E3 2013 hands on impressions roundup

Posted 06 Jul 2013 at 19:00 by Ashley Jones
E3 2013 has been and gone and Nintendo showcased a wide variety of upcoming titles, which should hopefully boost the Wii U. We were fortunate enough to play most of the titles on display at E3 and below is a roundup of all the titles that we've recently written hands on impressions for. We hope that you like them.
Baynotta 2
Providing a welcome breath of deadly fresh air, Bayonetta 2 certainly stood out at E3 amongst the cat suits, hovercrafts and wet simians. With a provocatively-clad lead and plenty of gore, it stands out like a sore thumb amongst the lineup and that is exactly what we need.
Disney Infinity
I found myself wandering through a big barren landscape looking for something to do.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
It may seem like PR spin, but when you first see him up close you really do get a sense of texture from Donkey Kong. In fact he almost looks stroke-able, but we wouldn't advise it.
DuckTales: Remastered
Fans of the series, or the original game, will be in heaven when DuckTales: Remastered is released later in the year.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The painting mechanism offers new possibilities and Nintendo looks set to make this a must-buy title when it is released later this year.
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
It is a great irony that one of the Wii U's best looking games is ten years old, but such ironies don't really matter when you have a game as solid as Wind Waker.
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros
The new dream world elements add a new touch to the series, and we can't wait to get our hands on the full game.
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
The focus here is on the new play methods introduced by the GamePad and adding new events for fans of the franchise.
Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8 really does offer some great visuals that shows what five years, and a new piece of hardware, can do.
Pikmin 3
Anyone who smiles when they remember the "Piiikmiiin" sound from a decade ago can rest assured thatPikmin 3 delivers the same splendor that the origins did.
Sonic Lost World
Many have pointed out that there's more than a passing resemblance to Super Mario Galaxy, but underneath this facade lies a truly Sonic experience.
Super Mario 3D World
Whether the complete game feels more like the 3D games of yesteryear remains to be seen, but from what we played it feels like New Super Mario Bros.grew a new dimension and put on a cat suit.
Wii Party U
Nintendo has paid particular attention to the GamePad and how this can be used to offer new types of gameplay.
The Wonderful 101
It is a bit like Pikmin, if the Pikmin were all powerful humans that could morph into all kinds of shapes that attack enemies.
Yoshi's New Island
The title's vibrant watercolour look and chirpy music make it a pleasing title to drift through.