All N64 Games #245: Fighter Destiny 2

No, there isn’t a typo in the title of the game. For some copyright reasons, the “s” had to be dropped from the Fighters Destiny name. Fighter Destiny 2 feels more like a refresh of the first game, rather than a sequel. It looks the same, and it plays the same. While a lot of the characters are new, most are reskins of the original characters with some slight adjustments.

The various game modes are mostly the same. The main difference is that the singleplayer mode (where you can unlock new moves) now takes the form of a roll-and-move board game, selecting your opponents and challenges at random. So, a downgrade from the original.

This is still a solid fighting game (if you like absurdly long button combinations), but other than some new backstories to read, it doesn’t offer anything over the original.



Some games just make you feel old. Particularly when you glance back and see that we reviewed the original high-octane semi-strategic flashy fightfest back in N64/13. Perhaps the reason we feel so creaky is that Fighter Destiny 2 is so strikingly similar to its forebear that we had to check we had the right cart.

Alan Maddrell, N64 Magazine #45. Review Score: 85%

Remake or remaster?

Perhaps a remaster that merges the two games together?

Official ways to get the game.

There is no official way to get Fighter Destiny 2

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