Feature: Cube-Europe Roundtable #8

We all may love Gamecubes games but there's always that game on another system that you want so much on Nintys console. Our staff discuss the games they'd like to see on Gamecube.

What games on other systems would you like to see on Gamecube?


I only have one or two wishes, because the GameCube line-up is already the best there is! I would definately like to see GTA 3 on the Nintendo console. I played it on the PC and I think the game rocks.

I don't need Gran Turismo on the GameCube. Why? Because I have played Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2 at EA's HQ and trust me... after you have played that you will think Gran Turismo is crap. Oh wait! I have to mention games I do want to see on the GameCube...

Soldier of Fortune II and err.. that is about it

Jim: Being an avid sports fan, I'd really like to see some more Sports games come to the Cube. The PS2 has a massive abundance of them... Please, feed me Rugby 2001!

Also I'd like to see a lot more RPG's come the way of the Cube. If there is one thing the Cube lacks, it has to be RPGs. Ninja Gaiden and Project Ego are two titles that I'd love to see come to the Cube, they'd give GameCube's RPG genre a real kick.

However, I have never been one to complain about the games we don't get, rather gloat about the ones we do. Mario Sunshine, Metroid, Star Fox, Zelda and Mario Kart - need I say more?!

Conor: Not all that much on PS2 or Xbox interests me to be honest, but there are definitely some games I'd like to see on Gamecube.

Halo, for one. Although I haven't actually played it yet, judging from reviews and a trip to my cousins house when I watched him play it, it seems to be one of greatest shooters ever. I am a big fan of the FPS genre, and can't wait for the ace shooters we're getting this Chrimbo; Turok, Timesplitters, Nightfire, Jedi Outcast and Metroid, but Halo definitely would be welcome.

Keeping with FPS', I'd love to see the PC's shooters, like Unreal Tournament 2003, Doom 3, Return from Castle Wolfenstein and Serious Sam. Everyone knows the PC does FPS the best, mostly because of the ease of using a keyboard/mouse, so a keyboard and mouse to go with the shooters would be nice.

If they could be done right I'd like to see some of the PCs stratedgy games on GC, particularly Sid Miers games and Cammandos. C&C on the N64 was kind of a mess, but I'd more strategy games on Gamecube. Also, Final Fantasy. I know, I know, we're getting FF, but I'm talking about the actual FF series, not any spinoffs. I like big RPGs like that, so Baldurs Gate and (if Gamecubeso nline plans are sorted out) then maybe games like Everquest and other MMORPGs.

I wouldn't mind seeing Metal Gear Solid 2, as it's one of the PS2 games I'm interested in a lot. Not too bothered about GTA3 though. Just FF and MGS really. Not really anything else, although the more the merrier!

GamecubeGod: Nintendo is it's own console, and personally, I would rather PC games were ported over to it, and not other console games, such as Halo, Blinx or MGS. I would absolutely love to see Doom 3, Soldier of FortuneI or II, Unreal II and the Championship Manager series on Nintendo's purple box of joy, but not other console games.

Maybe it's just the way I am, but I seem to find exclusive games on other consoles not very good. This may seem very shallow, but I stand by it. I mean, exclusive games on X-box? Amped is shite, as is PGR, DOA 3 isn't that much better and personally, I really didn't enjoy Halo. MGS is going multi platform anyway, and, let's face it, most games on the PS2 are shite, including exclusive ones.

Where else are you going to get such greatness as Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil (yes, the whole series), Eternal Darkness, Wario World, Monkey Ball, Smash Bros., Wave Race, Perfect Dark, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox et al? Absolutely nowhere, except on a Nintendo console. Long live Ninty exclusive games!!!!!!

PS- One game I WOULD like to see for GCN is Final Fant......no, wait, that's already been done..........HUZZAH!!!!!!

Lammie: All the GC needs is a couple of decent RPG's (by Sqaure of course) and a really decent racing sim, like Gran Turismo. Although I'd prefer something more like GT2 than GT3 as GT2 had more depth to it, but I'm getting off point.

The GC has everything else the other consoles have, it just seems to be missing a solid, old-skool RPG ie: Final Fantasy. And it has its collection of mediocre arcade racers (Burnout etc...) with F1 2002 being the only decent racing sim, but doesn't have the depth of GT or Project: Gotham. I'd also like to see MGS on the GC because of the unique style of gameplay that it and only a few other games offer.

Other than that, the GC seems to have an excellent list of titles coming or already here, with Perfect Dark, Zelda, Mario, Resident Evil, Starfox and so on. Even though the PSX and PS2 have a large selection of games, most of them are quite frankly, pretty crap. There's only a select few that really stand out and deserve attention.

Modox: Firstly, let me start by saying that I really hate ports, if a game is simultaneously developed, ie Turok, I can deal with it, multiplatform games are fine. I just feel very let down when we get shoddy old PS2 games like Tony Hawks 3, and even worse, unchanged Dreamcast games like Crazy Taxi and 18 Wheeler (which wasn't too good on the Dreamcast). I don't mean to insult the quality of these games, I love Crazy Taxi and Tony Hawks 3 is a very popular game. There are a few problems however...

1. These are old, especially Crazy Taxi, the sequel is old, CT3 has been released on the Xbox already, how can we get excited about, and spend �40 on, a game that we've seen before? If you want to give us old games, at least give us extra incentive o buy them, extra levels, anything.

2. Lazy ports, this is most notable on Tony Hawks 3, where the GameCube version, for reasons unknown, suffered the worst slowdown of the 3 systems, and many players had problems timing the revert with the analog trigger. With a little bit of effort this could have been resolved, and we could have been left with a justification for getting the game 6 months later than PS2 owners.

Having said that, there are some titles that you can't help but want...

The announcement of Contra for the PS2 startled me somewhat, the previous installments in this great series of shoot em ups have been on Nintendo systems, I would assume most die hard fans of the series would own a GameCube these days, nevertheless, it's going to the PS2, and I'll end up buying one for it.

Another PS2 game I feel would be a great addition to the Cube's library is Kingdom Hearts, a SquareSoft RPG featuring characters from both the FF series and the world of Disney. With real time battles, brilliant voice acting from Haley Joel Osment and Mandy Moore and a surprisingly dark storyline, it could be a refreshing break from the many 'heavy' RPGs.

Sega's GunGrave looks admittedly fun, and after the great Gunvalkyrie, anticipation for this game is even higher.

From the Xbox I would love to see Project Gotham Racing, spiritual successor to Metropolis Street Racing, my favourite racer of all time, I can't help but light up everytime I think about it. MSR had a few small problems, and even if PGR has just fixed a few, it will be more than worth a purchase.

Being a fan of shoot em ups I salivate at the thought of owning Gunvalkyrie, hearing about it's high difficulty level just makes me want it even more, an easy shoot em up is a boring shoot em up.

Of course, there are the more obvious Xbox games like Fable (Project Ego) and Halo that no self respecting gamer can deny interest in.

Neither system has enough to demand a sole position under my TV, with it's big franchises and promise of numerous triple A titles, the GameCube is the only machine that can.

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