All N64 Games #378: Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2

Posted 14 Jan 2025 at 11:04 by Dean Jones
Sarge’s Heroes 2 feels like a game that doesn’t know what platform it wanted to be on. It was released first on N64, with a PS1 release shortly after, and a PS2 release yet a few months later, and it really feels like the developers flip flopped on which generation to focus on. The game feels like it’s been reduced somewhat for the N64 (even though it was the first version), with the game struggling to run the fairly simple graphics, but then the clunky controls and disjointed levels are kept for the PS2 version. It comes across as the worst of both worlds. This feeling is especially odd, as each version has fairly different level design.
The level design is all over the place. The earlier levels feel oddly broken apart. There’s a bedroom with a computer and a bed, but the level ends at the computer and then the next one starts at the bed. There’s a castle level (with plastic zombie army men) that jumps between different looking sections in different missions with zero flow. But then a few of the final levels – a train set, pool table, and Battletanx pinball machine – are all large and consistent, and are really good levels.
It’s a shame, as there’s something fun and cheesy underneath the issues. There’s some fun weapons, and it could potentially be something very enjoyable if leant into properly. It’s just a shame that developing for multiple different platforms seemed to be a big hindrance to the final products.
Remake or remaster?
Take the Dreamcast and PS2 versions of 1 and 2 as a basis, spruce up the graphics and implement a more standard 3rd person shooter control scheme and this could be a lot of fun. Especially if you also include the significantly different levels from other versions as a bonus.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no official way to get Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2.