All N64 Games #261: Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Posted 17 Sep 2024 at 11:57 by Dean Jones
Gex 3 actually addresses a few of my complaints from Gex 64. The levels have more interesting themes and aren’t repeated, and the humour is more relevant to what is actually happening on screen. The voice acting is also different, depending on if you have the North American or European version of the game – I personally preferred Danny John-Jules’ version of Gex, but I think that’s purely because the game now makes me think of Cat from Red Dwarf.
While the humour is more relevant to the game, it’s still not that funny, and still has moments of just being random. In a snow level, Gex made a comparison to Hoth, which works, then later on randomly said “Live long and prosper”, which had no relevance to anything.
The more interesting worlds – which include a fairy tale land, gangster world, a Victorian mansion, and the north pole – also don’t extend into the actual level design, with many levels feeling like a couple of tiny areas that your have to replay in a few different ways.
Gex’s moves are slightly more refined, yet also more generic, feeling less lizard-like than the previous game. It’s still difficult to judge jumps, and the camera, while you have more control of it, can often be in really frustrating locations.
I think this is an improvement over the previous game, but it’s still just an average platformer.
It’s a real mess, from the horrendously jerky intro through to the horrendously jerky gameplay. We can tolerate the occasional drop in frame rate, but a mere five minutes of staring in utter disbelief as the utterly loathable Gex twitched and spasmed around his vile world was enough to bring on a real humdinger of a headache.
Martin Kitts, N64 Magazine #36. Review Score: 22%
Remake or remaster?
There’s a remaster in the works, hopefully it can make the game more playable.
Official ways to get the game.
There is no official way to get Gex 3 at the moment, but a remaster is on the way.