All Virtual Boy Games #7: Virtual League Baseball

Posted 17 Mar 2025 at 10:31 by Dean Jones
This is one of the Virtual Boy games where you don’t really realise how well it uses the 3D until you look at screenshots afterwards. The tiny sprites look like a complete mess, yet the entire game was crystal clear when looking at it with stereoscopic 3D. Even the zoomed out camera for fielding wasn’t an issue due to the 3D effect.
As for the game itself, it’s a very basic but rather enjoyable baseball game. The AI isn’t perfect like many others and I found myself having more fun with this than any of the baseball games on N64. There’s not much to it, but it’s fun. The game was also altered between the Japanese and American versions, with the Japanese version having more cartoonish players.
Remake or remaster?
The main unique elements are that it’s on the Virtual Boy, so it would need to be on a screen like the 3DS