All N64 Games #383: The World Is Not Enough

Posted 19 Jan 2025 at 12:12 by Dean Jones
In order to separate newer James Bond games from GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies was a third person shooter on the PS1 (and wasn’t very good). While the same team made a poor first person shooter version of The World is Not Enough on PS1, EA got a different developer to work completely separately on the N64 version – EA, via Eurocom, were ready to take on the might of GoldenEye, and they did a really good job at it.
While TWINE isn’t as iconic as GoldenEye, it’s still a great game in and of itself. It takes on the same structure as GoldenEye – explorable levels with objectives, albeit a bit more linear, and adds in a heavier focus on set pieces and gadgets, such as the walkway level having a helicopter tear apart the level as you progress, before you use a remote control rocket to defeat it.
There’s also more focus on stealth, where you have to incapacitate enemies instead of killing them. The gameplay here is a bit trial-and-error, but once you’ve figured out how things work, it’s quite smooth. TWINE is impressive in that it manages to stay strong, even alongside the likes of Perfect Dark. It’s the start of EA’s period of good James Bond games.
Eurocom have done the impossible – they set out to capture the brilliance of a 93%-rated game, and they’ve largely succeeded. They’ve delivered exactly what 300,000 GoldenEye owners have been crying out for – more GoldenEye – and, in many places, have managed to trump Rare in conjuring up that tangible Bond atmosphere. If PD’s spaceships, aliens and outrageous guns left you gagging for more, The World Is Not Enough will leave you – yep – shaken and stirred.
Mark Green, N64 Magazine #49. Review Score: 88%
Remake or remaster?
A remaster would be lovely for this game.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no official way to get The World Is Not Enough.