Feature: C-E Weekly Digest
Posted 19 Jul 2002 at 22:11 by guest
Nintendos scorcher
Finally. After what seems like ages (more than seems, it's the first Mario platformer since the N64s launch game, Mario 64) Mario has returned in all his glory to Nintendos console. Remember all those rumours during the N64s age of "Super Mario 64 2", when we all prayed for a new Mario platformer. It never came. And then, we all expected Gamecube to launch with Mario platfomer. It never happened. So we all held our breath.

The Japanese are loving this
Mario then appeared at Spaceworld 2001, in video form that (to be honest) failed to light that spark. Ah, but then in the runup to E3 the colourful, appealing screens started to surface and at E3 we all found out that it was as good as we all hoped. Ever since then, we've been eagerly awaiting its release, and today is that day. Too bad we have to wait until October. Unless you purchase a Freeloader of course, in conjunction with GoblinDirect you can get one for just 16 quid.
Spreading sunshine in stocks
The release of Mario Sunshine will undoubtedly set Nintendos stocks, which dropped to an all-year low two days ago, rising. If there was any doubt of its reception it was squashed with the report that the game sold out in just 2 hours !. Apparently, huge queues stretched around the block in Akiharbara, the Japanese were as eager as the rest of us. Gamecube is going to do really, really well in Japan for the rest of the year.
Queue? What queue? You mean that one guy?
Many of us have queued overnight for new consoles or games. But have you ever queued for 50 days? I didn't think so. But that is what obsessive queuer Jason Read is doing for Turok Evolution, in an attempt to break the world record. Hats off to him, if you ive in London pay him a visit at the Electronics Boutique in Oxford Street.

49 days and counting
Little dry on the news front
This week we haven't seen much big news, I guess everyone is too concerned with a certain Mario game getting released. But we have seen lots of screens, boxarts and game info in their place. Be sure to check them all out, especially the gorgeous new Resident Evil Zero, DIe Hard Vendetta and Mario media.
That's all for this week, be sure to check back every Friday for a look at the past week.