NHL Breakaway 98

All N64 Games #84: NHL Breakaway 98

Graphically, NHL Breakaway looks much more “real” compared too Wayne Gretzky, with human-shaped proportions and an ice rink that has reflections (although not of players). It also seems to be more in-tune with a proper Ice Hockey viewing experience (I presume) with organ music playing American sports tunes.

Unfortunately, that’s where the good points for Breakaway end, as it’s nowhere near as fluid or fun to play as Wayne Gretzky. It’s all stiff, with some unresponsive controls and bad camera angles – I couldn’t find a single one I liked.

Similar to Igunana’s American Football game, NHL Breakaway also ahs some cheats, although none are as amusing as their previous one and they don’t really make the game any more fun.

This is just a bland sports game.



Everything’s neatly in place and functioning in its proper manner, but there’s no excitement, no originality. Basically, there’s nothing to make you want to rush out and buy the game.

Dean Mortlock, N64 Magazine #14. Review Score: 62%

Remake or Remaster?

Sports games constantly get refreshed.

Official Ways to get the game

There’s no official way to play NHL Breakaway 98

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