All N64 Games #315: Penny Racers 2: Chaotic Grand Prix

Posted 10 Nov 2024 at 20:20 by Dean Jones
The second game on the N64 that is based on the Japanese Choro Q toy cars. This one never made it out of Japan, which is a shame, as it solves some of the issues with the first game and ends up being a charming, if basic, kart racer.
The biggest changes are to the speed and handling, with the game being much faster and cornering tighter. The strange mechanic that made cars roll over when doing a big turn is also gone, making for a much more fun game.
The biggest complaint I have is with the warning icon that flashes up whenever you encounter an obstacle, or sometimes just a big turn. It’s right where you’re looking, and actively distracts you from the actual hazard it’s supposed to be letting you know about. I wish this could be turned off.
You also don’t have a weapon by default, you have to assign one to your car. That said, the weapons are quite easy to avoid, so while they can be used effectively, you might still opt to choose a different part that increases your speed instead. Choosing new parts for your car is still a key point of the game, and the top three in a race can take parts from the bottom three.
For the most part, this is a much nicer version of Penny Racers, the greater sense of speed and better handling make this an enjoyable racing game.
Remake or remaster?
There have been a surprising amount of Choro Q games on various platforms, but perhaps a collection of some of the main ones would be nice.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no official way to play Penny Racers 2.