Column: N-Eaction #1

Posted 01 Aug 2008 at 14:00 by Ashley Jones

Written by Ashley Boyd
With recent rumours that Jet Set Radio may be coming to the Wii staff writer and newly appointed Head of Features Ashley Boyd "N-Eacts' by looking at the constant Dreamcast-related rumours on the Wii. After all, you can but cast your dreams…
"... many games […] seem almost as if they were designed for the Wii’s motion sensitive controls." |
The little white video game console that could, but never would, the Dreamcast, was destroyed by its competition of the time, the underpowered but better selling PlayStation 2. In spite of this the Dreamcast has remained in its fans’ heads and hearts ever since Sega officially called it quits. Which brings us to the Wii; the little white video game console that has.
Since the Dreamcast was discontinued in North America and Europe in 2001, although development for the Dreamcast continued in Japan until 2006, many franchises from the console have made their way to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft’s consoles. While the GameCube saw a few games first developed for the Dreamcast, such as the fantastic Skies of Arcadia Legends, much of Sega’s focus was on its larger franchises; namely a certain blue hedgehog.

Shake Shake!
However Sega are slowly releasing their other franchises on the Wii. The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return was released earlier this year and consisted of two games; The House of the Dead 2, which was originally an arcade game which was later ported to the Dreamcast, and The House of the Dead 3, which was originally an arcade game that was later ported to the Xbox. As well as this Sega Bass Fishing has graced the Wii, allowing you to use the Wii Remote like a fishing rod. Other than this the Wii has not received many Dreamcast games; although there is the upcoming rhythm action game Samba De Amigo, which was an obvious choice for the Wii, after all, the game is based upon shaking maracas.
This has not stopped fans pleading their desires and hunting down every rumour about Dreamcast games that they can find (for good reasons, it really was a fantastic console). The most recent of which is Jet Set Radio; the futuristic cel-shaded skate and graffiti game with a unique visual and musical style. Considering a large portion of the game involved spray painting your ‘tag’ the Wii Remote seems like the perfect way in which to do this, as well as give this brilliant franchise a much-needed revival. This is just one example of the many games which seem almost as if they were designed for the Wii’s motion sensitive controls.

Spray it, don’t say it.
This rumour however is the latest in a long list of rumours of Dreamcast games, from other publishers, not just Sega, which includes; Shenmue (both a remake and/or a port of the original two and continuing the franchise), Space Channel 5 (which Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the game’s designer, has stated an interest in making for the Wii), Seaman (which is now possible thanks to Wii Speak), Evolution and even the Dreamcast console itself shall be added to the Virtual Console!
More than this, fans have insisted many other games be ported, remade and even sequels released for the Wii. Popular titles such as Power Stone, Grandia, Rez, Chu Chu Rocket, Virtua Tennis and Crazy Taxi, amongst many others, have all won fans over so much that they wish for the franchises to grace their favourite waggle-operated console. So while we can keep our ears alert for the latest rumour I want to ask you, loyal reader, which Dreamcast games you would like to grace the Wii, and why?
Ashley Boyd
Head of Features & Forum Admin