Feature: C-E Digest - God Bless Nintendo

I got on to the internet this morning and I head over to this very web site and stare in total disbelief. Then a funny feeling starts arousing in me, that feeling is of course total joy. Squaresoft are heading for the Cube. Excuse me if I get a bit emotional but this is just fantastic and amazing. I still can’t quite believe it. I really never thought it would happen. What is more amazing is that Sony did in fact buy 20% of the company and what is the most amazing thing of all is that it would appear that the first Final Fantasy game on the cube (sniff) will be funded by the fund set up by the Nintendo president, you know the guy who supposedly hates Square.

I completely agree with the news story that says that this will have a much greater affect in Japan than anywhere else. I will stick my neck out in fact and say that this is the final nail in the coffin for the Xbox in Japan. It was dreadful news for Microsoft that they had to recall all the machines in Japan. Make no mistake that was a huge blow and the Japanese will grow distrustful of Microsoft in a big way. The sales for the Xbox have been poor in Japan although to be fair Nintendo’s was not that much better but Pikmin and SSB:M both sold over a million copies and were huge over there. The point being that Microsoft has nothing that will amaze the Japanese. Jet set radio future is by all accounts an amazing game but it is struggling to sell. The fact is that while looking at sites that review Xbox games as well as magazines there are a few excellent titles but there are some dreadful games as well. These games go for graphics over game play. Frankly if Microsoft didn’t have quite so much money I would say that the future was not a great one.

The second effect of Square making games for Nintendo is that buying a PS2 is looking ever more unattractive. It would appear that you could count the number of exclusives on one hand and then you could count the good ones on one finger. Of course Sony has the name and people are fairly stupid and buy it because they know no better. You have to wonder how long that will last. The PS2 is the least impressive machine of the 3 and the graphics of both the Cube and the Xbox are far better. Sony have lost its exclusive use of perhaps one of the greatest developers ever and they are going to have to do something special. I fear however that there answer will be the PS3 but is that the right one?

-Capcom v SNK2 is heading for the Cube, which is good news. I wish they would make a Street Fighter game for the Cube because we Nintendo fans have been deprived long enough (not withstanding the GBA0

-Capcom have also announced Glass Rose for the Cube. This is really exciting and highlights Capcom's ever-increasing commitment for Nintendo.

-Mario Tennis and Golf are headed to the Cube and frankly I am very happy because I loved both these games but I especially love Mario Golf.

-Go and look at Jim’s excellent preview of Stung. Stung looks interesting and I think many of you will be excited.

-The card game Rune has been renamed Lost kingdom, what is surprising is that it will probably get a European release.

-I say this a lot I know but the GBA rocks. Golden sun is really good as is the new Sonic title. Advance Wars, Sonic Advance, Super Street fighter, Doom Golden Sun, Mario Super Circuit and the soon to be released Mario World are all titles that you MUST own. The fact that Square is developing for the GBA is even better. Final Fantasy on the GBA, yes please. Also look out for Magical vacation.

-Just a quick note on Resident Evil. Saying that it has been delayed is nonsense. It was always going to get a summer release. Expect to see it in July at the very very latest

-I expect E3 to have a lot of exciting news for us Cube fans, we will see those titles from Square and Capcom that we are looking forward to and let’s hope that Sega has some games for us.


I don’t feel the need to be a devoted fan boy anymore. Anyone who says Nintendo are stupid are just stupid themselves. Nintendo have all the key players developing for them, yes they may not be exclusives but there is one company that does make games exclusively for Nintendo and it is for that reason that I am now so confident, that company my friends is Nintendo. For that reason Nintendo can’t loose.

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