Developer Q and A: 8Ball Allstars

Posted 13 Jun 2007 at 10:00 by guest
Oxygen Games have picked up UK codeshop The Code Monkeys' new title 8Ball Allstars for release this summer. We chatted with Mick Waites, producer at the Code Monkeys, to find out more about this upcoming game.
Q. Was there any particular reason or inspiration when it came to choosing the DS as the platform for this game?
There certainly was � a handheld platform can deliver a more realistic feel to a Pool game as your view of the table is right there in front of you, not on a big screen at the other side of the room. In addition to this, the DS touch controls and dual screens gave the opportunity to implement an intuitive control system that gives a more realistic sensation of actually controlling the cue that you just can't get with a button system.
Q. How long has 8 Ball All Stars been in development for?
Quite a long time! (Laughs) I think we underestimated enormity of what we were developing but we did not want to compromise on the content, so the development time has been extended somewhat.
Q. Is the difference in budget between DS and PSP development a big incentive to develop for Nintendo's handheld?
Absolutely not! This game has been designed for the DS, full stop. Everything about it has been designed with the DS hardware in mind. The PSP on the other hand, can be a difficult platform to work with, for a number of reasons, and sales don't often reflect the actual quality of the games or amount of work that went into development. The DS is simply a great platform to develop for. The hardware is at least partially familiar if you've already worked on GBA and despite the PSP having more powerful hardware the DS seems to be offering better games.
Q. What's in the game that makes it different from all the Flash-based pool games that are available on the Internet for free? Talk us through what makes this particular game unique.
Well, they don't run on the DS� But seriously, our game offers a more in-depth experience. For starters, 8Ball Allstars is 3D when most flash games I've seen are 2D. The control system offers a more natural feel than swinging a mouse around or clicking a button at the right time. In addition to that, we have 8 different rule sets, tournaments, a challenge mode, many different AI opponents, tables of different shapes and sizes not to mention all the multi-player modes and the customisation options available in 8Ball Allstars.
Q. Be honest, now: How do Nintendo offer support to third party developers with titles that are not necessarily A-List, but are nonetheless high calibre enough to shift several units?
Support levels from Nintendo are fine. We've had a number of occasions during the development of this project where we've had questions and we've always got our answers overnight. The development hardware is very good, easy to use and more affordable than from some other companies� They even lent us a hardware unit to capture video and screenshots for a number of months completely free of charge. We cannot complain at that!
Q.What about the possibility of any online modes or leaderboards for the game?
Multi-player is fully supported in 8Ball Allstars. You can play with just one DS, 2 systems and one copy of the game, 1vs1 or 2vs2 players with multiple cards and also online using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. When you play on-line, whichever of the two players has the better rank gets to show off their custom table signature and you play a Winner Stays On game, where you win more and more credits the more you keep winning but if you lose, you lose them all and whoever beats you gets them and carries them to their next game until they lose or quit and bank them. The credits are then used to unlock other game content such as AI opponents, table shapes and environment locations.
Q. What games have you been playing lately?
On the odd chances I get to play games, I've been playing Tomb Raider Anniversary on my laptop, Elite Beat Agents on DS (couldn't wait for it to be released over here) and I'm almost ashamed to say that I'm still maintaining my village on Animal Crossing Wild World. Once I fill my museum, that's it�
Q. Do you have any other upcoming projects for Nintendo systems?
We are working on a crazy golf game for the DS called King Of Clubs � this is also coming out soon on the Wii and other platforms. We're really pleased that it's looking like we'll be able to squeeze all the levels of the other version onto the little DS game card. We're also working on a sports title for the DS that is due for release Q1 2008.
Q. What are your opinions on the Wii?
I love the hardware but want more software! Since I don't get as much time to play games as I used to I only buy the games that I'm absolutely certain that I want. The problem with the Wii is that those games are taking a while to reach our shores. They should sell the US games in the UK stores and not make us wait for the games to be localised into languages that we don't speak.
Q. Would you ever be interested in bringing a title, such as this, to the Nintendo Wii? The Wiimote would make a pretty cool pool cue, no?
Indeed, discussions have taken place in our office as to what changes we would make in a Wii version and how we would use the Wii Remote. We've considered a system using the movement sensors in both the Remote and Nunchuk but the downside of this is that if we support 4 players, like on the DS, it can prove costly for the players! We could give them the option of passing the controller round, though.
Q. Now for the really important question. What do you particularly like on toast? Beans. Mushy peas. Bananas?
Butter, usually. Although I sometimes do push the boat out and go for apple and raspberry jam. Or marmalade. Actually, now you mention it, I really fancy beans with sausages on toast. Mmmmmm.
We'd like to thank Mick Waites for revealing to us his bizarre choice in condiments, but mainly for filling us in on his company's upcoming pool game, which we look forward to with eagerness. We'll have hands-on impressions of the title before it launchs this July.
Mark Cullinane
[email protected]