Feature: Launch Stories (updated)
Posted 03 Apr 2002 at 06:00 by guest
Tell us how you got your GameCube, where you got it and if you run into any problems getting it. We want to know everything about your launch story. If you have any pictures of you getting your GameCube, or of your new GameCube + games, or of huge lines waiting in front of a store, we want to see those as well.
Email your story and/or pictures to [email protected] and we'll post it for you.
Well after a long day i finally got my cube on may 1st I got up did some stuff and read some forums and read some posts that a lot of people have their gamecube already.
so i decided to go to the stores and ask around finally there...i got in the free record shop...they said we'll be selling it satterday
after a long discussioin i left heading for Bart Smit, they said friday i started talking again and after a dissapointment i left this store 2 Then i went to a store called: Intertoys they had a gamecube that you could play but they also didn't want to sell it so without having a discussion i just left after walking a long time i went into a store called: Megastore they had a lot of games but no gamecube
i bought super monkey ball and left. Next shop...Games & Zo they finally said yes we have the gamecube but they're all resevered
i was dissapointed, bought thps 3 and was heading for home
after 3 hours i was pretty pissed.
After doing groseries i decided to call every store i could find in the phonebook i couldn't stop now 'cause else it would have been a waist of time so i called about 10 shop but all of them said no.
my mom said that i should call a free record shop that's in another part of Amsterdam so i called them and they finally said yes!
i was so suprissed that i was quiet for atleast 1 minute
after asking if they had enough so i could get one when i get there i left heading for that free record shop Finally arrived at the free record shop i found out there where only 3 left and they didn't have the free 3rd party conrollers or dvd cases they where ofering so i got a free official mem. card!i also bought an official controller with it and after i got home i thought *finally after a LONG day a gamecube*
i started playing...
I went to my local Game-Mania store in Ghent, Belgium on thursday the 2nd of may because I had pre-ordered my GC and 3 extra controllers there and they sold it to me for 200 Euros. I also got Luigi's Mansion, Burnout and Waverace at 59.95 Euros, Super Monkey Ball at 62.95 Euros and two memory-cards at 20.98 Euros each. So I got my GC early in the afternoon, but I had to go to work afterwards... When I got home from work, I immediately hooked the beautiful and very small thing up and started playing Burnout. I also played Luigi and Monkey ball, but couldn't get to Waverace because I was so tired from working I had to stop playing. Today(May 3) I'm making up for it though because there's a whole lot of fun in that little black box!
I'm from Greece.The official release here was at 26 of April cause we have Easter.Enough of this let's talk about the launch. I wake up around 6 in the morning cause I was to anxious to get the cube.BUT here at this time the exams starts so I had to pass the system from my mom without seeing it. So what I could do?? I phoned a friend of mine and I arranged to wait for me outside the store I was gonna buy the GC.So he did.Meanwhile I went to buy the wonderfull machine.When I asked the seller if they had a GC he said yes.He asked me if I wanted to buy it and I said yes.He answered I was very lucky cause the packages had just arrived.They had only two games, Luigi and
Waverace and no memory. The seller aked if I wanted to open the box cause noone had ever seen a GC.I said yes.We sit there talking bout the Cube around half hour.Then I pay and left.I told my friend to hold the packages so my mom not to tell anything.When I went home there wasn't anyone.When she came back I told her that me and my friend had change consoles,I gave him the N64 and give me the GC,but the truth was that I just led it to him...
That was my lauch story.
I'm lucky to be alive.
My Local GAME, where I work, is right by a massive Shopping Centre and Nightclub. And after seeing off the 100-Odd customers that piled through the doors at about 11:55, I cleared away some of the stuff with the lads, and took my GameCube bundle, which was pretty nicely discounted, to the till. I rang it up, packed it up, and made my way home. Just as I turned the corner to walk down the pedestrian area, a group of GIRLS came up to me and asked me what I'd bought for them.
Now, gorgeous as they were, they weren't as good looking as my Cube... I fended them off, verbally, and went on my way! After proceeding down the street, I heard an "Oi!" I looked round to see one of the girls, accompanied by quite a large lad, headding my way at quite a pace. It was a 'Cube or Your Life' situation, and after having decided that I wanted to keep both I ran!! All the way home.
After a cup of tea, I settled down, cleared my desk (First time in a year) and set up the Cube. I had to wash my hands about three times because I was so nervous. But eventually, sitting there in the limelight, IN FRONT of my PS2, was a Black Nintendo GAMECUBE. I'd been waiting years for this moment and it was here. Only one problem - I really should have remembered to pick up the bag with the games in!
I have work tomorrow at 9:00am - I just hope the system settings menu can keep me occupied until then!
I went to the Free Record Shop today to get a gamecube, I pre-ordered one at E-plaza but at the FRS you got a free controller, and at E-plaza just a half month subscribtion to some stupid magazine. When I stepped truogh the door the first thing I saw was a GC-pod with like three people in line, and an empty PS2 and Xbox pod. I went straigh for the games and there were plenty but no boxes of the gamecube itself. So I went to the guy that worke there and asked if they had any left. He told me that they got 16 cubes to sell and that he only had 4 left and those were all pre-ordered, and this was on may 2nd, the day 3/4 of they people still thought it would be released the next day. The expectation was that all the Free Record Shops in Holland would be completely out of cubes after the weekend!!!
