Feature: Advance Weekly

I know, I know, this is a Gamecube site, why is there GBA stuff on it? Well, with all the connectivity oppurtunities between the two, and the fact that it's such a great console, it should be owned by every Gamecuber (how sad does that sound :) ).

So to fill you in on what's going on in the wonderful world of Nintendos greatest handheld, here's our new writer, Max. His first article is on the passsed E3 show, in terms of the GBA.

It's been a slow few months for the GBA. It's output has been characterised by considerable quality, but when the best things you can drag up to give examples are the enjoyable (But disappointingly familiar) sequels Bomberman Max 2 and MegaMan Battle Network 2, then you start to worry just a little.

But with the explosion that was E3 came a bundle of GBA joy. We've suffered through some terrible ports of unnecessary games recently (Earthworm Jim 2, anyone?) but we have reason to be happy with Nintendo announcements concerning the GBA ports of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past Featuring a simultaneous four player mode) and Yoshi's Island (Which, at present, appears to have gone unchanged. Souped up SNES games seem to be all the rage with even the most dignified of developers these days, with Capcom's solid but unspectacular Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse and a graphically stunning Super Ghouls and Ghosts also to turn up on the handheld before the year is out.

But new uncharted territory is what we really want, we crave new games, and E3 brought us plenty. Those who were expecting unique, original games might be disappointed, this year's show only served to highlight that the GBA is fast becoming the system of choice for reviving classic franchises. But while the lack of anything truly unheard of was slightly disappointing, what WAS present was certainly nothing to sniff at. The sequel to the much-praised Castlevania: Circle of the Moon was present (Going under two names: Harmony of dissonance for the Western world, and White Night Concerto for Japan. Personally, I prefer the Japanese name). Two other Konami franchises, Contra and Silent Scope, also received the GBA treatment and seemed to be impressing people at the show.

The title which seems to have had most people salivating, however, is the all-new Metroid fusion. As well as being the most popular, it has also managed to garner the most rumours of all theGBA games on show. Will it link up to the GC version? (This seems likely, as both versions have the same release date) and is that Samus in the suit or someone completely different? Nintendo weren't eager to put anyone's minds at rest, so it's unlikely that we'll know before it's release this November.

There really were too many impressive titles to mention. Personally I'm looking forward to Kururin Paradise (Those of you who are thinking it's a sequel to brilliant puzzler Kuru kuru kururin would be correct) the most. What else is coming our way? Well there's a portable version of Marigul's Japan-only robot fighting title Custom Robo, yet ANOTHER Game and watch Gallery collection and a number of Sega's big franchises, including a stunning version of Super Monkey Ball that boasts it's own 3D engine. And Golden Sun 2 (Not long until it's Japanese release!) looks to continue the massively involving gameplay style of the original.

As well as supplying some fantastically retro action for everyone, the GBA proved it's worth as a true next generation console. Increasingly large numbers of titles are to implement the intriguing GBA-Gamecube link up feature, including Animal Crossing, Rollorama (previously a Kirby game), Harry Potter 2 and Crash Bandicoot. The e-card reader also looks to improve interaction with titles like animal forest, and the new 'Game eye' (An update the Gameboy camera) promises to put your face in some of the biggest games of next year.

Of course, E3 didn't provide all the answers we were looking for. Where was Rare? Dumbing down some dinosaur textures for it's PS2 game, maybe (Joking). But the lack of anything Sabre-Wulf or Diddy Kong Pilot related was quite suspicious, especially considering the lengthy development cycles of both titles. And still nothing has been heard of the eagerly anticipated Banjo Kazooie GBA game since it's unveiling over a year ago. And still, no one knows what GTA3 on GBA will be like, or who is making it. And where was the new Pokemon?

All questions that frustrate, I know. But it's just a hint of what we've got to look forward to in the coming months.

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