Feature: Board Roundtable #6

We all love GameCubes games but still, there are games on other systems we'd like to see on our lovely little console. What ones is the question we posed to our forum members.

What games on other systems would you like to see on GameCube?

Nintendo: I think that most of the games I like are already on the GameCube but the next installment of GTA would be quite cool to have. Halo is also on my wishlist but I know that Halo on GameCube will never happen. But then again theres Die Hard and Turok to please my FPS appetite and Driver to replace GTA. The one game that I really want on GameCube though is Metal Gear Solid. This game is damn cool.

Noodleman: i would like to see Shenmue on the GameCube as it is one of my all time favourite games. Well actualy id like to see Shenmue 3 on GameCube as I have 1 and 2 on the Dreamcast. If Project Ego/ Fable turns out to include everything it promises to include then it would be a good addition to the GameCube. An update of Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound on the SNES would be nice. Championship Manager would be ace but would be difficult to have on the GameCube without a Hard Disk.

kraig: I think that almost everyone would like to see Halo on GameCube, but I would like to see Deus Ex 1 and 2 because Deus Ex was my favorite game of 2000 and now that it is also on Ps2 makes me even more annoyed, so hopefully it will converted on GameCube which is doubtful.

Still, I really wanna see Halo 2!!! (like everyone else).

James: If I was to choose a game from another console it would have to be Command and Conquer.I think it would make a splendid game,or even if Westwood brought Command and Conquer:Generals out on the GameCube,now that is what i would call good.

JGonspy: Most systems don't really interest me that much but I'd have to say I wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 2 for a while despite how bad it's story is supposed to be. There's also DDR Max 2 and Shinobi both coming out for the PS2 but that's pretty much it.

Tonto: GameCube, Playstation and Xbox each seem to be developing their own audiences, so i don't expect to see a great deal of games on other systems that would really appeal to Nintendo's audience. That said, i think some Micro-dollers are dragging needles amounts of Sega games towards Xbox.

I would like to see GameCube users get a chance to play great games from less successful systems of latter years. There were many good games for N64, Saturn and Dreamcast that most Playstation users didn't get to play. I would love to see updates of Burning Rangers, NiGHTS (recuring request), Manx TT (still the only decent motorcycle game), Ecco, Powerstone, Banjo Kazooie and many more games that I, but few others, have been playing. Mind you, I don't want to see any poor remakes - lets make the Sonic Mega Collection the last of its sort.

me677: Sambo De Amigo. It was mad, very expensive (due to the maracca periphals) and VERY japaneese. All that makes it amazing it got an american, let alone PAL release, especially on a format that was in the proccess of a long, painful death. For that we have to thank Sega for their intrest in good games, not money (though look where it left them... ) As much as I tried when i owned a Dreamcast, i could never track down a copy of the game - its now one of those obscure, very hard to find games where ebay is your only hope - if you can stomach the prices.

The chances of a GC conversion are slim. The probabilty of a european release complete with controllers is small to say the least. But please Sega, belive in the GameCube and give us those mexican, maraca shaking, monkeys

PJrocks: I'd like to see a budget range with N64 classics on the GameCube (eg. Mario, Zelda, Conker, Banjo etc) and I'd also like to see more discs like Sonic Mega Collection which trace the history of a character...

blade_reeper: Where do I start.

Final Fantasy is the number one game anyway that should be on the GameCube. God almighty would nintendo get there ass in gear and sort it out.Like final fantay was born on the nintendo and it rightful hope belongs there.They have lost millions of pounds and so many die-hard true gammers because of it.

All the most recent release's that are out on the x-box and Playstation- medal of honour,g.t.a. 3,age of empires,metal gear solid 2,sim city,commmand and conquer,quake,grand turismo,half life 2 when it comes out and in genral all the games that i have being waiting to play since nintendo anounced them 3 years ago(ie. star fox,mario kart(where is mario kart),zelda(even though they can shuve that cell shaded thing where the sun dont shine),mario sunshine,metroid,i even hear contra sprits is comming on the P.S.2,etc)

I think in genral as much as i luv the gAMEcUBE they have to start getting their act together and get the good quality games comming out.Star wars rouge Squadron is brillant in fairness,but where are all the rest

Do they not have a market research department or something.The true reality nintendo needs to start fighting back because sony is winning the war due to its quick recations to the market and quality games

