All N64 Games #386: Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 12:25 by Dean Jones
A frantic isometric fighter could work really well for Tom & Jerry. Have a few fun special moves and some funny slapstick animations, and you could have a really fun, if simple, fighting game. Fists of Furry is not that game. In this, each character has one basic hit. You can also pick up objects that you can either throw at your opponent, or hit them three times with.
It gets tedious extremely quickly. The animation isn’t fun either – there was one squished animation I got randomly, but that was really it. No fun reactions to weapons, or falling into scenery. The fights also feel like they go on for far too long, especially as many clear hits don’t register. There are also power ups, with an invincibility shield that lasts far too long, slowing the game down even more.
There’s also no fun alternative modes. You fight through each character (some multiple times) across a few maps (that have to repeat as there aren’t many) in the arcade mode, or do a 1v1 fight of your choice. That’s it. Fists of Furry is an incredibly bare bones experience that offers zero fun gameplay.
After a mere five minutes of playing, you know you’ve picked a real stinker of a game. The sheer shallowness of the experience is enough to drive you mad as, bout after bout, you employ exactly the same tactic, sliding around the floor, battling inexcusably unresponsive controls and laughable collision detection.
Geraint Evans, N64 Magazine #49. Review Score: 35%
Remake or remaster?
There’s nothing interesting here.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no official way to get Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry.