Quake II

All N64 Games #231: Quake II

The first Quake didn’t sell that well on the N64, as it was mainly just the PC version with slightly altered levels. Instead of ignoring the N64 for Quake II, id Software looked at what did work: DOOM 64. The conclusion is that N64 fans wanted a more catered experience with new levels and story. So for Quake II, developers Raster created a whole new experience – although confusingly, it was still just called Quake II. The more recent remaster of Quake II also includes this game, renamed as “Quake II 64”.

The core gameplay is recreated extremely well, even on the original N64 version of the game (which used its own game engine), so it is really all about the new levels. These were much smaller than the PC version, but I enjoyed this game a lot. While you still have to navigate levels to find switches, they’re not nightmarish mazes, and have visual cues to help you figure out where you are. The buttons and switches are also much more intuitive, with text popping up saying what’s happening. Switches are often in sensible places, such as in control rooms with a window looking at what it activates, or when it’s activated something you can’t see, it’s always something that was an obvious barrier.

This means no aimlessly wandering empty levels (due to killing all enemies) looking for a tiny thing that has changed. This simple difference meant that I liked this much more than all the other DOOM-based games. The levels themselves do look a bit repetitive, but they flow in different ways. I did have to look up how to get past the second to last level, as you need to take a strange path.

One complaint I do have is the bosses. There’s one main boss half way through the game, but after fighting a bunch of (quite powerful) enemies, I was waiting for a big final boss, only to realise that the game was over.

Quake II 64 is a highly enjoyable game, and was well received when it initially came out (especially for its multiplayer mode). The N64 had a lot of DOOM-like FPS games, and this is the best of the lot.



Quake II has provided us with some of the biggest lunchtime laughs we’ve had in ages. Whether we’re rebounding a grenade around the corner for a sneaky gibbing, narrowly avoiding someone’s carefully-aimed rocket, or using the invisibility power-up to creep up on some unsuspecting fool, every deathmatch bout is sheer joy from start to finish. In fact – whisper it – it’s probably even more enjoyable than four-player GoldenEye.

Mark Green, N64 Magazine #32. Review Score: 90%

Remake or remaster?

Nightdive have remastered Quake II and it’s a brilliant package. It includes the PC version, mission packs ,and Quake II 64.

Official ways to get the game.

The remaster is available on Steam, Xbox One/Series, PS4/5 and Switch.

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