All Virtual Boy Games #5: Teleroboxer

In terms of looking 3D, Teleroboxer does a pretty phenomenal job. The robotic boxers you fight in this game are made up of many different layers that they really do look like they’re physically there. Oddly, the presentations of the menus and character information are the opposite – all entirely flat with zero flair. While you don’t need the extra effects there, the lack of using different layers on a Virtual Boy game is very noticeable and rather off-putting.

Teleroboxer is very much in the style of Punch Out!, where you use the two D-pads and shoulder buttons to position each of your arms to block and punch. Mastering the controls and learning all the motions of your opponent is vital, although something I struggled with immensely, I couldn’t get past the first opponent. Despite a lack of attention to detail, it still seems like a decent game.



Packed with neat presentation, it’s an entertaining little game, with a handy save game function and no shortage of challenge (in fact, it’s downright bloody hard work to get to grips with). It’s just not the gnat’s elbows that a Veebee version of SPO!! could have been.

Tony, Super Play #36

Remake or remaster?

It would be nice to see this in a collection of Punch Out!! and similar games.

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