Feature: Board Roundtable #4

Yet another edition of Board Roundtable is finished in great style with some of our board members discussing the 4th topic of this interesting feature: how bad is Nintendo's decision to cancel Spaceworld? Or is it even bad?

Many interesting thoughts were set by the following members: Great King Bowser, Omario, H.O.T., Nabothi, Sphere, Lockey 316, DacMan, Zich, King of the Swing, Nintendo,, 64DD, Kraig, Edge, Mayjest, ModoX, Me677, Chris_the_great, Well_chuffed, Dunk, Heales, MTC001, Ap2000, Mattcube, and legendofwarcraft.


Great King Bowser: In my personal opinion I am somewhat disappointed that there will be no Spaceworld this year. If not only for the inevitable surprises that spring up (anyone remember a certain Zelda incident last Spaceworld?) but also the great titles that are on show, there were a lot of unanswered and unseen games at this years E3 event, questions I hoped would be answered at Spaceworld. Also a number of hardware peripherals could have been shown such as the new portable monitor and the game eye. But alas, I understand their decision, as you have to look at it from a business perspective, what other than those could they show? Most of their "Game Giants" would be practically be out, Mario would have already hit the shelves, Starfox Adventures would have come and gone, even Metroid. Nintendo would not have a big hit to show, and yes I am aware that Zelda would be a candidate to display, but can they base an entire show to one game?

GameCube will have already had a large number of killer apps released, and will be inevitably selling well in the land of the rising sun with the release of such killer apps, there would be no need to a marketing blitz such as Spaceworld. In my opinion if there is to be no Spaceworld this year all funds and resources reserved for the show should be invested into getting Zelda out before years end!

Omario: I think it is a disappointment for all the GC fans around the world that were very eager for the show. Anyhow as GKB said I agree that there will be many surprises and Games such as Donkey Kong racing, Mario Kart, which never got any attention in E3, will have been changed amazingly that people will be taken by it.
However I also think that there is some play being done by Nintendo. We all know Nintendo's regard for secrecy of information and I expect that the cancellation of this Spaceworld will be a cover-up excuse for them to startle people. I expect a lot of new exciting games and a lot of changes in previously announced games that will take people by amazement. I think it isn't long before we see Nintendo do something very unexpected that will be uncovered at the next gaming show. The future is bright for Nintendo.

H.O.T.: When I heard that there would be no Spaceworld this year, I was at firs a bit concerned and surprised of course. But maybe it's quite understandable to leave the show if you don't have anything to show. I thought that Spaceworld would have been perfect place to tell that Rare isn't going anywhere, and maybe give crowds playable versions from those superb GC and GBA games to be released this year, but no. Now it seems that Rare will release only one single game this year.
Spaceworld would have been perfect place for Square and Enix as well to show their coming great RPS's. Especially Final Fantasy's first presentation and maybe even playable version could have been there, but no.

So I guess I'm not the only one who was at first a bit concerned, 'cause we don't know what's going on.

Oh well. Only the time will tell.

Nabothi: At first I was really surprised by the 'Spaceworld cancelled' announcement. It just seemed odd, why would Nintendo not hold their big annual show and promote their products in Japan (not to mention creating hype all over the world) with the awesomeness that is Spaceworld?
I have been following the development of GameCube very closely and every Spaceworld was exciting. What would the big N show this time? After every Spaceworld you could look back and say, wow, that was great, can't wait for next year!
But that dream is shattered, no Spaceworld this year, no big announcements at their own show, no nothing!

Okay, that might be crossing the line a bit. When you think about it, cancelling Spaceworld this year is making perfect sense from a business point of view. Let me explain.

Spaceworld is always being held in August. Now we know what Nintendo's line-up will be for the end of this year, it's just amazing. It would go for Spaceworld as what we saw at E3, highlighting the upcoming releases and not showing something really new.
What would be the point of having Spaceworld then? Having the press around is nice but Nintendo's a company and they need to sell their stuff. So that's why I think they'll take a different approach this year.
As of late Nintendo's marketing has been a bit different and more geared towards consumers if you ask me. They're trying to surprise the consumer in a way that will make them look at the nice little purple box and say: "Hey, I'd like to have one of those."
One way of doing that is letting people go hands-on with upcoming games. This can be done with special mini-events in malls or other big locations. This way you'd get in touch with 'average' people and not just the hardcore gamers who'd be keeping their eyes on Spaceworld.
The big N might look into several original ways of promoting their products; we might even see Cube Clubs in Japan. They worked pretty well before, so why wouldn't they work now?

Overall, I don't think cancelling Spaceworld was a bad idea. The money that would've been spent on Spaceworld can now be used for more diverse promotions throughout the country. They'd reach far more people for a longer period of time. If they don't do this though, something is seriously wrong. Then again, Mario and Zelda are most wanted in Japan now, so I guess those games will sell themselves.

