Feature: Challenge Club #2

With a new month approaching a new set of challenges arise. So here is the next set of challenges, including the all-new retro challenge.

Here are this months challenges! Read over them, then make sure you read the Entry Requirements. Then submit your scores to Will!

>>> Submit Scores

James Bond, AUF
For all you stealth, James Bond wannabes, here a challenge that should keep you on your toes.
We want you to: get the highest score on completing Bad Diplomacy on Operative difficulty.
Picture: of mission select screen with score.

Wave Race: Blue Storm
Here is challenge to wet your appetite, so get your wetsuit on get ready, set, GO!!
We want you to: gets the fastest race time on Ocean City Harbour, on hard difficulty, with the weather as Sunny.
Picture: of the race finish screen.

This is a great game, but could have been a tad longer, but hey its great while it lasts and with 3 ending to be seen, I'd say we got our moneys worth.
We want you to: grow, as may pikmin as you can in one day on Impact Site in Challenge Mode.
Picture: of the days results screen.

Retro Challenge
I was playing this classic game the other day and thought to myself, one of these worlds would make a great challenge. So here it is�
We want you to: start a new game and completely finish the first world, Mumbos Mountain in the fastest time. This includes all notes, jingos, health honey combs and jigsaws pieces.
Picture: of the pause menu showing totals for Mumbos Mountain.

To enter�
There are a couple of REQUIREMENTS first:

  • You must take 3 digital photos or scan 3 photos; one directly in front of the screen, one to the left and one to the right.
  • We accept only accept digital photos or scanned: due to circumstances beyond our control mailing normal photos can't happen.
  • You must place some objects around the television and have them in all photos, to make it certain it is no forgery
  • YOU MUST NOT USE CHEATS. We're not idiots here, we'll spot forgeries and unrealistic scores/times, so don't even bother. In fact, anyone who cheats will be publicly ridiculed on the site and will be suspended from the Challenge Club.

    All entries must be in by August 31. So what are you waiting for?

    Get setting those scores: Submit Scores

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