Feature: One Year On

Hard to believe it has been a year. A whole year. Sheesh, where does the time go? Seems like only yesterday when we were all logging on to the forum and screaming 'I GOT GAMECUBE!!!!' at the top of our lungs. Our staff reflect on the 12 months that have passed.

How has your year been?

Well at the launch I was very excited and after initially not liking THPS3 I returned it with some hassle and awaited Smash Brothers, then Pikmin. After I got these I ran low on money and the GameCube ran low on games. My GameCube ended up gathering dust until I got TimeSplitters 2, which occupied me until Metroid arrived. So overall it's been an OK year, would of been better with more money.


My GameCube year has been absolutely superb. The experiences, the frustration, the sense of achievement .. all from one little black box. Super Mario Sunshine gave me butterflies in my stomach before I even had it and some of the levels in Super Monkey Ball (and SMB2) just wanted me to come back for more, and I did, in large doses.

Friends have raced me in Burnout, a game that I must have spent many hours doing the 20 minute marathon tracks and face/offs and cousins have lost several times in Mario Party 4 in the Whomp dominos mini game. Phantasy Star Online has made me work harder than most games before and Doshin lit my life with the first relaxing game I've really played.


Not as I wanted or expected it to be. After the memories of the N64 (the greatest console in existence), I expected great things from the GameCube, only to have those expectations flushed away with disappointment. No Mario game at launch, and the games I did get at launch lasted me about 2 weeks. The absolute greatness of the original Smash Brothers raised my expectations for Melee to high once again, and it was another disappointment. Mario Sunshine was great, yet it lacked the same charm and greatness that Mario 64 achieved. However, I've found sanctuary in TimeSplitters 2 and Metroid Prime. What I'm slightly worried about is that TS2 is third party, and Metroid Prime is second party. It doesn't particularly bode well for Nintendo. However, I'll sit tight and hopefully eat my words come the release of titles such as F-Zero GCN, Mario Kart, 1080, The Wind Waker, Animal Crossing 2 and Donkey Kong.

The Ethereal

Overall it has been good year for me GC wise. I was bowled over by Metroid Prime, had great fun on ingenious titles such as Super Monkey Ball and TimeSplitters


The launch of the GameCube was an amazing ride. A lot of good titles were released during its first year. However, hardware sales lacked and that had a little affect on me. I do care a lot about Nintendo you know But that of course did not let me down, a lot of great titles have been released and I expect this year to be even better!


The launch was awesome and I got myself a fair few games hehe, the year from then on has gotten better and better with each and every Nintendo release I feel. Some feel hard done by shorter games and the loss of Rare with disappointments with Star Fox Adventures but I am wholly satisfied with everything that has happened, all my games have been greatly received likewise many from 3rd party support, and although the loss of Rare is hard to take for me as an N64 Rare fanatic, we have seen with their loss comes many strengths from other developers, like Silicon Knights and Retro Studios. A great year where the only prospect is to get better.


Fantastic I would have to say. The launch was great, I got four games with my console and enjoyed playing them , then as the autumn/winter season came , I was playing Mario, ED , SFA all good fun games to play. I wasn't much bothered about rare leaving the Nintendo scene since I own a Xbox.

As it came to the end of the year I've received Metroid Prime and Zelda , both brilliant games that every gamer should get a chance to play. What a smashing game Zelda is to end the cubes year in Europe.


Ups and downs. The release was great but after a month or two I grew a bit bored with the GameCube, a period in which I played my GBA to death. After a short revive with Star Fox Adventures the 'Cube would go untouched for days again, but lately with Metroid Prime and recently with Zelda I can hardly wait to play again.


My year has been truly amazing, and all because of that little box of joy that sits next to my TV. I have owned every single Nintendo console since the NES, but the GameCube is the one that has really transformed me into a true gamer. I've been playing games for seven years now, and for those seven years I've known - only Nintendo can deliver the goods. Loads of fantastic games have already graced my 'Cube's disc tray, and with better still to come, especially at E3, roll on 2004!


Game of the Year

I would probably have to say Metroid Prime or Super Mario Sunshine. Both fine games that entertain you for ages and have that "I'll just look here then turn the game off" then stay on for an hour kind of way.


Not owning Metroid Prime, I'm going to have to go with Super Monkey Ball. It really is *that* good. The levels are frustrating but 'do-able' and the mini games, all 6, are a joy to play..


Metroid Prime. No more need be said.