With a possible showing of Nintendo at TGS and these 'Spaceworld satellites' our beloved N might have a bigger impact in Japan than with Spaceworld. It's going to be interesting to see what Nintendo will cook up this time.

But whatever happens, the great games will keep coming.

Sphere: Nintendo's decision to cancel Spaceworld isn't a bad idea at all. I think it is rather funny that people get angry and say that it is a bad business decision. What people very often forget is that Nintendo has been in the business for a number of years and they know what they are doing. They know their job better than any gamer. I don't know how many times they have proven the hardcore gamer wrong and yet again they will do so. Also they showed all the big games at E3. Then why let Spaceworld be a letdown? I've also been hearing rumours that indicate that Nintendo will instead have a number of smaller shows in many places, which actually is a good idea to attract the Japanese public. Nintendo have to get some Japanese support and the right way to get it is to give the public a little hands-on experience.

Lockey 316: I think that it is a huge disappointment that there will be no Spaceworld, but think about it was has Nintendo to show? We have all ready seen the Classics like Mario and Zelda, two games that will kill the X-BOX and PS2. I think that Nintendo showed us too much at E3 so that Space world would have been the same stuff. Maybe Nintendo should have shown Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Starfox at E3, and shown games like Wario World and 1080:White storm at Space world. Well if there is no Spaceworld Nintendo has anything to do so they can keep making and improving games, which will be talked about in twenty years like the Dk arcade, is talked about now. Making games is what Nintendo does best and with no Spaceworld means spare time, so come on Shigsy hurry up we want Zelda now!!!!!

DacMan: Remember, Nintendo have only just entered this round of the 'console wars' so it does not make much sense for them to keep 'secrets' from E3 just so that they can announce them at Spaceworld. I think that they went for broke at E3 with all their big guns blazing (Mario, Zelda, Starfox Adventures, Metroid) and don't have enough nearly complete products to show at Spaceworld. There is no point them demoing the same games as at E3 but also they don't want to undermine these games by announcing other titles. (I also think that by showing all these games at E3 and not at Spaceworld that Nintendo has made it clear that we gamers outside Japan are at least as important to them - how about a European show next?)

Obviously as Nintendo fans we all wanted to see Spaceworld with announcements about Mario Kart, anything by Rare, Pokemon (!), online gaming, more GBA linkups etc. But hold on a minute, look at the embarrassment of riches we have coming in the next few of months: Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Starfox Adventures, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil. How many GameCube owners want one or more of these games - I would wager that it is all of us, I would also imagine that a lot of us will probably go out and buy ALL of these titles.

Who needs Spaceworld; by the time September comes along we are all going to be far too busy playing Nintendo games to read about them.

Zich: I was really disappointed when I heard that Spaceworld was not going be held this year. Me and some of my mates have always followed the big game shows like Spaceworld, with great pleasure. I think this is the fact for many Nintendo fans out there. I think that Nintendo would benefit from this show, I think. By having a great show they could kick start the great year that lies ahead. With titles like: Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Adventure, Zelda GC and Metroid, they could really use some publicity.
But as always I think that Nintendo has thought a lot about it and they have made the right decision after all. It might not look like that at first, but we fans must not be so fast at saying so. They have after all said that they are coming to shows like: "Tokyo game show", and "ects" in London. So Look out for a great game year. I know I will�

King of the Swing: When E3 ended, I was left with a bad feeling in my throat. But, I was told that I should just wait for Space World to see the likes of Rare and some big, original Nintendo titles. But then Nintendo thought that E3 had been a great success 'having showcased an exciting and very well received line-up of games at this year's E3' was said by Nintendo of Europe. They may have been pleased, but all we saw from Nintendo was the same games showcased the year before, just more complete versions of them.
The reason for cancelling Space World was that Nintendo want to promote games in Japan. Big whoop! We may get a surprise at another show, like ECTS, but I doubt it.
There may or may not be another Space World, I doubt that there will, but don't quote me if I'm wrong.
But remember - Space World does not create games, it just shows them off. Just because Space World isn't anymore, it doesn't mean that big games are. Games are still being made, just with nowhere to show them for a year.
Well, that's all that I can say!

Nintendo: Well there are two things that you must remember here.

Although it may seem a big disappointment Spaceworld was never an annual event.

Nintendo has also said that in its place there will be many smaller events that will reach the public more. Already, one of these small events has been planned and announced. This is the Pokemon advance tour where they will visit loads of Japanese cities with the new game.

Its like Spaceworlds still here but the fun is spread out over the year rather than having to wait 6 months for each big event.

