Feature: Advance Weekly #30

Your weekly update of GBA news and screens.

Written by Dennis

And we're back again. Last week, there just simply wasn't enough GBA-related news to create an edition of Advance Weekly, but this week we do. A few screenshots, a few movies and a few new games. Just read the entire article...

In the last edition of Advance Weekly, we've seen some new images of Metroid: Zero Mission. Nintendo just didn't think that was enough and opened up a minisite with even more images, information and movies.

Nintendo of Norway also reached the spotlights this week (twice actually). Thanks to a watchful reader, we can enlighten you with the releaseterm of Pokémon Fire Red & Leaf Green. All credits go to Malte Melnyk. He pointed out that Nintendo of Norway has listed the upcoming Pokémon title on its releaselists. The remakes are supposed to be released next Autumn. But Nintendo of Norway showed more. Until now, Rare only released some information and a handful of screenshots on one of their current GBA projects, Sabre Wulf. Somehow a video reached Nintendo of Norway, who kindly hosted the movie for the public. Just click the link the see Sabre Wulf in action.

Back to America. All of a sudden, Nintendo of America showed Serious Sam Advance in its GBA-listings. No specific releasedate or information is known yet, but we'll keep you informed.

Another newly announced action-packed game came from LSP. In CT Special Forces 3: Biohazard, the world's intelligence services suspect the evil terrorist organizations. These criminals would have created a new molecule capable of modifying human DNA. By reinforcing agression and strength genes, they create a new breed of superwarriors. Of course, only the CT Special Forces can defeat such powerful enemies. You will need to lead your team through the most dangerous and demanding missions.

Time for yet another new game: Oggy and the Cockroaches. Oggy is a big, blue, easy-going Tom-cat... Well, at least that's how he'd describe himself. A sensitive cat with a kind heart - a real "good guy". Life would be heaven without those three repulsive insects, the cockroaches. They just won't leave him alone. Midnight raids on the fridge and other evil schemes. You play as Oggy and must guide him through 14 action packed levels where you will be confounded by the nasty cockroaches and many other villains. Your mission is to stay alive in the process and "catch" those cockroaches.

If you're a big Pokémon fan, own either Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire, still want the EON-ticket and live in the UK: good news for you. For one day only Pokémon fans across the UK can download EON tickets onto their Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire game! The EON ticket allows you to visit the Southern Island to encounter Latias (in Pokémon Ruby) or Latios (in Pokémon Sapphire). Gamers should head to one of 30 participating GameStation stores on Saturday 21st February 2004 to get their hands on the legendary EON Ticket. For a complete list of participating GameStation stores, there's a nice list for you here on Cube-Europe. Just click the following link.

Just like in every edition, I'll end with a small list of screenshots:

And that was really everything for this time. Comments (especially positive ones) are always welcome, so send them along.

Dennis Stam (aka Blackbird on the boards)

[email protected].

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