All Virtual Boy Games #14: Innsmouth Mansion

A Virtual Boy horror game based on the works of HP Lovecraft and released on Friday the 13th is certainly an interesting novelty. Sadly, that’s really all Innsmouth Mansion is. In early PC gaming, one popular format was “3D” maze games, where pressing left would instantaneously turn you 90 degrees while going forward would move you one block forward. Innsmouth Mansion is that kind of maze game, with a bit of shooting involved.

While the left stick moves in this way, the right stick moves crosshairs on the screen to shoot enemies. You have a maximum of six bullets at any one time and will have to flee from most enemies. You’re on a strict time limit as well, so you’ll have to explore a level multiple times to work out how to beat it, and then have to complete it in a stricter, hidden, time limit to move towards the “best” route. Luckily, there is a password after every level.

You have to be extremely persistent to make it through Innsmouth Mansion, as both the timer and enemies (which can easily box you in as you can’t run past them) make for a frustrating play. You also need to find a key and the exit, so it’s a lot of trial and error, and that’s if you don’t get turned around (although you can look at a map with select). It’ a nice idea, just not all that nice to play.



Remake or remaster?

Not really needed. The genre was quite plentiful and the main unique aspect of this is that it’s on the Virtual Boy.

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