Feature: 52 Great Gamecube Moments

With the Gameccube's first anniversary just past, we at C-E begin our celebrations with a list of 52 great moments from the past year.

Below you will find a list of 52 of the best moments chosen by both the readers of the website and it's staff. We decided on 52 moments to represent one great moment every week. And although some mightn't be considered 'great' in the obvious sense of the word, they played a pivotal role in the last 365 days. While most of these are not in order the most common answer, and we believe should be put as number one, was...

Getting the Nintendo GameCube

Well with one of them down the other 51 best GameCube moments from the last year can be found below. They are in no particular order.

  • GameCube hitting #1 in the charts in March.
  • The scene on the pirate ship in Zelda: The Wind Waker when Link is waving goodbye to his grandmother.
  • Finishing Story mode of SMB2.
  • Seeing the joy on my brother's face as we played together on the delightful Super Monkey Ball.
  • Importing an Orange Cube!
  • Collecting the final shine sprite on Mario Sunshine to fully complete it!
  • Playing Resident Evil Remake
  • Playing Metroid Prime for the first time.
  • Third party support booms (Capcom and FF come back).
  • Waiting for Zelda.
  • Seeing those cool GameCube adverts before I got my GameCube.
  • Learning that Zelda bonus disc will come to Europe!!!
  • The sale of Rare to Microsoft.
  • Playing Eternal Darkness.
  • Star Fox Adventures, what a let down.
  • MEGATON!!!
  • Nintendo - HOW MUCH?! �130! that's amazing.
  • Luigi gets his first leading role.
  • Miyamoto's game signing in London.
  • Freeloader - Will it/won't it?
  • Finally getting a wireless pad that actually works.
  • Finally getting to play 'Animal Crossing' after having given up hope of ever doing so.
  • Playing 4 player Super Smash Bros. Melee over my friends house, greatest multiplayer bash ever!
  • Knowing Nintendo did not let me down with the GameCube,
  • Not hearing "It's a mee Mario" at the start of Sunshine.
  • Christmas with SFA and ED.
  • Destroying the Empire fleet in Rogue Squadron 2.
  • Falling in love with those little Pikmin as they obey your every last command.
  • Getting freaked out by the GC fanboys, �as I had never seen anyone so passionate about a console and its developer.
  • Signing up on VIP.
  • Going online with PSO.
  • Hearing ' Xbox exclusive' Splinter Cell coming to GameCube.
  • Playing Sonic on a Nintendo console.
  • Completing Metroid Prime.
  • Playing SSX Tricky for hours and hours and hours.
  • Getting Sonic Mega Collection.
  • Waiting for E3 2003.
  • The Capcom 5!
  • The stares I got at the store when buying my cube ("OH MY! �A GIRL BUYING A CUBE!").
  • Mario Party till 4 in the morning.
  • Playing the Battle of Endor in Rogue Leader.
  • Completing Luigi's Mansion and seeing Mario.
  • Playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the first time.
  • The appointment of Satoru Iwata as president of Nintendo Co. Ltd, thus promising greater stuff from Nintendo.
  • Wasting far too much money buying all the games I wanted.
  • Playing multi-player TimeSplitters 2.
  • Trading games and furniture in Animal Crossing.
  • Seeing the first screens of Mario Kart: Double Dash.
  • Finding out Nintendo had no real interests in online gaming.
  • Watching the F-Zero GX movie in awe.
  • Knowing that Mario Kart: Double Dash, F-Zero GX and 1080 Avalanche will be launched before Christmas.

By Ash

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