The Ethereal

Smooth, Succulent graphics, addictive gameplay, terrific level design. It can only be one game. Metroid Prime. What a corker.


That must be Mario Party . That may sound wacky to some of you, but man, I played that game a lot with my mates. Very addictive and funny.


Zelda, only just released I know but Zelda is the pinnacle of gaming for me and is what first cherished my love for Nintendo. Mario Sunshine though is more suitable being released a while ago and full heartedly deserves game of the year award for keeping me so addicted and amazed throughout its duration, I didn't want it to end, I got every single shine spite, yep, all of them including the ones from blue coins. Awesome.


Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker , only just released, the game is killer with amazing cel shaded graphics and classic Zelda gameplay, it even has a kid with a bogey out of his nose. What more could you want ??


Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
I was doubting between Metroid Prime and Zelda, until I actually played Zelda. I simply couldn't stop smiling. It's nearly perfect: the world, sailing the ocean, the graphics, the sound, the attention to detail; it all fits perfectly. I even like the wand better than I liked the ocarina in Ocarina of Time..


Oooh, toughie. Out of every GC game I've ever played, it boils down to Zelda or Super Monkey Ball. Metroid, though I love it, isn't good enough to deserve such a title, an excellent game though it is.

So, Zelda or Monkey Ball, then? Zelda is a beautiful game, a joy to play with amazing cel-shading and brilliant, brilliant gameplay. It is truly the game your Cube was made for

But, I'm afraid that it has to be AiAi who rolls of with my gold medal, a big grin plastered on its' little simian face. Why? Because Zelda, though outstanding, I feel can't compare with the endless, challenging, addictive joy of Super Monkey Ball. This game has lasted me months, and the mini games kept me playing long after completing it. Though I'm sure Zelda will give me as many months of fun as SMB, having only had it for two days before the GameCube's birthday (ha ha I got it early)doesn't make it worth choosing for Game Of the Year. So, forgive me Link, better luck next time.


The State of Nintendo

Well it's been a difficult year for Nintendo in terms of sales. The GameCube has often been shadowed by Xbox and PS2 except in March where the GameCube was reduced in price and they shot straight up to the top of the charts.


Although behind in sales (by a fair margin) I think Nintendo have churned out some gaming greats and third party games are now not so 'rare' (oh the irony) so choice is much better. Pikmin, Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime.. all games that are superb in one (or more) ways. With GBA SP going well over in Europe and stunningly in Japan, I don't think Nintendo are going to be leaving us anytime soon.


A bit behind the times, in all honesty. I think Nintendo think they can just sit back and rely on the good old' Nintendo Hardcore to get them by. That attitude will see the end of Nintendo come the next decade. I believe they need to show more aggression. We all saw what happened with that impromptu, unsanctioned price cut: sales surged, and for the month of March, the GameCube topped the sales of the PS2 for the first time since its launch. Nintendo needs to adopt that attitude if it's going to get anywhere near the status it had before the arrival of the PlayStation.

The Ethereal

PlayStation 2 has won this war of consoles, but 2nd place is still very much up for grabs. Let's hope Mario Kart, Metroid 2 and the new Mario produce the goods. There has been no sign of N64-like game droughts, and third-party support is better than ever.


The GameCube has not sold as expected. I know Nintendo has got some plans to try and change that for this year. Let's hope they work...


To me it's great, I am happy, more than happy even but that's not what were talking about. When it all comes down to it, its how well it's doing in comparison to other consoles and noticeably it hasn't looked too good at times, but Nintendo have had their ups and downs and inevitably the GBA is keeping them on solid ground to support the Cube as much as possible in the future.


Well the reality is Nintendo should be doing better than what they are now, it really baffles me why the GameCube system doesn't sell as well as it should. Don't people like to play great games, Or maybe they can't just afford more than X amount of consoles.


I don't know, really. The GameCube so far hasn't lived up to it's expectations in terms of sales but the GBA and GBA-SP seem to be doing very well, and Nintendo is still making big profits. So I guess all is well. As long as Nintendo makes great games, I don't really care how well they are doing though. �


The GameCube got off to a flying start this year, with loads of killer games released right from the word go, with even better games coming later (Mario, Metroid, Zelda). Not only that, but many third parties have thrown massive support behind the Cube now (Square Enix, Sega, Capcom, Konami), placing their best franchises on the console.But, many simpletons have dismissed the GameCube as a 'kiddy's console' with pathetic little jokes like 'You have to clean graffiti! How boring is that?', or 'The Wind Waker? What does that sound like to you?'

