Feature: N-Europe's Reggie Awards 2009

Posted 01 Mar 2009 at 15:23 by Tom Phillips

Never mind the Oscars, the BAFTAs, the Grammys or the Emmys. We have the awards show you've been waiting for... the annual N-Europe Reggies!
The last twelve months have seen the Wii come into its own. From its initial burst of first generation titles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid), this year has seen core and casual labels blur with Nintendo releasing a new Animal Crossing, Wii Music, and the Wii Wheel enabled Mario Kart Wii. The DS meanwhile has seen fewer first-party releases, though third-party support for both consoles has been incredibly strong this year - as reflected in the results below.
Join us then, to find out who will get those coveted Reggies (coming to an Ebay auction near you), and who will leave empty-handed, resigned to drowning their sorrows at the bar under the glare of tabloids.
Best Single Player Game
Winner: No More Heroes
Runner Up: Okami
With a sequel already in the works, you voted Travis Touchdown's phenomenally fun title No More Heroes your favourite single-player experience of the year, followed up by the beautiful Okami.
Best Multiplayer Game
Winner: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Runner Up: Mario Kart Wii
As Nintendo finally embraced online gaming, we could at last take on the world. However, four-player living room mayhem is where it's at, what with the unplugging of victorious players' controllers and being able to physically punch your opponent in the face if you lose. Both of these games are still much played here at N-E Headquarters, though the sheer amount of options Brawl provides deservedly makes it your #1.
Best Online Game
Winner: Mario Kart Wii
Runner Up: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A beautifully lag-free online environment, 8-player racing and lots of fresh new competition content beats out Brawl to this coveted award.
Most Underrated Game
Winner: Wii Music
Runner Up: No More Heroes
There hasn't been a more controversial title in recent memory than Wii Music, embraced by some, greeted by much head-scratching by others. Still, you voted it as your most underrated game, just ahead of Suda 51's insane No More Heroes.
Most Surprising Game
Winner: Boom Blox
Runner Up: Animal Crossing
Who knew blowing up simple block structures could be so much fun? You guys definitely did - as you voted EA's Boom Blox the most surprising title of the last twelve months. Your runner-up was Animal Crossing - perhaps you were surprised how close it was to a port of the DS version?
Best Visuals
Winner: Okami
Runner Up: Zack & Wiki
It missed out on the first award, but even for a three year-old PS2 game, Okami takes the gong for achivements in graphics. Okami's gorgeous watercolour painting effects still astound us to this day - bravo, Clover Studios. Bravo.
Best Soundtrack
Winner: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Runner Up: De Blob
We expected nothing less from a game whose entire soundtrack was composed by an orchestra of thirty-eight of gaming's greatest musical maestros, including Kazumi Totaka (the real life K.K. Slider) and Koji Kondo of Mario and Zelda fame. Masahiro Sakurai even managed to nab composers from companies and games who don't even work on Nintendo games, and the product is a homage to almost 30 years of Nintendo history, and possibly the greatest gaming soundtrack of all time. Also note-worthy is runner-up De Blob, which fills your speakers with more and more gradual musical accompaniment as your return colour to a monochrome world.
Best WiiWare Game
Winner: LostWinds
Runner Up: Bomberman Blast
The launch of WiiWare has brought a new supply of pint-sized games to the Wii via magical downloads. The best of these in your opinion - one of the service's launch titles, and a deserved winner - LostWinds. Just pipped to the title was Bomberman Blast, still serving up multiplayer fun in the series' latest online incarnation.
Best Virtual Console Game
Winner: Super Mario RPG
Runner Up: 1080 Snowboarding
The Virtual Console's finest in the last twelve months according to your votes was the classic SNES Mario role-player, and the N64's winter sports classic 1080 Snowboarding.
Most Innovative Wii Game
Winner: Wii Fit
Runner Up: Zack and Wiki
Still selling like hot cakes, the idea that with the Wii and a Balance Board you can get fit and play video games at the same time is obviously a seller - and your most innovative title of the last twelve months. Your runner up was the critically acclaimed but commercially shunned Zack and Wiki, whose perfect controls are one of the title's many top qualities.
Most Innovative DS Game
Winner: Guitar Hero: On Tour & KORG DS
Runner Up: The World Ends With You
And it's a tie for first place between the DS' button-mashy, touchy-strummy Guitar Hero On Tour and the music-making non-game synthesiser for best use of the DS hardware. Both worthy choices in a tough category.
Favourite Nintendo Moment
Winner: October 2nd Press Conference
Runner Up: Nintendo's powerhouse success (Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, etc.)
When were you most pleased by Nintendo in the last twelve months? Not E3, by the looks of things (as much as we love hearing about Cammie Dunaway's puppy obsession). No, it was Nintendo's surprise October press conference, where the DSi was unveiled along with Sin & Punishment 2, Punch Out!!, Another Code 2 and many more exciting titles and titbits. In second place was Nintendo's general widespread success, which has brought the company back into the mainstream.
Most Anticipated Game For 2009
Winner: The Conduit
Runner Up: Sin & Punishment 2
The undisputed winner is a title which has simply whipped up the gaming world in anticipation. Seemingly from out of nowhere, The Conduit has become the game everyone most wants to play. A Halo beater for the Wii? Only time will tell.
Best DS Game
Winner: Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Runner Up: The World Ends With You
Level-5's British boffin nabs the Reggie for this category. The Layton series was not only your favourite game of 2008, but seemingly the whole of Europe's favourite one too, with tracking down a copy in stores proving to be nigh impossible due to high levels of demand. The lovely Cheryl Cole's new advertising campaign will surely drive demand even further for Layton's wonderful cartridge tea-sipping awesomeness.
Developer of the Year
Winner: 2D Boy
Our favourite developer of the year is not Nintendo, but to an indie outfit who broke away from EA to make one of our personal favourite titles from the last twelve months, WiiWare's World Of Goo. Make us a sequel, 2D Boy! Please?
Best Wii Game & N-Europe Staff Game of the Year
Winner: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Runner Up: Mario Kart Wii
Props to Mario Kart Wii, but how could it be anything else? The endless array of challenges, perfect gameplay, online multiplayer and enough Nintendo history to make even the hardest fanboy squee, Smash Bros. is a worthy winner. Here at N-Europe we had our own staff poll for our favourite title on both Nintendo platforms, and the outcome was exactly the same. Now, who's up for a Brawl?
How do you rate the above choices? Sound off in the comments section below...