Feature: Challenge Club #1

With a new member to the Cube-Europe team comes a new feature. This is where you get to show of your true potential as a gamer and prove what you can really do with a controller in your hand.

>>> Email your Round 1 scores to Will

-- Details Below

So, you think you're the best gamer out there? Do you brag about your highscores to your mates? Has your head swollen to the size of Asia upon seeing your incredible race times? This is your chance to show what you're really made of. The Challenge Club is the place where gamers from all over the world can compete, duelling with their highscores, battling with their track times, and beating their rivals to death with their achievements.

The whole thing is really quite simple. Every month Will selects 4 game challenges. Then it's up to you to send in your best results, to find out who is truly the king of gaming. To enter all you have to do is attempt the challenges set, take a digital photo and e-mail it to Will.
Then, a scoreboard will be compiled with your times/scores and updated every Saturday.

There are a couple of REQUIREMENTS first:
- You must take 3 digital photos; one directly in front of the screen, one to the left and one to the right.
- We accept only digital photos, due to circumstances beyond our control, mailing normal photos can't happen.
-BUT if you have a scanner, you can scan a normal photo (please scan 3 in the same way as the 1st point) and mail it to Will
- You must place some objects around the television and have them in all photos, to make it certain it is no forgery
- YOU MUST NOT USE CHEATS. We're not idiots here, we'll spot forgeries and unrealistic scores/times, so don't even bother. In fact, anyone who cheats will be publicly ridiculed on the site and will be suspended from the Challenge Club.

Now that that's out of the way, here are the first round of challenges.

This months 4 challenges are....

Challenge 1: Super Monkey Ball
We want you to: Get the highest score in 10-Round Monkey Target.
Photo of: 10-Round Monkey Target highscores

Challenge 2: Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
We want you to: Get the highest total score in Los Angeles.
Photo of: End-of-game screen showing score

Challenge 3: Burnout
We want you to: Get the fastest time in Rush Hour.
Photo of: End-of-race screen showing race time

Challenge 4: Super Smash Bros. Melee
We want you to: Get the highest amount of kills in Cruel Melee.
Photo of: Cruel melee character selection screen showing "High Score" for selected character

Check back every Saturday for Scoreboard updates, see if you're as good as you think you are!

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