: You really have to look at this type of question from both sides of view. Nintendo will showcase barely any new games that were present in E3 and they will have to take time from developing to hold the event but its a shame the Japanese don't get to see or play the games that were at E3 or that they wont be able to promote there top franchises (which could have an effect on sales)

64DD: I'm disappointed that there is no Spaceworld this year, and it was always a great way for Nintendo to show off their products without Microsoft or Sony getting in the way.

But then I suppose Nintendo really did come in force at E3 and brought out all the big guns then. There already was playable versions of their best games at E3, and knowing Nintendo, they'd think that a second playable version would give too much away, and just dishing out the old one would make a sub-standard show. Maybe there just weren't enough new products for Spaceworld to make it half decent.

If it was my decision I would re-enforce the games shown at E3 but as I said Nintendo are never that keen to shove new and original ideas from their games down our throats.

Kraig: Its a shame that Nintendo have cancelled Spaceworld this year as I always enjoy reading about how well Nintendo's games are coming along but E3 wasn't that long ago and probably not many games have undergone changes worth spending a lot of time and money to show them off at Spaceworld.
Spaceworld isn't really an annual thing, it has been cancelled before.
Nintendo are very secret and always have been and love keeping people in suspense to play their new games so maybe this was a marketing strategy to build excitement in Japan and across the world as soon Mario Sunshine is to be released in Japan and this will be one of Nintendo's best selling games for a while and will almost definitely go right to number 1 in all the charts and Nintendo don't want people breaking their excitement by getting a go on Mario at Spaceworld.
Nintendo will save a lot of money from cancelling Spaceworld, so maybe that money will go into advertising or something else worthwhile instead of a smaller E3.

Edge: While I'm obviously disappointed at not being able to have a gander at all the fresh media sprouting from Spaceworld I can see why Nintendo decided to cancel it.

As many people have mentioned Ninty brag out the 'big guns' at E3 in a ditch attempt to conquer the show, which, in my opinion, it did. To try and find enough new media to fill an additional show would be very time consuming and ultimately fruitless. A few smaller titles would have the chance to make an appearance but information on the AAA titles coming our way would be old news by now. Remember the UK's Nintendo Show that was basically a re-iteration of 'new' announcements given out at E3. Games journos were not impressed with Nintendo's efforts so why should they risk being victim to a similar plight here?

Europe and the US have plenty of upcoming titles to keep us busy so why not take this opportunity to win the hearts and minds of their homeland. In my opinion it was an inspired move of business-sense.

Mayjest: I actually reckon that the decision to cancel space world is quite clever. E3 is recognised by almost everyone to be the biggest games event thing in a year. With no new announcements that anyone is expecting (all the big franchises being covered) that gives Miyamoto an extra 6 months to thing up weird and wonderful new ideas before E3 2003. Which is quite good, because when these new games are shown, they will look much better and we may even get some playable demos of the new ones.

And also, no Spaceworld and the possibility of a show over here. That might give me a chance to play on a demo version of a game, as I can't afford to go to Japan or the use just for a couple of days. I could possibly get to Germany or maybe further a field, but that's not the point.

Anyway, no Spaceworld = more weird and wonderful things from Miyamoto. And come on, your telling me you don't trust Nintendo?

ModoX: I am disappointed that there will be no Spaceworld, but I'm certainly not surprised. E3 is absolutely huge, it's 'the' place to show off your best stuff, and for those in Japan there is the Tokyo Games Show which is getting better and better each time.

You have to look at it from Nintendo's perspective, people who aren't as interested in Nintendo won't turn up to a Nintendo only show, whereas if they turn up to a show like E3 they might get drawn in to Nintendo's stand by a flashy display or a new game. Spaceworld, good as it is, cannot get anywhere near as much publicity as something like E3.

For the amount of time, money and effort it uses, Spaceworld is becoming unnecessary.

Me677: I feel that the cancellation of Spaceworld is going to leave a big gap in Nintendo's publicity 'line-up' - if you announce lot of things all at once it certainly makes people look up and notice. Having said that, that's about it. Nintendo tend to use Spaceworld for the big announcements, and then actually pad out the promises at E3. So what if we don't get all the news in the autumn? It is still going to come out, even if not with the usual fanfare. To be Honest Spaceworld is good for just telling us the ideas Shigeru-San & friends have had. It may get us excited and be nice, but Spaceworld is no great loss.

Chris_the_great: personally, having just known found out cause my Internet connection is the shambles, I'm a tad disappointed. I always like to here about new games and see the new screens, it's what wets your appetite. I think this could cost Nintendo. They should unveil some new games to get us excited I want to see some thing exciting. A big mistake Nintendo.

Nintendo: I wouldn't worry so much if I were you. Just because there's no Spaceworld it doesn't mean that there are no new games. And it isn't always the best thing to find out about games so long before their release so it will be better in my opinion if there are smaller shows nearer to the games launches.

