Feature: Staff Roundtable #32

During the week we got the startling news that Nintendo have a 2005 date in mind for Gamecubes successor. We just had to discuss it.

Gamecube 2 in 2005? Will it make it, and is it too early?

bjlangley: I found this news rather surprising to be honest.

I guess Nintendo are just responding to the competition though, as both Microsoft and Sony have started to make noises regarding their next consoles.

It would be nice to not have to replace my console in two or three years time though.

I just hope they don't rush it out. There's still so much that can be got out of the Gamecube, I don't want them to give up on it too quickly.

Franklin: I think it's too early but it does make sense.

I don't think Nintendo can afford to give Sony or Mircosoft a year or two head start like Sony got with their PS2. If they are gonna remain in this business they need to be competing toe to toe for 1st place, not sloppy seconds as seems to be the case now with GameCube and Xbox battling for 2nd as PS2 has such a big lead and user base.

But I do hope that Nintendo stick with the policy of a games only machine, I don't see the point in a games console playing CD's and DVD's. Firstly that will only make the launch price higher, and if PS3 and Xbox2 play DVD's like their predecesors they should cost a fair bit more than Nintendos next console.

Almost everyone has DVD players anyway, so whats the point, and anyone that doesn't probably has a PS2/Xbox anyway.

So lets all enjoy our Cubes while we can, just two (oh my god) years left until the next wonder box is on it's way, and we start all over again....such is progress i guess. But I can't help but wonder other than ever more awesome graphics, just how much further can all these new consoles bring gaming?

"If it ain't broke don't fix it" they say, and I don't think there's anything broke in the industry today.

Svt4Him: I don't think it will be too early, but unfortuantly the current GC users may suffer. The reason I think they'll have to come out at the same time as the XXbox and PS3 is to avoid the problem that always seems to affect Nintendo...too few games too late. With the head start of the PS2, Nintendo and MS don't come close to catching it, and I don't think either can afford to let that happen again. And with new consoles comes new technology, and I'd rather have the newest technology in a machine that I will buy, and if Nintendo didn't have that, I'd buy something else.

Freddy: It's good news that there's another Nintendo console in production, yet bad news that it could be arriving as early as 2005. Why? The Gamecube is a fantastic machine which still has bundles to offer. If Nintendo don't push it to its limits before dropping it for the next console, it could upset a lot of people. A lot of people would feel cheated that Nintendo had dropped such a great machine after so little time, I know I would. All that money spent on a machine with a shelf life of less than 5 years. Think of all the games that could be realised on it.....

On a lighter note, I'm pleased that Nintendo are working on a new home console. It just goes to show that the best never quit.

Ash San: Well I think Nintendo may scrape a November 2005 release in Japan just in time for the holidays, but America Europe, I'm guessing Q2/Q3 or if were lucky, end of Q1. I like the fact Nintendo are trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft and I hope this time they come out fighting, big promotions, small price, huge licence etc that will help during the launch.

Conor: I know I probably should be happy that Nintendo are taking a more agrressive tance towards the market, releasing Gamecube 2 (or whatever it'lll be called) closer to Xbox2 and PS3 but it feels as if Nintendo have went back on their word and got dragged into this 'console war'.

If GC2 launchs in Japan and/or US (it will in no shape or form be released in Europe in 2005) then the lifespan of Gamecube would be set at 3 years. 3 years !? Hell no I say. I want my Gamecube to last me like the N64 lasted me, unless Nintendo have some divine revolutionary idea that Gamecube 2 will have, I don't see the point in releasing early just to compete with Sony and Microsoft.

After all, what happened to Nintendo "not being in competition with Sony and Microsoft"? Talk about a 180 turn.

What do ou think about Gamecube 2 in 2005? Will it actually come out then? Are you glad Nintendo is being this competetive? Post your comments on the issue.

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