Feature: Cube-Europe Roundtable #4

Another Sunday, another Roundtable. This week the C-E team tackles Nintendos cancelation of their Japanese show, Spaceworld.

How bad is Nintendos decision to cancel Spaceworld? Or is it even bad?


The desision took me by complete surprise. When the rumour popped up, i disregarded it immediately. But when i saw the confirmation, i was dumbfounded. Spaceworld has been something i greatly look forward to year in year out. For it not to be there, is just unthinkable

But when I think about it more, the consequenses are more than just skin deep. What I see it as meaning, is that Nintendo have nothing to show... I would have thought there'd be plenty to go around, with Mario Kart being at the top of the list. But apparently not, and the decision not to hold a 2002 Spaceworld worries me.

Conor: I was shocked to learn of Spaceworlds cancelation. When the rumors first started, I dismissed them, I thought there was no way Nintendo could do such a thing. But they did. It worries me that perhaps they didn't have enough to show off, maybe E3 exhausted what they had. Who knows.

We might not see Mario Kart this year, or further online details, or a GC-GBA link-up Pokemon game. The low sales in Japan that will rise with Marios release could've been kept going with an explosive Spaceworld, I don't think the planned smaller shows will have the same effect. But hey, we might get some events in Europe now!

Javid: I always loked forward to both Spaceworld and E3 for ground-braking and rival beating announcements from Nintendo. Having these 2 huge events through the year was necessary and they certainly were, despite what people may say, successes every year. Now the gap from E3 is a huge one. These 'small shows' may or may not live up to what Spaceworld used to offer, but Spaceworld will be missed withought a dout. It shouldnt be that much of a problem though, Nintendo know better than to dig their own coffin, if its cancelled so be it, they obviously dont see it being a critical thing, so that re-assures me things will be alright.

Dan: The annoucment that was made on one of these days not too long ago both shocked and appauled me. Spaceworld usually provides the world with a plethura of information regarding Nintendo and their console and software. Now that it is gone, I feel I have been stripped of the information I want so dearly. In other words, I want to know whats going on. Now that spaceworld is gone, I think we won't hear as much information as we would all like. I really hope that is untrue, but I am afraid it may be.

However! Nintendo also said they would be attending smaller game shows, and we will hopefully gain some good info from those. I dearly miss Spaceworld, but I hope these other convensions will provide information for each and every Nintendo gamer who wishes to know whats going on with Nintendo and their new fantastic console named Gamecube.

GamecubeGod: To tell you the truth, I'm quite disappointed in Nintendo over their decision to cancel Spaceworld. I mean, Spaceworld was the one event of the year where Nintendo could say 'hey, world, look here. We're showing you the best things to happen to videogames this year', and now they're cancelling it?!

I think it's a bad move. When it comes to showcasing now, E3 is the only big show. With the cancellation of Spaceworld, Nintendo aren't going to get all the attention they deserve, because games journalists are going to be interested in what's going on at Sonys stand, or Bungies, or Activisions etc etc.

Nintendo have shot themselves in the foot really. Iwata recently commented on how companies need to focus on their software, and then Nintendo go and cancel their one major software show. Ludicrous.

Link: Well, to say the least, when it was confirmed that Spaceworld was cancelled this year I was completely surprised. The Japanese market is probably the biggest games market and one that is being held very strongly by Sony. Spaceworld usually helps to give Nintendo a boost in that market and it is also usually the time that Nintendo shows its best stuff. It's sad to hear that there won't be a Spaceworld this year, but I don't think it will affect sales or cause any catostrophic shifts so there isn't too much to worry about.

Franklin: When i 1st heard this i was in shock, i still can't believe it, no Spaceworld. It seems like the world has gone mad. Spaceworld is what every Nintendo fan looks forward to, maybe even more so than E3. Sure it might save them some cash but really, do they need that cash that much, i hope not.

What big shows have we to look forward to now, ECTS? E3 2003. We need Spaceworld, maybe Jim is right maybe they think they don't have enough to showcase, but how can that be. Lets see theres Zelda, Mario Sunshine/Kart/party, Star Fox, F-Zero, they could also show off some stuff on the Gamecubes on-line plans maybe. Hell these alonw would make a great show and theres still loads more they could show off. They could get Capcom to show off whatever they have done with all forthcoming Resident Evil titles, Eternal Darkness, the list goes on.

I sincerly hope this isn't the total end of Spaceworld and that we will see it return next year and all following years.

That ends this weeks Roundtable, check back next week to see how the C-E team will be coping with the gaming drought this Summer!

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