely to fans who happen to own an N64.

Jes Bickham, N64 Magazine #34. Review Score: 61%

Remake or remaster?

I have no idea how the other games in the franchise stack up.

Official ways to get the game.

There is no official way to get Neon Genesis Evangelion

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