Lockey316: Everyone keeps saying the same thing GTA etc. But has anyone thought that it may not suit nintendo cos we have being brought up with mario and zelda. Nintendo can always release it but with caution! I would like to see the metal gear solid series, GT series and the Smackdown Series come to the GameCube . The MG series cos we need a top class shooter now. GT cos it is a class racer, and the smackdown series cos I think it rocks. Come on who wouldnt want to see Smackdown 4 come to the GameCube it will destroy every wrestling game in its path. Also Champ Man would be a good choice to bring to the GameCube if it could support it.

well_chuffed: It's all good and well hoping, wishing or even dreaming that a certain game come out on the GameCube, sometimes it just isn't meant to be. Most people answering this question will probably be suggesting games like Halo and Silent Hill but they are the 'must have' titles of the competition.

What I'm trying to say is if every console had every game the market would be completely stale. I enjoy going to my mates house to play Halo on his Xbox and he can come here to play Super Monkey Ball on my GameCube. Another of my mates has a Playstation 2, it's all a good reason to get together at each other's places for multiplayer sessions because of the difference in games.

pohleonguk: I know I would love to see games such as Halo or GTA come to the GameCube. But then I think, thats not why I choose to buy my GameCube, I bought my GameCube because I wanted to play games like Super Mario Sunshine which are exculsives. I think GameCube has much more desiered games then other consoles. Sure you want Halo and GTA, they are both on PC, but is Mario, Star Fox or Metroid on the PC, Xbox os PS2? No. With the release of the GameCube we see games such as Final Fantasy coming back to Nintendo, I am sure many of use wanted to play the Final Fantasy Series. Even games like Metal Gear Solid are coming to the Xbox. But you will always know that as long as Nintendo keep making consoles, you will know where to come to play games featuring Mario, Donkey Kong and others.

mysticloud: It was said before, but Shenmue would contribute alot to the GameCube's lineup. Shenmue would be perfect for the GameCube contoller, unlike the Dreamcasts which made the game rather slow.

Another game that should come is GameCube is Jet Set Radio. I don't know why Sega gave it to Xbox as it doesn't suit the console with it bright colours and poppy music.

My next game "would" be Skies of Arcadia,but as i found out its becoming a GameCube title very soon!

blade_reeper: I have to say im all for a united console,it makes the most sense,I have a p.s.2 and a gAMEcUBE and i luv bought of them,so i think they should all get together and solve all our problems

Chris_the_great: I'd say ffX and mgs2 at the min but i like nintendo's own more.

Cpt_Fluffy: Personally, I'm agreeing with the guy mentioning that GTA and Halo are not games that would a) suit the console and b) in Halo's case be possible (no harddisk for texture storage or some such).

Also, agreements to the wise man mentioning a re-release of N64 classics at a budget price. I mean, I dunno how similar N64 and GameCube hardware is, but surely a simple port can't take too long and would be a blooming great way of boosting the overall "game total" on the machine, and also would be a brilliant way to start a budget range.

I work in a game shop myself, and the amount of people that traded the N64 in to purchase the GameCube on release, that now wish they'd kept all the games is quite significant so I'm sure there'd be a market for them.

Also: thinking on, it'd be a great way to give young developers a chance in the industry, I mean... imagine being given the hallowed code to Goldeneye to shift onto GameCube, you could learn a lot from that.

Anyways, onto my own point... (at last)

Only games I'd like to see on this lovely little cube that currently dwell on other machines are, as the man says, Jet Set Radio. I mean, no Xbox owner in the shop I work at considers Jet Set Radio, no matter how much I recommend it. It just doesn't fit Microsoft's demographic. It should be on GameCube, for it's sake, and my own.

Now, truly, my own input...

From Xbox now - nothing at all (beyond JSRF)
From Xbox future - only thing off the top of my head is the amazing looking Blinx the Timesweeper, though obviously it requires a harddisk.

From PS2 now - Sega's Rez (to be fair a dreamcast port). This is seriously amazing. I can't stop playing it, the whole music/shooter thing is just so cool, it's amazingly addictive the way the thing just builds up around you till you're almost dancing to the tunes. Also, Sony's own ICO. This is one good game. The feeling of solitude is unsurpassed, you really feel outcast and the "girl" also makes you feel special. It's just a perfect atmosphere to it all. And I really want the neat titles like Gitaroo Man and a Dance Mat game... cos they're quirky, and I think Nintendo should have the quirk...