Well_chuffed: When I first heard Spaceworld wasn't going to be on I was a little surprised as I thought Nintendo would use it to help boost the ailing sales of the GC in Japan.

It isn't all-bad though because Nintendo will be attending a lot of smaller shows instead, which may help sales in localised areas. Any big news from a small show will make it out to the world anyway, though it is unlikely Nintendo will break anything as they seem to be pretty quiet at the moment.

I think most of the problems Nintendo are having anywhere in the world right now with their sales of the GC will pick up for Christmas anyway. Even us in Europe will have the majority of the first lot of killer aps by then, provided Nintendo actually stick to their current release dates.

What I'm trying to say is a big show such as Spaceworld just wouldn't increase the current sales enough to support doing it when Nintendo may not have big news to break that they haven't said before.

Dunk: Apologies if this has been mentioned.

Spaceworld is a trade only event- in its place Nintendo are planning many public events albeit on a smaller scale.

So I think its a good move- after all the public are the ones who buy the games so it nice that they get to play the new stuff, not just a bunch of journos.

IMHO this will have a more positive effect on sales than an event that the public only get to read about- now they can experience it themselves.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about SW being for trade only- my source being this months Edge news article.

Heales: With the increased competition, and the fact that E3 is the most important show I assume that Nintendo finds it a lot more attractive to attend TGS instead of setting up a separate Spaceworld show. There might be one more reason as well. Looking at how well Nintendo did at these years E3 with some heavy guns being fired soon with Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Eternal Darkness it might be that Nintendo feels they have done their part for 2002...and who is to blame them for that.

If the rumours about Nintendo coming up with more original games next year is true we might see that Nintendo will do a new Spaceworld in 2003 instead.

MTC001: I'm not worried after all. We all know that Nintendo is making the best games you can get on a console. I think Nintendo is planning something: Have you ever wondered why so many Nintendo games are developed by third parties? Just take a look at this:

Wario World - Treasure
F-Zero - Sega
Starfox Armada [Lylat Wars sequel] - Namco
Mickey Mouse Magical Mirror - Capcom
Mario Tennis - Camelot
Mario Golf - Camelot
Mario Party 4 - Hudson Soft

While "only" the first 4 titles where meant do be released by Nintendo, Mario Tennis, Party and Golf where known to be released by other Firms. Many games look like they are made by Nintendo but if you look a bit closer, then you will realize that only a few are really developed by Nintendo!

I think Nintendo has much more to come and they will tell us all when the time has come. Maybe it's just a bit to early to tell everyone what is yet to come. Don't forget that Nintendo announced at the E� that they are working on 20[!] games. I just can't wait to see what all those games will be...

Ap2000: WOHOO!

Guys, calm down !!!

Many of you were "afraid" of the new Look of Zelda; they were sort of disappointed (me too a little).
But after the E3-2002 many know now, that the game IS GOING TO rock.
Now, many are "scared" by the decision of Nintendo, to not make a Spaceworld...

See what I mean?

Mattcube: Hmm. this is an interestng one. I think they cancelled Spaceworld because they have decide to take a U-turn is strategy that became clear at E3. E3 is usually at show which companies display new, groundbreaking titles that are at a stage where they need to be shown to the public to help focus development towards public feedback.

However Nintendo chose not to do this. Instead they decided to show games that are on the verge of completion, basically getting the public excited about products coming out in the near future. The GameCube is evolution for the N64 revolution. Spaceworld has been used to show new things and make people OHH and AHH - i.e. showing revolutionary hard/software. Nintendo showed in E3 this is not what they are aiming for. They stated they want smaller shows around the world - like the one in France. This is so Nintendo can get out there and show people locally what exciting games are coming out THERE, NOW to make a bigger impact as at E3.

They have realised that people are fed up buying new hardware or what games are going to be released in 2 years or more because they will lose interest and get bored. It also lets Nintendo concentrated on making great games, not rushing for Spaceworld, and making a large user base and catalogue of games to got with it.

I think cancelling Spaceworld was in a way a good thing. Sure everyone will miss the show but Nintendo needed to do this so they could focus public attention on games that they are going to purchase in the near future and not undermine them. This helps Nintendo focus on the consumer needs and producing those killer apps that get your average Joe Bloggs on the street interested to some geeks at a computer. Whether or not it'll work...


Legendofwarcraft: Personally this doesn't bother me. I believe Nintendo did all it could at E3 this year. They announced all the great titles they needed to. Unlike last year they didn't need people to start thinking about the future because this year is going to rock!


That's it for this week, thanks again to our 25 writers. Hope you will participate in next week's topic. Check the GameCube Discussion board in the forums to see what it will be!

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