Feature: Advance Weekly #23

Still busy learning for my upcoming exams, but again I'll take some time to inform you about the recent happenings in the world of the Gameboy Advance. It's not much this week, but at least it's something.

Let's start with Final Fantasy Tactics. The game is selling like crazy. With 330.000 copies in Europe, 460.000 copies in Japan and over 760.000 copies in North America, Final Fantasy Tactics has sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide! Nintendo celebrated this fact by uploading a nice (European) commercial, which can be found here.

Last week, I also received some information about the changes between Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and the upcoming Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for Girls. This game seems to be an exact copy, but with a few minor changes.

First of all, the main character will be a girl. And, as traditional as it may seem, girls get married with boys. Thus, the developer decided to change the five possible girlfriends from the shops, church, etc. into 5 possible boyfriends. However, the 5 girls will still try to give you some competition...

A second new ability is the option to change clothes. A mirror is put into the game, which you can 'use' to change your dress in 6 different colors. How useful. Also, the meals you can prepare in your kitchen can be sold now. Got some spare food? Change it into hard cash. And finally, the game will link up with the Gamecube girl version of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.

Next up, a more violant game compared to Harvest Moon: Sonic Battle. We already knew that there will be eight playable characters and one mystery fighter to unlock. With Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and a 'robot' we knew only four of these. In some recently released screenshots, I noticed a few more characters: Shadow Sonic, Amy, Cream and Rouge. But that's not it yet. I also noticed a screenshot was showing which seems to be a minigame version of minesweeper.

I also received some new information and screenshots on Rare's Sabre Wulf. Unfortunately, the story was rather large (and I don't think Conor would like me to expand this issue with another page of Sabre Wulf info). I've placed a link below for those who are interested.

So what else do I have for you? Well, I've got the usual list of screenshots and movies again though it's not very long this time:

So that's all for this week. I'm going back to my studybooks and trying to keep up with the events from the GBA scene. Until next week!

Comments are welcome (especially positive ones) and can be send to [email protected].

Dennis Stam
(aka Blackbird on the boards)

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