In the end I got my cube at E-plaza, the one I pre-ordered. With an extra controller, Wave Race, Xtreme G 3 and a memory card, so I'm happy. And so will Nintendo be after the first European gameCube week, I think they're gonna break some sales records :D
I Had finished school and had went to the 576 Game shop. (Where I preordered my Cube) When I Arrived, I saw my friends dad buying him his cube. I waited for my go, playing Wave Race Blue storm on the GC in the stand. at last it was my gi. I got a Violet Cube, 1 extra controller, and a memory card. Then I Had a look to see what games they had. The man replied and said- Im sorry, we have no games left. what the ... . ? A cube with no game? So they phoned another shop some where else. they said they had a copy of Luigi's mansion left. so he reserved it for me.. I asked about other games, and he said: Only Wave Race Blue storm and luigi's mansion are avaidable at launch, and he thinks the other games might come a few weeks later. so I went to the other shop and got a copy of Luigi's Mansion. I asked about wave race blue storm, they said they had 3 copy's left at another shop, at the other side of the city. so i had to do with luigi's mansion. Well at least I got a cube, and luigi's mansion turned out to be a great game! It was better than I expected. I arrived at my house. I nervously opened the box. Wow! I connected the cables And was Ready to go! Im up to the 2nd level now. cant stay too long, i need to go play cube!!!!!!
Cube Master:
A couple of week's ago, I went to the Free Record Shop. There I saw sonic adventure 2. So I bought it. This week I went to the Free Record Shop again. They had crazi taxi. So I bought it too, and pre-ordered Gamecube either. But I had to cancel my order at bart smit. I ordered a Gamecube there 6 months ago.
Then, yesterday, I went to the Free Record shop again. Wow, I couldn't believe what I saw. All launch games!!! So I picked four games (total of six). After I paid, the man who's working at the free recordshop said: Hey you ordered a Gamecube,huh? You can buy it now if you want? I couldn't believe what he just said. I bought it directly, with a memory card, two controllers, Rgb cable, GBA-GC cable and sonic advance. Here is the full list: Gamecube, 4 controllers, memory card, rgb cable, GBA-GC cable, Sonic Adventure 2, Crazi taxi, Wave Race, Rogue leader, Super Monkey Ball, Tony Hawk 3, Sonic Advance.
I got my GC @ MediaMarkt (The Netherlands)!!! After I read the post on ur site. I went 2 rotterdam and there it was :D
I grapped my stuff and went straight home and still playing.. I got rogue leader...i'm planning to get spiderman also en THP3.
ARGOS JUST SOLD ME A GameCube! And then they took it back off me!!!!!!!!
I was walking past Argos near my home and seen a poster GameCube now in stock i was like WOW I went in and asked are you selling them now then man went off and came back said YES! I made a quick phone call to ask about my pre order at Dixons and would they refund it I was again told YES so excited i asked for a GameCube a mem card and Luigi! He was putting it though the till im still amazed im actually getting it! Then he said that will be �211 I was like hu umm no? I said oh u chared my �169.99 not the �129.99 like it says on the poster. So he went off and came back about 15 min later saying oh its a different GameCube I was like what do u mean then the manager came over said yes its a dif GameCube this one comes with a controller the one on the poster we don't get into Friday i said "Sorry but there is only one pack Nintendo only ships it with a controller" he said i can give it to u at �169.99 not �129.99 I just said "Look u have a poster saying u have it in stock for �129.99 there is NO other kind of cube" He called services and he came back saying "oh i cant sell u it now" I was like what i held the bloody thing i have even paid for it!!!!! He said ill give u your refund i was like no u have a poster saying its on sale u have told me i can get it i have even bought it now u saying i cant!!!! He said the poster was only for preorders! VERY VERY ANNOYED I asked i want head offices number he game it to me!
I went home called them then they said they would ring me back then i called trading standards and the bloke was like oh i want one of those and no they cant do that so took my number they rang me back i told them what happened they r gonna look into it! Then Argos called back said we r really sorry the person who served u was new and did not know (thats crap because he told me the manager said i could have it he EVEN said the other manager when he was arguing with me that, she said i could have it i could have it!) But in the end i got a FREE game of my choice! WOOHOO! but i cant get back in tough with trading standards though so i dunno what they r gonna do cos i have accepted the game!
So on launch I am getting Luigi, star wars and burnout but I'm getting 25% off burnout and luigi so i don't ant a free one of them plus im getting star wars in the bundle from dixons so what OTHER game shall i get? I was thinking maybe sonic? but its had bad reviews or maybe wave race but its not my type of game so i dunno what to get free cos i don't want to get a game i don't want just cos its free if u get what i mean! HELP ME PICK!
Angrist (Holland):
At 2h09 PM I read on this site that in some countries, the GameCube was already being sold.
Two minutes later I got a call from 'Free Record Shop', one of the stores where I had reserved a GameCube, telling me that they were already selling the Cube. Since I didn't want to buy the GameCube there (because 'Bart Smit' and Media Markt had a better offer), I first called Media Markt. They told me they didn't have any GameCubes yet!
So me and my bro went into town to see if 'Bart Smit' was also already selling it. Forunately, they were! They had already sold 3 of them when we came in. I asked how many reservations they had: 15, while they had only received 12 Cubes. They were calling all the people who had reserved it.
I bought Rogue Leader with it, I'm in the 5th level or something.
Oh yeah, the controller is awesome!!