War Gods

All N64 Games #27: War Gods

Mortal Kombat in 3D was the big advertising for War Gods, with lots and lots of emphasis on the 3D. War Gods does not feel like a 3D game at all, though, with “3D” movement being relegated to holding a button and just being nothing more than a basic dodge.

In terms of fighting, War Gods is the kind of game that I can do alright at. This is probably a bad sign for the game, as I’m dreadful at combinations and I’m what people call a “button masher”. I found a few cheap tricks that seemed to work to get through the game. Each character seems to have an annoying “trap” move.

Characters make or break a game like this and War Gods has such an immensely dull cast. For the most part, they’re loosely based on ransom cultural gods or stereotypes and have none of their own personality, with a robot and a few scantily clad women thrown in. None of the characters were someone I actually wanted to play as.

War Gods is also incredibly light on fighters. You start, pick a character then fight through all the other characters. Player 2 can take over these characters and that’s it. There’s no training or practice – there’s not even a versus mode where player 2 can choose their character. It’s an extremely bare bones arcade port of an extremely boring game.



There’s no consideration of tactical thought, no beauty or style, nothing to involve you with the supposedly visceral action, nothing we haven’t seen a hundred times before. And those characters. Gods? Peter Duncan’s pantomime pals, surely.

Jes Bickham, N64 Magazine #7. Review Score: 46%

Remake or Remaster?

Perhaps throw it in as a bonus in a Mortal Kombat arcade collection?

Official ways to get the game.

There is no official way to get War Gods.

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