Competition: Win your own videogame-inspired cat artwork

Posted 07 Jul 2013 at 09:11 by Ashley Jones
A while at a comic event, I met artist Rus from Eat, Sleep, Sniff, who was selling his Video Game Pussy poster amongst other goods. After purchasing the poster, I got in touch to discuss doing a competition that I can now share with our readers.
N-Europe has teamed up with Eat, Sleep, Sniff to offer you the chance to have some exclusive artwork made based upon your own suggestion.
All you have to do is comment below saying what series or video game character you would like to see recreated in Eat, Sleep, Sniff's signature style. The artist will then choose his favourite suggestion and the winner will get their own exclusive print, courtesy of Eat, Sleep, Sniff and N-Europe.
Previous work has been inspired by Mario, Zelda, Professor Layton and Pokémon, so aim for something different from those.
So be sure to really think about what you'd like, and let us know using the comments section below. Remember, your forum login details will work if you are already a member, but if not signing up only takes a few minutes. Alternatively, you may email in your ideas to [email protected]
We'll be taking entries up until Sunday July 21st and the winning image will be shown as soon as possible.
Please note, Eat, Sleep, Sniff will retain copyright for the image and is free to use it as they wish.
If you have any questions please do leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer them.