Feature: C-E Weekly Digest

The Calm Before the Storm

The Summer is always a slow time for the games industry in general, not just for games releases. The whole industry seems to go into hibernation for the two months before the games (and indeed, news) explosion in the Winter. It's like everyone is biding their time, holding everything in until bursting time in the Christmas period. With this in mind, the news drought recentl is hardly surprising, in fact, it's expected.

This week has more been about slowly building up antcipation for the Xmas months. Plenty of screens have been released this week, as well as new info on games and official sites of Resi Evil, Ty, Harvest Moon and Rune II going up. Acclaim announced their massive Turok Evoltion marketing campaign. Apparently not content with peoples identities , they are planned huge advertising including movie adverts, TV adverts, billboards and magazine ads. Will it live up to the hype? You'll find out on 6th September.

Screenshots galore
We got our hands on plenty of lovely screens this week. Starfox Adventures, Rayman 3 and XIII are looking quite good indeed. XIII in particular, I think is one to watch. Arriving on the beginning of next year it won't have Metroid, Turok, Die Hard or any other of this Xmas' brilliant shooters to compete with. Also, gorgeous new screens of Metroid and other games went online today. C-E will have them up soon hopefully. Metroid Primes will absolutely blow you away, make no mistake. Unless something drastic goes wrong, this'll easily claim the Game Of 2002 title. No doubt.

Other News
Dave Mirra dropped from BMX XXX, Nintendo break record for worlds biggest pasta, new controllers from Madcatz, From Software will be showing Rune II at the TGS this September and Wreckless is coming to GameCube.

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