Feature: A Non Gaming Article

Hello. I will post another article tomorrow but for now I want to use my article for something else. So let me start off by saying that this in no way relates to the world of gaming, so if you are not interested then please stop reading now. Right anyone who is left, let me just say thank you. Some might remember when I first started out I used the name princeoftheyolkfolk. I used this name because I am a huge Dizzy Fan. Dizzy was the ZX spectrums answer to Mario.

Right the point of all this is yesterday I went on the Internet to one of the Dizzy sites and the picture that greeted me was horrid. It was a man who had shot himself in the head. More worrying still was the paragraph or so under the picture. I'm not going to start using names or even give out this web site address as it is a bit sick but the crux of the matter is that the guy is either dead (by his own hand) or is in a pretty shocking state of mind. You see what the paragraph amounted to was a suicide note. I was aware that the guy was depressed because it had been mentioned before. However it really shocked me and shook me up a bit.

If ever you are down, for god sake talk to someone. We all get depressed at times but we should never let it get us bogged down too much. Sometimes I wish we could live in the Toad Kingdom life would be so much better.

My apologies for this article but I just feel the need to share that with people and hope that you realise that we are all part of perhaps one of the best web communities in Europe. The board is by far the best there is and there are a team who work really hard. It is for that reason that I dedicate this to everyone here. May whatever god you believe in bless you.

Gary Samaden

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