Feature: C-E Weekly Digest

With the Christmas season upon us, now is the time for games companies to sit back in rake in the cash from the Christmas games-buying rush. The Christmas period is also a news-free zone- so how I'm expected to fill up next week's digest is anybody's guess- at least there is plenty to sink your teeth into this week.

After reporting last weeks disappointing UK GameCube sales, I thought I'd cheer you all up with some heart-warming comments from Nintendo of America- making digs at the Xbox in particular (my my, for such a placid company, Nintendo are really throwing it all at Microsoft lately in the ol' press release department) Here's some of the best-

"The November NPD report of sales data from American retailers shows that Nintendo GameCube jumped more than three full percentage points in next generation console share...while Playstation 2 increased two percentage points...all at the expense of Microsoft's Xbox...which lost five points of the market."

"Unit sales of Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox were dead even in November (468,000 units each) � despite Microsoft giving away two free games with their hardware." "Nintendo GameCube also showed the biggest jump in software sales, climbing more than 150% over October totals...compared to 97% for the Xbox and 48% for PS2. " Ouch. Strike one for Nintendo, for once. If only Nintendo of Europe would show that kind of fighting spirit they're so sorely lacking at the moment� These figures should be taken with a small pinch of salt, as Nintendo are famed for providing , ahem 'selective' statistics. Still, they're hardly lying, and these figures are undoubtedly very encouraging. Nintendo's challenge in the U.S is to stay as close to the Xbox as possible- it's accepted by everyone now that catching up with the PS2 is a long-forgotten dream.

It's good sales news all round this week, as Zelda notched up remarkable 407,700 sales in only a couple of days on its release in Japan, comfortably taking the No.1 spot. Hardware sales skyrocketed naturally, and, at over 67,000 GameCubes sold, Nintendo's purple wonder is outselling Microsoft's Xbox by a hilarious 5:1. Heehee. Now if all that doesn't cheer you up, nothing will�

Elsewhere, Nintendo have all but confirmed Animal Crossing 2. Not wishing to appear ungrateful or anything, but any chance of a European release soon of the existing game, Nintendo? For more on this extraordinary game, its well worth checking out Richard's excellent review of one of Nintendo's most original, sublime, and quintessentially 'Nintendo' games in years here- then get on the phone to Nintendo of Europe demanding a PAL release. The sequel is highly likely to be one of the firm's flagship online titles, along with the as-yet unconfirmed but inevitable Mario Party 5.

Well, as the games industry falls into its annual hibernation period, and gamers everywhere eagerly open up their new games, I'll go- and let you enjoy the turkey. I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas.

Just don't mention Megaton again�.

Mark Cullinane

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