From PS2 future - I've got my eye on Square's Kingdom Hearts. Something about the feel of that game is getting me excited. Final Fantasy... with Disney looks/sounds/characters... man.

Beyond that handful of titles, I really think the GameCube lineup is (will be by Christmas) truly rounded out to fit most game styles. If this was an Xbox forum, and we were asked what games from other systems we'd want on our Xboxes, we'd all be saying about 10 Nintendo titles, so I think we're doing pretty well.

legendofwarcraft: I must say that we need some good RPG's. Maybe some Kingdom Hearts now that we have squares backing. dot hack also looks VERY VERY good. A online rpg thats not online at all is the greatest idea for a game ever. We might be able to get some ports of Final Fantasy 10, 9 or 8. Grandia is also a good RPG series that has a nice fanbase.

Kanbei: When I first saw Evolution Worlds coming to the GameCube, I loved the previous ones so I delighted with joy with that news. The same happened with Skies of Arcadia, Couldn't wait for the same swashbuckling action I highly indulged myself with the Dreamcast version. So thinking to myself, I presumed that Nintendo's philosophy was to port good Dreamcast RPGs, to attract Sega Fanboys (If Sonic and Phantasy Star Online was not enough). As any Dreamcast owner would presume another RPG and likely candidate will be the critically acclaimed Grandia 2. But as I soon figured out, Grandia 2 is for Playstation. WHAT THE HECK?(I was furious) Nintendo should have grabbed too, since that be an asset to the Gamcube Library. Grandia Xtreme looks incredible and if Nintendo got Grandia Xtreme this would seriously put another dent (Along with the future RPGs next year) in anyone's No or ported GameCube RPGs. Well it would be good for many of us here if the Cube got the Grandia series.

Craxy Taxi 3: High Roller would be perfect for the Cube. With the best controller and controls in your hand you'll have breeze delivering customers but with the X-Box it's just frustrating. Arcade, Sega, And racing fans would have there way to justify the Cube. Too bad Microsoft, and the unlimited amount of money, forked through the nose to quickly develop and exclusify the title.

Rygar and Ninja Gaiden would be two games I want on the Cube, but Tecmo, the little punks they are, would have no sense too put on the Cube since again, Microsoft is Forking it over to have most Tecmo games exclusive. I wish Tecmo would have sense to go back to its roots and put in on the system they once were, same with Capcom and their Maximo. Old school style gameplay is back but what is more old school than Nintendo? Uhhhh, X-Box?

Shenmue would be great for GameCube but we soon forget Virtua Fighter Quest is coming to the Cube for sure. Yuji Naka even said so himself that Shenmue is a Virtua Fighter RPG/Adventurer. But anyway I agree with concept since the controller (and Adult games, maybe change or affect the kiddie image?) would play Shenmue way better than the Dreamcast one and it is just getting worse for Shenmue 2 on X-Box, playing with that controller will just be plain tortue.

Mayjest: I am perfectly happy with the line up were getting know. If anything, it's things that won't be appearing on other consoles but haven't been announced yet, (like a 3d adventure game of Pokemon, from the beginning i've been dreaming of that).

Having never experienced the Jet Set Radio series and having no idea what it is about, i'm not really bothered. Frankly, a couple of GOOD RPG's (remember they have to be good, and they can't be rehashes of old games.) Golden Sun has given me thirst for RPGs that Baulder's Gate could never have started and it needs quenching!!!

Android18a: To be brutally honest, I got my GCN because there weren't any other consoles where the games attracted me. Sure, I got a PS2 purely for FFX, but that was a disappointment (and the less said about cut-scene-fest MGS2 the better) and to be honest I dont know why I keep my "rival" consoles... Ive got all the great Dreamcast games already, and I cant see one Xbox game I'd ever actually go out and buy.

DacMan: I was thinking about this the other day and I realise that this doesn't really answer the question posted as the discussion topic for this round table, but my answer is nothing. That's right there are no games on other systems that I really want to see on the GameCube.

What I want are innovations, when a new game is released I want to be surprised and excited about it, I don't want another systems cast-offs or multi-system ports. I want games that are original, challenging and stimulating - I don't want second-hand ideas, rehashes of PS2 & XBox games or poorly executed sequels and ports.

