Densha de Go! 64

All N64 Games #235: Let’s Go By Train 64

Densha de Go! (which translates to “Let’s Go By Train” is a series of Japanese arcade games about driving a train. There’s nothing crazy or over the top here, it’s a fairly serious train simulation game. I was expecting this to be fairly relaxing, but then I realise that this isn’t a British railway where trains can turn up whenever they want, this is based on Japanese rail networks where the trains have to be there at the exact second. This is a very brutal and unforgiving game.

You could also buy an additional train panel-style controller instead of using an N64 controller.

You pick an area and a route, and you get told which stations you need to pass, and which ones you need to stop at. You then have to abide all the signals – which are pretty clear for the most part. When passing a station, you don’t get punished for being early, but you do get a bonus for reaching it at the exact second you’re due to pass. Meanwhile, if you are late, every second counts down your allotted “penalty” time.

I also found it difficult to slow down in time for speed limits. Without using the emergency break (which messes with your score as it sends passengers flying), it’s sometimes impossible to slow down enough between being told about the speed limit and it being enforced, giving you penalty time.

Stopping at stations is more difficult than you would imagine. As you have to slow down gradually, it takes somewhere between 700-500m to stop. You also have to aim for a very specific point in the station, slow down too much and you’ll stop before it, and then have to accelerate to stop it again. Not only will you lose a lot of time, but you’ll get an extra penalty for accelerating while stepping. Overshooting also carries a penalty, and your train will be halted if you go too far.

Let’s Go By Train also supports the N64’s microphone. With this plugged in, you can gain extra points by saying the names of signals and speed limits as they crop up. This doesn’t control anything in the game, so it’s just the bonus points. The fan translation also translates this aspect of the game.

While I was shockingly bad at this, and could barely finish any routes, I still enjoyed it a lot. There’s something oddly captivating about it.



Taito have granted the wish of the little boy inside each of us with their new game, Densha de, Go!, where the player finally gets to realise the dream of being a train driver.

How to….Survive in a Japanese Arcade, N64 Magazine #4

Remake or remaster?

The series is still going, with more modes and features. They just need to be localised. The Switch version also has a new controller.

Official ways to get the game.

There is no official way to get Let’s Go By Train 64.

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