Feature: Euro Success for Nintendo?

With the seemingly fantastic sales of both the GameCube and Gameboy Advance in Europe, can Nintendo stay on top?

GameCube sales have just passed the million-mark in Europe and it seems like the console has made a mark on European soil. Sales have eclipsed those made by Gate's beleaguered Xbox here even though the GC has been out for a month and a half less. Sales still have a while to go to reach the dizzying-heights of PS2 popularity but Nintendo have made a cute niche to tempt would-be owners with parting their cash. But can the GameCube survive with endless generic ports of past-it PS2 titles and mundane sequels? Of course not. But Nintendo is in no position to disappoint their army of fans.

Mario is on his way and is set for arrival on October 4th. Just his very name makes most Nintendo-devotees reminisce about the portly one's past adventures and his latest title looks not to disappoint. With Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil and Starfox Adventures all coming later this year it looks like Nintendo has Christmas wrapped up with one hell of a bow.

Great titles mean fantastic sales and Nintendo are looking to saturate the European market with millions purple and black wonders. Doshin will add a little eastern flavour, with Turok and Time 'sleeper-hit' Splitters rounding of a fantastic line-up.

Xbox is proving to be home to more 'adult' titles but gamers are not all falling victim to its solid charms. GameCube sales are as good as ever, with the casual-gamer favourite PS2 proving to be a constant threat. Eternal Darkness, Turok: Evolution and Timesplitters are at the ready to feed bloodthirsty gamers and should provide a good enough distraction from console rivals. Not only is the GameCube becoming home to some sensational games, it's also helping to shed the kiddy image that Nintendo has both reveled and shunned.

As long as Nintendo provide something unique and affordable, they can make the GameCube a success. It has already avoided the problems that the N64 so blatantly suffered, but the summer drought of games still leaves gamers asking questions. Summer is the time for barbies (that's the burger grilling kind, not the plastic dolls), holidays and hanging out with your mates, not new releases. The sooner September arrives, the better.

Notes for your diary: Resident on September 13, Memory Card 256 and Doshin the Giant on September 20 and Turok Evo GC on September 27.

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