That's why I bought my GameCube - I want games that I can't get ANYWHERE else.

Chief_Wiggum: As alot of people have already stated , i'm quite happy with the current lineup.If i had to choose i would go for a trip down memory.Does anyone remember the side scrolling series Renegade for the commodore 64 and spectrum.Target renegade was my favourite game for a looong time.If not that then maybe something similair like the arcade and NES classic Double Dragon.Now THAT was a game back in the day. The dawn of Mario64 and the 3D game shouldn't be the death of the 2D old school.I think a GameCube reinvention of one of the above titles would do just as much good for the "mature" market as any other.

L0rdPain: What I really want is the return of the nes/snes days, meaning, the time that NO gamesdesigner could afford not to make games for nintendo systems. As for games on P2/Xbox, i really don't now that much about them, but after looking through the other posts, i do agree on some points. One being the deus ex games, from which i also liked the first one very much, a new double dragon game would be nice (as would a few other old style games, like contra, ghouls 'n goblins, turtles, wizards & warriors, ect ...) :

I'm really satisfied on GameCubes line-up, but most of the games i really want comes end of the year, but still i will wait patiently for them

King of the Swing: I feel that the GameCube needs new games, not ported ones. If I had to choose though, I would like some RPG's like Final Fantasy and a few platformers like Crash Bandicoot. The game Stuntman is looking sweet, it would be all I will need for curbing my destructive side. But it isn't coming out on the GameCube, so that would be nice to have.

I do feel that the only way is forward though, so I'm not bothered about any ports.

MikeC: I'd prefer half-life to halo...

There are coming alot of new types of games to GameCube that aren't just ports like Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, The Hobbit, Metroid Prime, Doshin the Giant etc. So don't worry there are coming alot of games to GameCube that ain't just ports.

gta :vice city is the only game from ps2 or xbox that interests me in the slightest, apart from that the GameCube line-up is perfect for me. I would also loooooooove to see a sequel to parasite eve 2, cos i love it so so much.

GTA: Vice City ain't coming to Xbox it's PS2 exclusive (and it will come to PC too so i don't worry about not getting it). But we shall see what the next year holds for us Cubists

King Cube: All I have found fellow c-e members talking about when they want a game to come to the GameCube is the GTA series. Personally i really do not find the GTA Series award winning or an amazing game graphically or through the story line (what story line?). It exploits peoples inner evil. Ok so i find going around in a car driving over people and shooting rival gangs good fun......... but for 5 minutes. The game lacks any real graphical breakthrough when compared to other games or that special something to make it the killer app for any format it arrives on. Yes i play GTA3 (on my PC) but for everyone to say it MUST come to the GameCube is nonsense, play it on your PC. GTA is a franchise, i compare this game to The Sims read on to see why.

Both games are award winning titles which have been 2 of the biggest selling games recently but they are a franchise, to name another EA Sports FIFA Series (C-E sponsors hehe). These games are all big sellers but have all had countless remakes/patches/updates to make them look more appealing. Take The Sims, how many "expansion" packs has it had? 5? 6? ,add up all the prices of the expansion packs together and you will get about �150 spent on The Sims if you have bought them all. If they released the one game retailing at �150 it would never sell but doing an update with 100 new objects,5 new jobs and new areas to explore each time people are more willing to part with their money. Its only �20 and it looks great kinda thing.

The point i am making is these franchises can only go so far and the question is Where next for GTA and The Sims? There is only so much you can add to a game and i fear for in the long term they will just fizzle out with no new ideas.
I look forward to seeing the new Vice City on the PC but i do not see it as a must have for the GameCube. Most households have a computer and probably a GTA game and i personally think it is more enjoyable on a PC. End of that

OK so what game do i want to come to the GameCube was the topic i have just rabbled on a bit. I would like to see a game that can stand up against Project Gotham Racing. As you may know i am not one to sing XBox's praises but this game is like no other in terms of graphics. Can a game like this come to the GameCube? I would definitely buy it and im sure you would aswell. Virtua Tennis 3,Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Halo, Metal Gear Solid and possibly Crazy Taxi 3 if its anything different to the other versions. All the games above imho would be great additions to the GameCubes rising library of games. I hope you have learnt something from that, its taken me a while

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