Feature: 10 Reasons We Want Brawl Now

Posted 16 Apr 2008 at 20:44 by Tom Phillips

Written by Mark Lee
10. It's Smash Bros.!
Since the original 1999 N64 hit, Smash Bros. has become the ultimate celebration of all things Nintendo, with Melee in 2002 only cemented that status tenfold! And now you have the chance to celebrate all over again in glorious wii-o-vision...
9. Loner?
With more longevity in its multi-player than anything ever conceived by the hands of man, you could argue that Brawl's single player mode didn't need a look in. You'll soon eat your words however as the Subspace Emissary melts your brain with a 10+ hour love letter to all things Nintendo.
8. Whup the world!
Still lugging that N64 or GameCube round to a friend's house? Well stem your tears fanboy! Brawl's online mode allows you to play both strangers and friends. Finally, you can prove to the world that Jigglypuff IS useful!
7. Super Smash Balls!
Spot a Smash Ball and the first thing you'll hear is your heart pounding louder than a drum. Watch as everyone suddenly forgets the fight and starts to chase the little circle of game-changing destruction. It's like the Golden Snitch. Only, y'know, good. (Oi, there's nothing wrong with Harry Potter - ed.) Laugh as you crack it with your fist and rain your final smash down, taking life after life. Afterall, who needs friends?

"And this Italian delicacy I call... roasted hedgehog!"
6. *Gasp* Isn't that...
Exhausted all entrants in the series so much that you've even mastered Peach? Well prepare for new challengers. No doubt the world will implode when a bazillion SEGA fans finally set out to prove that a certain hedgehog IS better than a portly plumber. Lies, all lies.
5. Audible difference!
Hum tunes no-one this side of the pond has ever dreamed of. Hear sweeping symphony orchestras pomp the classics and revel in the audible side of a screaming Pokémon being hit by a baseball bat. Treat your ears to Brawl and the monotone sounds of everyday life will suddenly seem lifeless and dull in comparison.
4. Get the Wii back from Grandma!
By definition the world "Brawl" screams "hard-man's game"! Finally you'll have a multiplayer title that will suck hours of your life away. And when Grandma asks for "that tennis game back" you can uppercut her off the stage.

"Eat my bootprint, yellow rat!"
3. Snaaaaaaake!
Soil yourself in excitement as you deliver every gamers dream and break Pikachu's neck as our Metal Gear Solid hero. You know you want to...
2. Look Ma, I made a stage!
Get a head start on everyone else's stage designs by making generic Nintendo themed stages first. Laugh uncontrollably as you fight atop a pixellated Mario that YOU created. Then frantically add friends to your Wii to send them your masterpieces. Finally, a use for friend codes!
1. Import!
Own Brawl on these shores and you become an elite member of the gaming world. With a release date of (potentially) 2020 in Europe, every self-respecting gamer wants a piece of this sweet pie. Import Brawl and a world of wannabe 'friends' is truly yours. Treat them... by smashing them.
And if you can think of any other reasons you want to own Brawl right this second, do let us know below...