Those people are missing the point. If those people actually sat down and played the game, they would be playing for hour after hour, after sitting down and eating a large bowl of their badly-chosen words. Nintendo isn't about 'cool' (though it is), or 'realistic'.Nintendo is about fun, and they are the masters of fun. If you thought of the question 'Why do people play games?', then I think the answer's obvious.(I don't mean just video games here, but games in general). People don't play games just because it's 'cool', and only idiots play games just because they're realistic. People play games for fun, and if you want fun when playing video games, you can't go wrong with Nintendo. However, many don't realize this. This is shown by lacking sales over the Xmas period, and the GameCube being in 3rd place in the so-called 'console war'. Just remember, people: the GameCube is a true gamer's console. Do not forget that.


The Upcoming Year

I think Nintendo will try and continue to sell well but with the top three (Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Super Mario Sunshine) all out now I think the main part of this year will lie in E3 and the upcoming F-Zero GC. Here's hoping that gets a 2003 release in Europe.


With Zelda, F-Zero, 1080 Avalanche, FF : Crystal Chronicles and more all coming in the next year, it's going to be hella big. This is a whole new step for Nintendo, reaching a higher quality games and more people. With advertising getting slightly better (the new GBA SP A4 advert is very stylish) and older gamer appeal increasing, things can only get better.

And E3, good old E3. It will be home to 2nd most anticipated game on the 'Cube. Mario Kart. And what a game it will be if predecessors can be used as judge. I'm actually bubbling with excitement. Bubbling! Plus Pikmin 2 and Advance Wars 2 will be there, making this an event not to miss!


Ahh, now we're talking. By the time you've read this, Wind Waker will be among us, and I see this as the start of a great 6-12 months for the GameCube. In-house is looking very promising with titles such as Donkey Kong, 1080 Avalanche, Mario 128, Mario Kart GCN, Animal Crossing 2 and Pikmin 2, and second party/collaboration titles are sounding great too, such as F-Zero GCN, Star Fox Armada, Metal Gear, more Silicon Knights and Retro Studios, and perhaps a new HAL game. Third Party support is shaping up nicely as well. Of course, there's going to be the usual pap, but titles such as Unity, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, Rogue Squadron 3, Resident Evil 4, Tales of Symphonia, Giftpia, FF: Crystal Chronicles and Soul Calibur 2 are looking strong, and are all set to give GameCube a great line-up in the year to come.

The Ethereal

I am looking forward to GameCube's second year, things can only get better, and things are looking good so far. Some great Nintendo titles mixed with some quality third-party games should make the second year a success. Here's to success. I think E3 will be vital this year, let's hope the big hitters are out in force.


The E3 is going to rock. Already we have seen loads of E3 media popping up from Nintendo. I am talking about the revolutionary Mario Kart, Pikmin 2, Wario World and F-Zero. I expect tons of media and announcements to hit Cube-Europe during the E3!


E3 is going to be, as always, an amazing time and an exciting one at that. New games, new info, new screens, new everything. It's a media blowout! I personally can't wait, some great announcements will be made for the upcoming year and one that's already looking promising with more great 1st party titles from Nintendo.


E3 will shock us all, with amazing games been shown. MGS:TS , Resident Evil 4 , Star Fox , Pikmin 2, Mario Kart and loads more. E3 really is going to be spectacular.

I hope for Nintendo that they are able to shift more GameCube's to the public. I really want the system to do well so we can have some fantastic games for the next Nintendo system.


Not much different from this year, I think. Nintendo will go on making good games, Xbox and PS2 will keep outselling the GameCube.

Some very promising games are set to come out (Star Fox Armada, F-Zero, Pikmin 2, Rogue Squadron 3) and Nintendo will most likely have a few tricks up its sleeve for E3 and maybe Space World (if this year will have one). On the other hand, two of the greatest titles the GameCube will know have already been published: Zelda and Metroid. I'm very much hoping this year will bring some new franchises next to all the remakes and sequels.


Now 2003 IS Nintendo's year. Nintendo's sales will rise, more gamers will switch to GameCube, and the GameCube will no longer be just 'a kid's console'. Why? Mario Kart. F-Zero. Final Fantasy. Resident Evil 4. Soul Calibur II. Killer 7. XIII. Metal Gear Solid. Metroid Prime 2.

Do those sound like kiddy games to you? Mark my words, these will be killer titles, and if these don't help the GameCube's sales, then nothing will. 'Nuff said, really.


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