Feature: N-Europe's Resolutions For 2009
Posted 17 Jan 2009 at 17:20 by Tom Phillips

N-Europe finally makes a mad dash for gaming nirvana with our gaming wishes for 2009. Written by Mark "Tapedeck" Lee.
Well, now we're finally free of the Christmas and New Year festivities we're able to deliver our thoughts in one coherent manner! Back on the gaming trail, read on for our gaming wishes of 2009!
Board senseless? Finally try to get back into Wii Fit!
�70 and we've let it gather dust. �70 and we've yet to decide if it even does what it says on the box. So 2009 is Wii Fit's time to shine. We aim to 'play' this more, to regain the amount of cash we dropped on it in 2008.
And with Wii Music, Shaun White and We Ski 2 currently doing the rounds, we've no excuse not to step up our balance boarding action as a whole!
Start queuing for Wii Sports: Resort
We've smashed a few heads in with our Wii Remotes already but Wii Sports: Resort takes it to the next level. True 1-1 sword fighting got us salivating right there. Disk Dog? Water Skiing? Whatever! Sword fighting is what we want! So yeah, we promise we'll be there on day one to buy it. We've no choice anyway, we showed the trailer to our families and now they want a go too... (grumble)
Clear the Backlog
We admit it, we just didn't have enough cash (or bribe money) to get more games played this year. 2008 housed some tripe, yet Wii has more hidden gems than Tutankhamen's tomb. So, we're still yet to sample some of the titles that we just didn't have the time to pick up in 2008. Thank the Lord for January sales!
Stop hoping titles like Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox and De Blob will top the charts
Despite the Wii topping the charts and Mario Kart sitting as the best selling title of 2008, we're still not entirely happy.
Why, you may ask? Because people are still walking past gems and buying titles like 'Petz'.
I guess we want it all.
We're doing our best to educate the masses, but maybe it's time to just not expect common sense any more.
Do your worst Ubisoft. (Shudder)
Try to curb our enthusiasm for online Mario Kart
Every Wednesday night our forums literally explode with Mario Kart online action. We've since decided to cancel Wednesday in general as the entire day consists of nothing but thinking of Red Shells and how we're going to beat our online friends. Wednesdays need to go back to normal at some point. Even though they feel so good!
Refrain from the hype train
We saw more hype in 2008 than ever before. Smash Bros. Brawl set a new precedent for hyping a game. And what happened? We felt like we'd seen half of the game before we even put the disk in! [Not that it wasn't still sublime anyway! - Ed.]
Stop guessing when we will see another N64 Virtual Console game...
We love our 'fridges' and we're always taking games in and out of it - balancing the downloads we can afford to keep with what we have to siphon off onto SD cards.
So yes, we know those memory blocks are sparse.
We also know that the N64 had few 1st party titles, but those it did have were mostly classics.
But now we're going to stop guessing what Nintendo are up to when it comes to the N64's Virtual Console treats. Just wake us when Smash Bros., Majora's Mask or Excitebike make their appearances.
Stop giving Wii a hard time!
Yes, we're long time gamers. Yes, we have a passion for all things Nintendo. But when we think back without our rose-tinted glasses, we've noticed that we've always had the occasional bitch about the big N. We need a new Mario! We want more games! We need more 3rd party support! But no more...We're going to enjoy Wii. After all what's not to enjoy? We can finally play games with our family members and discuss gaming without feeling like social outcasts. And with the DS flying high we're experiencing something we've never had before: We are cool because we play Nintendo.
And we're sure as heck going to embrace that during 2009.
What are your gaming resolutions for 2009? Let us know in the comments below...